Chapter 34 Arrangements

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Ye An's facial expression was grim, understanding Minister Wu's implications on what might have happened to the two soldiers. She then turned to Minister Wang. "Do you know what happened between General Shao and Lieutenant General Peng when he arrived at the border during that invasion ten years ago?"

"My apologies, Your Imperial Majesty. That I do not know." Minister Wang apologized.

Ye An sighed. "No matter then. Thank you for your information, Minister Wu, Minister Wang. I know how tough it is for the both of you to come forward with your information."

"Thank you for your grace, Your Imperial Majesty." Both of the ministers bowed.

"Minister Wang, you may leave. Minister Wu, we need to discuss Prince Adlai's accommodation."

"Yes, Your Imperial Majesty." Minister Wang bowed once again as he left the room.

"Minister Wu, I'm planning to have Prince Adlai move into the Imperial Palace while he's here." Ye An addressed Minister Wu once they were alone.

"Your Imperial Majesty, I wasn't aware that Prince Adlai didn't return to the North with the rest of the Northerners last night."

"Yes, it was a sudden arrangement. Chieftain Burat wanted him to shadow me until winter. And the chieftain seemed sincere enough that I agreed. Since I've agreed, it didn't seem right to let Prince Adlai continue living alone in the inn. I'm not even sure if he has any guards with him."

"Then do you want to have him move into the southern wing, Your Imperial Majesty?"

The southern wing was the closest to the Heavenly Gates. The Throne Hall where court meetings were held and the banquet hall where Ye An had dinner with the Northerners were also located there. It was the area in the entire Imperial Palace where court officials and foreign dignitaries could roam freely without the royal guards' scrutiny. Several residences were also built in the southern wing in anticipation of foreign guests.

"Yes, put him in the residence that's closest to the Mental Cultivation Hall." The Mental Cultivation Hall was situated directly in between the Southern Wing and the East Palace. Since the prince would be following her throughout the day and her daily activities mainly took place at the Mental Cultivation Hall, it would be more convenient for him to be living closer to that particular building.

"Understood, Your Imperial Majesty. Besides, the residence near the Mental Cultivation Hall is the only residence that could currently house guests. The rest are all under repairs and renovation."

"Well, everything fits smoothly then. And if he has servants with him, let them stay at the servants' quarters on the Northern Wing."

"Understood, Your Imperial Majesty. I will arrange it immediately."

"Thank you for your hard work, Minister Wu. You may leave."

Minister Wu bowed before leaving.

Ye An took her time to tidy her desk before heading out.

"Your Imperial Majesty." Xi Chen greeted as the emperor stepped out of the Mental Cultivation Hall.

"Lieutenant Yun! What are you doing here?"

"You didn't come back to the East Palace on time after your lesson with Tutor Jiang so I figured that I'll come and pick you up."

"Oh. Then why did you wait outside? You could've just come in to get me."

"The grand eunuch informed me of your private audience with Ministers Wu and Wang so I didn't want to intrude. Besides, I know that you'll be out in your own time."

Ye An nodded at the lieutenant's thoughtfulness. "Shall we go then?" Ye An asked as she walked down the roofed corridor that would take her back to the East Palace.

"Yes, Your Imperial Majesty. I've arranged for the royal chariot to be prepared." Xi Chen informed as he followed behind her. The grand eunuch followed closely behind them.

That made Ye An stop in her tracks as she turned to face the lieutenant. "Um.. Let's just go with the one without all the paintings outside. I'd like to be discreet."

"Understood. Then, would you like to also change before heading out?" Xi Chen suggested.

"That's a good idea."


Xi Chen headed to the stables after he safely escorted Ye An to the East Palace. When he arrived at the stables, he caught the coachman right on time as the man was about to leave for East Palace. After Xi Chen relayed Ye An's request, the coachman took some time to bridle the horses to one of the plain chariots. The coachman even apologized for taking the lieutenant's time as he made sure the horses were secured to the chariot.

"It's alright. Take your time." Xi Chen told the coachman kindly.

Soon after that, the horses were properly secured to the chariot. "My lord, you're heading back to the East Palace, isn't it? Hop on the back. I'll just drive you there."

"Alright, thanks." Xi Chen took up the offer and entered the coach. Compared to the royal chariot that was used during the Annual Hunt, this was slightly smaller but still had plenty of room. Similar to the royal chariot, there were windows on each side of the coach with curtains over them.

The chariot arrived at the East Palace swiftly. Hearing the clacking of horses' hoofs and the rattling of wooden wheels on the cobblestoned pavement, Ye An came outdoors as Xi Chen exited the coach and their eyes met.

This time, Ye An was dressed as a nobleman. With only half of her hair tied up into a bun as was customary for unmarried men of the common folk, a small silver crown secured the bun of hair on top of her head. The robes that she had chosen to dress in today consisted of two layers over the standard white inner robe due to the biting wind of autumn. On top of the white inner robe, there was a dark grey hanfu that was almost black with grey trimmings which were only a few shades lighter. The material of the hanfu had the glossy matte quality that was only prominent in high-grade silk. Over it was an unsashed outer coat, similar to the one she wore during the banquet the night before the hunt. But this time, it was black with intricate onyx beading near the ends of the wide sleeves. In one hand, she had a parcel that was wrapped in shiny gold silk.

Xi Chen couldn't help but stare and thought to himself that Ye An did make quite a striking figure.

"Lieutenant Yun!" Ye An yelled and Xi Chen finally came back to himself.

"My apologies, Your Imperial Majesty." Xi Chen apologized as he blinked back into reality.

"What were you thinking about so deeply that you didn't hear me? Anyway, since Prince Adlai might stand out too much with his furs, I asked the servants to pack a set of clothes for him. But I realized that I forgot to ask if you wanted a change of clothing as well. The weather's getting colder and I just noticed that you're still wearing what you wear in the summer."

"Oh. Thank you for your concern, Your Imperial Majesty. But I'll be fine." Blush slowly crept over both of Xi Chen's ears.

Ye An didn't think twice and only shrugged as she stepped into the coach with the coachman's assistance. "Alright. Well then, let's go."

Xi Chen stepped in behind her. Before both of them knew it, they were already well on their way.

The coach was filled with more awkward silence during the first few minutes of the journey. This was the first time they were both alone in a space since their awkward breakfast this morning.

Xi Chen cleared his throat and shook his head slightly to clear his unnecessary thoughts. There were more important things to discuss. "Your Imperial Majesty, I just found out something about the recent invasion from Ah Lin."

This perked Ye An up, who was also agonizing over the awkwardness in the coach. "Ah Lin? Is he still here?"

"Yes, since he'll be the military representative to escort the prince back to the North when winter comes."

"But where will he stay? Surely not the inn when Prince Adlai would be staying in the Imperial Palace?"

Xi Chen was stopped in his tracks. "I never thought of it. I think he was planning to stay at the inn, thinking that Prince Adlai would be staying there as well."

Xi Chen thought about it for a moment. "Is it alright if he stays with me, Your Imperial Majesty?"

"Hmm.. I guess it's fine. Since the other residences in the Southern Wing are under renovation. And I don't think Prince Adlai would want Ah Lin to stay with him."

"Thank you, Your Imperial Majesty."

"So what was Ah Lin's information?"

"The orders for more man to be assigned to the wall on the day of the invasion came directly from General Shao who was miles away in the capital at the time. But the border only received the letter a few hours before the incident."

"So his action actually aligns with what Minister Wu told me just now." Ye An muttered thoughtfully.

"Did both Minister Wu and Minister Wang come forward with their information?"

"Yes, they did."

The chariot was slowly entering the heart of the capital. The chatter of the commoners as they went by their day reached Ye An and Xi Chen.

Ye An pulled the edge of the curtain away slightly, just enough to peer out at the scene. "Minister Wu mentioned that the North might've informed General Shao of the invasion a couple of weeks earlier. A letter by Leader Wakhia was intercepted by a soldier working the wall at night. Apparently, it was a plot to weaken the people's trust in me. And the soldiers that his servant heard the information from are nowhere to be found."

"So do you mean that the general might have been colluding with the Northerners?"

Ye An let the curtain fall. "There's a possibility. If not, why not just let the men at the border know of this right from the start?"

"But General Shao and Leader Wakhia don't seem to recognize each other during the banquet. And even if they had colluded, won't he want them to win? Why send more people to the wall then?"

"That is what I don't understand." Ye An sighed.

They slowly arrived at the edge of the capital as the surrounding noise gradually died down.

"Wait, isn't that Minister Sze's residence?" Ye An asked as they passed by the only private residence around this area.

"Yes, I believe so."

"Let's ask him to join us. I've forgotten to ask if Prince Adlai is fluent in our language. We might need Minister Sze's help."

Ye An ordered the coachman to stop and stepped out of the coach with Xi Chen following close behind. When they attempted to enter the residence, they were stopped by a servant.

"We're here to see Minister Sze, your master." Ye An requested.

"Oh, may I know your name? I'll need to inform my master before I can let you in."

"Xi Chen. Yun Xi Chen." Ye An replied smoothly. Xi Chen raised an eyebrow behind her. "And a friend." Ye An gestured at Xi Chen.

"My lord, please wait for a moment."

In a few minutes, Sze Chang came running with his servant by his side. When the servant came by and informed him of the visitors, he instantly knew that it was the emperor and came running as fast as he could. Without taking time to catch his breath, Sze Chang panted. " Your Imperial Majesty."

The servant's eyes widened into saucers when he heard Sze Chang and quickly kneeled. "My apologies for being ignorant, Your Imperial Majesty."

Sze Chang bowed in apology as well. "My apologies, Your Imperial Majesty. I hope he didn't do anything to upset you."

"Oh, it's alright. At ease." Ye An said as she hurriedly pulled the servant up by his elbow and smiled benevolently at Sze Chang.

"Go prepare some tea. We'll be there soon." Sze Chang instructed his servant.

"Ah, Minister Sze, it's alright. We're just dropping by to ask if you're free to join us today. We'll be bringing Prince Adlai around town while Minister Wu gets his accommodation at the palace ready."

"Oh? He'll move into the Imperial Palace?"

"Yes, I figured that it would be more convenient for him to move into one of the residences in the Southern Wing instead of having him traveling between the palace and the inn every day."

"True, that would have been a lot of hassle." Sze Chang commented. "I'll just have a quick change of clothes and I'll be back in a while!"

"Alright. Take your time, Minister Sze. Let's wait in the chariot, Lieutenant Yun."

"After you, Your Imperial Majesty."

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