Chapter 9 Sabotage

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"Ah, Minister Hu. I can always count on you." The shadow spoke.

"But of course. I am always at your service, Your Majesty."

"Hmm.. That's nice to hear. You sure have a way with words, Minister Hu." The shadow purred in satisfaction as he took a sip of his tea.

Right at that moment, the rest of the ministers entered the musty basement.

"Your Majesty. General Shao." They collectively bowed at the shadow and General Shao who was beside him.

"Now that we are all here. Let's start this meeting." The shadow announced.

"Your Majesty, I will get straight into it. It is a shame that the invasion didn't go as expected but we could turn this situation to our advantage." One of the ministers who arrived later spoke.

"Yes, thank you Minister Zhan. In fact, I believe Minister Hu has laid out the foundations for us. Egging Lee Ye An into war was a smart move. Well done, Minister Hu." The shadow said approvingly. Everyone present knew that it was a rare show of praise by the shadow behind the paper screen. "But Lee Ye An doesn't seem too convinced to go to war."

"But he also didn't say it outright that we won't be going to war, Your Majesty." Minister Zhan quipped.

"Yes. He is still new to the position and he needs the support of the court. I believe we would be able to influence his decision in the next court meeting if we play it correctly." Minister Peng who arrived with Minister Zhan added.

General Shao chose this moment to speak. "I agree with Minister Peng. It doesn't matter if he insists on his agreement agenda. As long as the court puts enough pressure on our intention for war, he wouldn't be able to refuse."

Minister Hu caressed his beard. "Yes. And when the decision of war is established, we could send the best weapons to the Northerners with General Shao's assistance, ensuring their victory."

General Shao replied jovially at the idea. "Of course. I should add to the effort as well. Couldn't let you take all the credit, Minister Hu. Once the war ends with the Northerner's victory, that's when you will come into the picture, Your Majesty. We would ensure that you would be able to defeat the Northerners and show our alliance to you in the end, Your Majesty."

"What about the Empress Mother? I believe you would be able to handle it as well?" The shadow asked.

"Of course. Everything has been leading up to this. She even stood on our side in the court meeting earlier. Leave her to me." General Shao assured the person behind the paper screen confidently.

The shadow chuckled. "That was you? Then that settles it. We move forward by pushing for the war agenda in the next meeting. I trust that all of you would be able to make that happen?"

"Of course, Your Majesty." All of the ministers present, including General Shao, replied in unison.

The person behind the paper screen broke into a sinister smile.


It had been over three hours since the court meeting ended and that was how long Xi Chen had been standing guard in front of the emperor's private chambers.

The young emperor was silent during the entire journey back to the East Palace and asked to be left alone when they arrived at the emperor's residence. He ordered everyone, including the young lieutenant, to be at least fifty steps away from the emperor's private chambers, but Xi Chen had always had trouble leaving people alone when they obviously needed the company. He knew that the emperor had heard every single word that was uttered by the court officials as they were exiting the Throne Hall. He couldn't imagine how demoralizing that must have felt.

Faint footsteps were heard as Governess Hsu appeared in the hallway leading to the emperor's chambers while holding a tray of food. When she saw the young lieutenant, she sighed but smiled as well, grateful that at least Ye An was not alone this time.

"Governess Hsu." Xi Chen bowed at her.

"There's no need to bow, Lieutenant Yun. I'm merely a servant." Governess Hsu smiled kindly.

"And what's wrong with bowing to a servant?" Xi Chen replied good-naturedly.

Xi Chen's matter-of-fact tone took Governess Hsu by surprise but she smiled as she realized that was probably what Ye An would blurt out as well. She shook her head slightly at the similarity in their mannerisms.

"Have you eaten, Lieutenant Yun?" Governess Hsu continued softly.

As a matter of fact, Xi Chen hadn't had anything since breakfast which only consisted of the snow pears that he had received from the elderly couple whom he had met on the way to the capital yesterday.

Before Xi Chen could answer, Governess Hsu took one look at Xi Chen and just said "You wait here, alright? I'll bring you to the kitchens after this and whip something up for you."

"It's alri-" Before Xi Chen could finish, Governess Hsu had already knocked on the doors to the emperor's private chambers, entered the room, and closed the doors, all in one motion.


"Your Imperial Majesty, do you know that the poor boy is standing guard out there? Probably since you've returned?" Governess Hsu started as she placed the tray of food on Ye An's table.

"Please. He's definitely not a boy. I nearly broke my neck looking at him." Ye An replied while still looking at the scroll that she had in front of her.

Governess Hsu's eyes crinkled as she smiled and shook her head for the second time that day. "Considering that he could've very well chosen to leave you all alone, he's a pretty decent person."

"I would like to be left alone and had directly expressed my intentions to be left alone. So, isn't he not respecting my wishes by staying?" Ye An refuted calmly, finally laying the scroll down and looking at the governess.

"But you have to admit, Your Imperial Majesty. That you don't always ask for what you actually need." Governess Hsu said gently.

Ye An pursed her lips at the truth. Governess Hsu had been caring for Ye An since day one and sometimes Ye An felt that the governess knew her better than she knew herself. She was so used to switching her emotions off as needed because that was expected of her while growing up under the Empress Mother's watchful eye.

Don't let others know that you're a girl.

Don't show any emotions, only the weak wear their hearts on their sleeves.

Why are you crying? Emperors don't cry, only little girls cry.

Those were the Empress Mother's words that were drilled into Ye An since her birth.

"What is that on the tray?" Ye An decided to change the subject.

Governess Hsu knew instantly what Ye An was doing but she also realized that it would do no good for the both of them if she continued to talk about it. So she decided to let it slide this time. "I brought lunch for you. You can have it by yourself."

"Wait. You're leaving?" Ye An asked, feeling incredulous. Governess Hsu had always watched her finish her food before leaving.

"Yes. I need to feed Lieutenant Yun. I for one, don't have the ability nor the energy to lift him up if he ends up fainting at your door. Do you?"

"It would be a concern if someone who's supposed to be able to protect me from all harm faints just because he missed a meal or two." Ye An muttered.

Governess Hsu just gave her a stern look until Ye An finally said, "Fine, that was uncalled for."

"I'll be back to collect the cutleries when you're done. Please enjoy your meal, Your Imperial Majesty." With that, Governess Hsu bowed at Ye An and let herself out of the emperor's chambers.

After the governess had left, Ye An muttered to herself as she stabbed the bowl of rice with her chopsticks, "It's like she found another favorite child."


The door suddenly opened from the inside as Xi Chen stood guard.

"Come. Lieutenant Yun." Governess Hsu instructed bossily.

"That was quick. Shouldn't someone accompany His Imperial Majesty while he's dining?" Xi Chen asked.

"His Imperial Majesty will be fine." Governess Hsu waved her hand dismissively.

Xi Chen raised an eyebrow at the dismissive way Governess Hsu was addressing the young emperor as she walked rapidly in front of Xi Chen.

After a while, Governess Hsu realized that Xi Chen wasn't following and called to him. "Lieutenant Yun! Let's go!"


"No buts. If you plan to protect the emperor, you need to eat. His Imperial Majesty will be fine. The palace security is one of the best in the nation. Even if it's not, His Imperial Majesty is well-versed in martial arts and even has his bow and arrows with him." Governess Hsu continued walking.

Xi Chen looked to the door and then towards Governess Hsu's rapidly retreating body indecisively.

"Lieutenant Yun, how many times do I need to ask you to follow me?" Governess Hsu turned towards Xi Chen and called out to him again.

"Alright. I'm coming." Xi Chen finally obliged.

Governess Hsu brought Xi Chen to the kitchens that was bustling with activity in the middle of the day. The doorway into the kitchens was so low that Xi Chen had to lower his head in order to fit through the doorway. As he entered the enormous room, he instantly felt the heat emanating from the crackling fire of the kitchen stoves and was ambushed by the smell wafting from each station. Governess Hsu didn't stop walking, prompting Xi Chen to enter deeper into the kitchens.

A dumpy cook was stoking the fire and adding more logs into one of the many kitchen stoves before heaving a pot filled to the brim with water, herbs, and pork bones onto it. The heat from the stove added to the already stifling summer heat made Xi Chen's eyes water.

As he walked away and blinked his eyes, he saw a few cooks on the other side slicing, cutting, and chopping away on wooden chopping boards that were sawed directly from tree trunks; while another cook was pulling out delicate steamed buns that were shaped into lotus flowers from the steam basket and placing them on expensive porcelain plates.

Governess Hsu weaved through the crowd of cooks effortlessly, her dress swishing with every turn. On the contrary, Xi Chen, having never walked through such as crowd, kept bumping into the cooks who were busy carrying food across the floor. Thankfully, he was agile enough that he managed to lighten the impact every time he bumped into someone, preventing any unwanted accidents.

Finally, they reached a small corner of the kitchens that had a table and a couple of stools by it. It was a place where the cooks rested in between their tasks throughout the day. And based on the basket of peeled garlic and the traces of garlic skin scattered around the basket, it seemed like it was also the cooks' peeling station.

"Wait here for a while, I'll get you something to eat." Governess Hsu assured Xi Chen as she cleared the table of the basket of garlic and its skin before rushing off to another part of the kitchens. Xi Chen had a peculiar feeling that he was a child again as he waited for the governess.

While he waited for Governess Hsu, Xi Chen peeked through the window that was strategically placed near the table so that people seated at the table could look out to the courtyard behind the kitchens. The courtyard was covered with vibrant summer flowers of various colors that were currently in full bloom. Birds were chirping while cicadas called. But there was no trace of the delicate white flowers that he saw in the Forbidden Garden last night.

"Here. I took some food from some of the cooks. My apologies that I couldn't prepare something for you myself. I hope that you understand." Governess Hsu returned with a couple of the steamed lotus buns that Xi Chen had spotted earlier and a few small plates with an assortment of dishes on them to complement the steaming bowl of white rice.

"Oh. Don't worry, it's fine. Thank you for getting me these." Xi Chen could barely stop his stomach from rumbling appreciatively.

Governess Hsu smiled as she sat opposite Xi Chen. "I'll make you dumplings next time."

"Erm.. Sure." Xi Chen hesitated before answering.

"Why? Do you not like dumplings?" Governess Hsu sensed Xi Chen's apprehension.

Xi Chen let out a rare sheepish smile that told Governess Hsu everything she needed to know.

"Alright, then what would you like to eat?" Governess Hsu inquired.

"There's no need to trouble yourself."

"It's no trouble. And I'm doing this not for you. It's for my own ease of mind that you'll have the energy to protect His Imperial Majesty."

Xi Chen highly doubted that was the case since Governess Hsu seemed to be pretty confident in the young emperor's martial arts and archery skills earlier but he quietly answered, "Then.. Roasted sweet potatoes."

"Roasted sweet potatoes?" Governess Hsu looked skeptical.

"Roasted sweet potatoes." Xi Chen repeated. This time with more conviction. "To be honest, I don't really have any particular favorites with regards to food. But there's a lot of good memories associated with roasted sweet potatoes. Not all, but a lot."

"Well. Alright. I'll roast some sweet potatoes for you next time." Governess Hsu promised.

"Thank you." Xi Chen smiled as he dug into his late lunch as Governess Hsu looked on contentedly.

Xi Chen was popping the last pieces of the steamed lotus buns into his mouth when Governess Hsu spoke again. This time her tone was a notch more serious.

"Lieutenant Yun."


"Please keep an eye on His Imperial Majesty."

"What do you mean?" Xi Chen finally looked at Governess Hsu in the eye, sensing the severity of her tone.

"I noticed that he had his commoner clothes out while I was putting down his lunch tray just now."

Xi Chen was confused. Why in the world would the emperor own commoner clothes and why was the emperor pulling out those clothes a concern?

"He'll probably leave the palace tonight." Governess Hsu continued, answering Xi Chen's unuttered questions.

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