Chapter 47 Unfurled

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Ah Lin didn't know how he ended back in the kitchen, but he did. And he was now staring at the crackling firewood underneath the stone kitchen stove with utmost intensity.

Sze Chang passed by the kitchen and saw him. "What are you doing?"

Ah Lin, without even turning to look at Sze Chang, answered. "I'm trying to burn off the image now etched on my poor eyes."

That piqued Sze Chang's curiosity which made him enter the kitchen. "Huh? What image?"

Ah Lin finally took his eyes off the fire and turned to face Chang. "Do you think it's possible for two men to be in love?"

Sze Chang choked on his own breath before composing himself. "Well, love is love."

Ah Lin narrowed his eyes. "Chang.. Have you loved a man before?"

Sze Chang avoided eye contact.

"You have!" As always, Ah Lin's excitement instantly went through the roof when he sensed anything scandalous. He shot up into a stand and starting to crowd on Sze Chang.

"N-no." Sze Chang stammered as he avoided Ah Lin. However, his brain stopped functioning due to the sudden jitters in his nerves and he somehow ended being farther away from the entrance as he backed away from Ah Lin.

Ah Lin's narrowed eyes slanted even more as he slowly cornered Sze Chang until the latter's back touched the frame of the only opened window in the kitchen. Even the cool wind couldn't cool the back of Sze Chang's neck as heat rose from his rapidly beating heart. Ah Lin planted both of his hands on the window frame on either side of Sze Chang, successfully caging the young minister in as he looked imploringly into his eyes.

Through narrowed eyes, Ah Lin declared, "You might not know this because I'm such a humble person but I'm one of the northern troop's best interrogators. I could see into people's souls through their eyes. Don't even think about lying to me."

Sze Chang's eyelashes fluttered like a deer caught in a difficult situation. Ah Lin's heart suddenly tightened. "You have really pretty eyes.. But why do they look so sad?"

Sze Chang's eyes widened more.

At that moment, Prince Adlai stepped into the kitchen. Sze Chang quickly pushed Ah Lin away and straightened his clothes.

"Oh. Um. Sorry. I was hungry. Thought I'd drop by the kitchen to see if there's anything I could eat. I didn't mean to interrupt. You guys go ahead." Prince Adlai nervously apologized and turned to leave.

Before Prince Adlai could leave, a red-faced Ah Lin grabbed him in a hurry. "It's not what you think!"

Prince Adlai turned to look at both Ah Lin and Sze Chang. "Don't be embarrassed. It's perfectly common in the North for men to swear eternal partnerships."

"I'm not embarrassed! There's nothing going on! We're not swearing eternal partnership!"

Prince Adlai swept his gaze between a red-faced Ah Lin and an embarrassed Sze Chang before attempting to leave the kitchen again. "Sure."

Before Prince Adlai could leave another time, Ah Lin called him. "Adlai, wait! Since you're both here, do you want to head to the outdoor hot springs for a bath in a while? I'm planning on inviting Xi Chen as well. Not sure if His Imperial Majesty is up for it, but I'll try roping him too."

As if he suddenly remembered something, Ah Lin murmured to himself. "Or should I give them both some private time..?"

Prince Adlai hesitated. "No-"

"Alright, I'll see you then." Ah Lin pulled himself out of his thoughts and said cheerfully, ignoring what was clearly a rejection from the teenage prince.

"But I don't-"

"Alright. Alright. You go get ready first, I'll meet you later. I'll bring some snacks as well. Now, off you go." Ah Lin said as he forcefully pushed Prince Adlai out without giving him any more chances to refuse his invite.

After Prince Adlai left, Ah Lin sighed. "I hope he doesn't fall into a depression because of Chieftain Burat's death."

"You seem to care about Prince Adlai a lot." Sze Chang remarked levelly.

"Really? Probably because despite everything, he's so young. And he somehow reminds me of how Xi Chen was back then."

"Back then?"

"Yes, when we first entered the military ten years ago."

That made Sze Chang clam up. "Ten years.. ago?"

"Anyway, enough about them. You're coming too, right?" Ah Lin turned his full attention to Sze Chang.

"I-I'll think about it." Sze Chang replied uncertainly, still deep in thought.

"Eyyy.. Don't be like that. If it's about earlier, then I apologize. You'll miss out if you come to the northern border and not try the hot springs."

Sze Chang dithered but accepted the invitation in the end. "Fine. I'll go."

"Yes! See you later then." Ah Lin said as he rushed out to look for Xi Chen and Ye An to extend his invitation to them, leaving Sze Chang alone in the kitchen.


"Ahhh.. My brothers. This is the life, isn't it?" Ah Lin let out a sigh as he stepped into one of the many outdoor hot springs where Prince Adlai and Sze Chang were already seated in.

"I still can't get used to all the fog. I much prefer the cold baths on the other side." Xi Chen commented as he too eased himself into the hot spring.

"Are you crazy? A cold bath in this weather?" Ah Lin asked with a shocked expression on his face.

"If we did that in the North, people would say that we're looking to end our lives." Prince Adlai added darkly before returning to his quiet and solemn self.

Sze Chang cleared his throat awkwardly and changed the subject. "Hot springs is the best in this cold weather. No wonder you're so adamant about it, Ah Lin."

"Right? Told you that you wouldn't regret it." Ah Lin said smugly before turning to Xi Chen again. "I take it that His Imperial Majesty won't be joining us tonight?"

"Uh, no. It seems like he's tired from the travel here. And since our travels continue tomorrow, he's opted to rest in the room for the night."

"Oh, alright. Well, I guess he could come here to experience the hot springs whenever he wants to later on. He's the emperor after all." Ah Lin shrugged his shoulders which caused the warm waters of the hot spring to ripple.

"But is it usually this empty?" Sze Chang asked.

"Yes. Unfortunately, a lot of the people in the military share the same brain cell as Lieutenant Yun here. They think a cold bath is better than hot springs. To be honest, I think they're just trying to appeal to the youngest ever lieutenant general who is oh so far from their reach."

Xi Chen scoffed at Ah Lin's unpretentious sarcasm. "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"It's true! You know your subordinates call you the White Tiger in reverence behind your back, don't you?"

Xi Chen raised an eyebrow incredulously, barely able to conceal another scoff.

"Yes, I've heard it from the ministers too. When you first appeared at the court meeting with His Imperial Majesty." Sze Chang commented, suddenly remembering the time when they first met during the court meeting.

Except for Prince Adlai who had returned to his hermit self, the rest of them engaged in a long conversation that revolved around Xi Chen's greatness.

"Alright. Alright. I get it." Xi Chen said, trying to stop both of them from continuing. It wasn't clear if the redness on his ears was from the heat of the hot springs or from his own embarrassment at learning about other people's apparently high views of him. He then climbed out from the hot springs. "I'm getting out. Are any of you coming?"

"Eh. I want to stay for a little longer." Ah Lin immediately rejected Xi Chen's invitation.

"I'll get going as well. I'm starting to get pruny." Sze Chang said as he stepped out as well.

"What about you, Adlai?" Xi Chen asked.

Prince Adlai finally looked up from his own thoughts. "I'll stay."

Xi Chen then walked with Sze Chang to the small dressing room where all of their clothes were at.

Once they were in the dressing room, Xi Chen couldn't help but feel Sze Chang's intense gaze on him. He turned to look at the Minister of Foreign Affairs and caught him staring at the scar that he had at the side of his torso.

"H-how did you get this scar?" Sze Chang asked with a frown.

"Oh. Um-"

Xi Chen never got the chance to explain before Sze Chang continued. "I stabbed someone in the exact same place before."

Chill ran down Xi Chen's spine as he remembered the circumstances of his scar.

Sze Chang's eyes traveled to look at Xi Chen directly in his eyes. "Did you get this ten years ago at the foot of the mountain where the Temple of Ninety Nine Blessings stood?"

Sze Chang's usually pleasingly warm presence suddenly turned cold. Even the warmth from the hot springs was starting to dissipate from Xi Chen as he held his breath without saying a word.

"Well, did you?" Sze Chang pressed, his voice frigid.

The muscle in Xi Chen's cheek twitched before he answered. "Yes."

It was an unpleasant memory Xi Chen had intended to suppress for the rest of his life. He didn't know that it would be up for inspection so unexpectedly. And by someone so unexpected.

"You.." Sze Chang breathed. "You're the one who murdered Enkh."


Xi Chen tossed and turned while he was in bed. He couldn't shake off the residual sentiments from his interaction with Sze Chang earlier. In the end, Xi Chen couldn't answer him and Sze Chang didn't push for it, almost as if he suddenly decided that he didn't want to hear about it. But there was no doubt that both of them knew the truth of what had happened ten years ago.

Ah Lin was sleeping in between him and Sze Chang, and Xi Chen couldn't help but cast a glance in Sze Chang's direction as he thought about the teenager who stabbed him all those years ago. Then, he looked down at the barely noticeable scar on his right palm as he thought about the deed that warranted the attack.

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