Chapter 22: Bolt ➰Nightstar➰

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I hurt all over. I don't remember what happened. I crack open me eyes to see the sun beating down on me. I ten notice how dry my scales feel. And there's sand underneath me. I open my eyes wider looking. I adjust to the sunlight so I can see my surroundings.

I'm laying on a beach. The ocean not far from me. I stand up and carefully look around trying to avoid passing out again. Mostly sea birds fly around. There is a small section of rain forest with wet plants.

I look back at the ocean and feel like something is telling me to enter the depths of the water. The instinct is too tempting. I wade into the water limping. Just before u completely submerge into the water a fuzzy thought pops into my head about what happened. But it is quickly pushed away by the force of the thing calling me to the ocean.


Once Goldensun had left, me and Blazefire tried tracking her. But once we started looking it was like she and her fire animals had completely disappeared. Like they where nothing but our imagination. We had even flown off the island of Berk to see if we could find traces of her in any of the near by islands. But still nothing.

We now are on our way back from The old dragons nest. The thick fog cover kept us hidden but also made it hard to see anything.

I swerve around a large tower of stone, using my wings to push me forward in the sky. Blazefire Flys slightly ahead of me. He is having trouble with the fog too.

After flying a distance we burst out of the wall of grey. The bright ocean and sunlight is a relief to see after being in nothing but the damp, grey cover for so long. We flew in the direction of Berk. I couldn't help but see that something seemed off about the way the sky looked.

It looked dindgy. Like a thin sheet of dusty ice was floating in the sky giving it a brown tinge. Like smoke.

...Smoke. We hadn't left anyone to guard the village. Me and Blazefire went looking for Goldensun, Twilight and Silver are looking for Darkfang and Bolt, While Sapphire and Skyress where looking for Hiccup while Nightholly had gone to help Toothless.

Unless our uncles or grandparents where guarding the village, the only thing protection it where the riders and their dragons.

" Blizefire-"

" I know, " he says before speeding up.

When we get closer I could see our efforts of saving the village earlier where pointless.

Almost all the houses where burnt to nothing but ashes. A few had a few walls standing but still burning. The doors of the great hall had been Ripped from their hinges. The entrance to the dragon stables was siting at the bottoms if the cliff in pieces. Some of the waves carried the wooden shards out to sea.

I looked around for any of the people and felt a heavy dread come over me as I saw no evidence of any living residents. All I could see where some drifting Feathers from a chicken that I couldn't find.

My throat started to feel very tight as I gazed at the the landscape bellow me. Blazefire coughs. I look over at him but he looks in the other direction.

My wings slow as I get closer to the ground. I land running forward to avoid face plants into the charred grass. Blazefire lands beside me. I start walking in the direction of our home but soon start running.

The place where I had lived all my life couldn't be gone. There where too many memories to loose. And I wasn't the only one who would suffer. Hiccup lived here before us with his father. Hiccup had so many e venturing waiting to be made in his numerous note books. Not to mention our parents as Valka. We couldn't loose out home.

When I came into sight of our home I felt the air get stuck in my lungs. Blazefire let out a deep breath. We walked forward to the front door.

" It's ok. " Blazefire said reassuringly.

I didn't respond as I walked inside. The floor creaked as we walked in single file. The table was black and brittle. The whole house smelled of smoke.

I couldn't breath. My eyes where watering.

It was all gone.

The small area where Valka would make meals was nothing but a large black counter falling apart. Bo longer able to supportive self. The basket of fish for us was no longer beside it. Only a pile of many fish bones that couldn't burn.

Ash was floating around in a daze. Like the objects it used to be couldn't believe it wasn't anything anymore. It was just a price of dust, ready to be forgotten by all others an be lost in the endless death.

I slowly blinked. Not ready to except my home was gone.

" Maybe there's something in Hiccup's room. " Bkazefire says starting to walk towards the stairs.

We slowly walked up them, not wanting them to collapse. When we got to the part where the stairs had two walls on each side about a half tail length away from Hiccup's door Blazefire stoped.

" Remember when Dad told us about the time he had gotten stuck here between these two walls while he was trying to get into the room.?"

I paused for a second picturing the funny story in my head that he had told us when we where very small.

" Yeah," I answer.

" Well your going to have to back Up because Im stuck."

"Oh" I take a few steps back down the stairs.

Blazefire started to move back while wiggling trying to in wedge himself between the walls. After a minute he got far enough back raised his wings up above him instead of having them tucked at his side and walked forward again. Just like how our dad had said he had to.

When I followed behind Blazefire I saw the damage of the room. It wasn't as black and crisp as downstairs, but not usable. Hiccup's blankets had been seared at the edges. The ceiling was dyed black from the smoke that had been there with out being able to escape.

I walked by the slab of Rock that my mom and dad slept on. It was warm. It reminded me when we where all small enough to fit into it with them. But we all few and finally just had to sleep on the floor in a heap beside them.

I looked around for the chest Hiccup held some of his things in. I found it in between his desk and bed. I walked towards it and saw that more badly damaged by the fire then anything else around it. That was odd.

I looked back at Blazefire who was investigating something on the opposite side of the room. I turned back to the chest. I want to see whats inside it. I closed my eyes and feel my claws shrink into nothing but harmless fingernails. my wings an Tail shrank back into nothingness and scales became soft, and unprotective.

I open my eyes and stand up on my feet. I look back at Blazefire who only glanced at me before returning to what he was doing.

I have grown sense the first time I had ever shape shifted into human form. I had grown taller and had noticeable aged. Valka said I was around 17. A few years younger than Hiccup she had added.

I also had to get new cloths. I had to get new cloths numerous times actually because I grew up faster than humans. But luckily Valka was good at making clothing. Now I wore a black shirt with Green stripes down the back, with the normal pair of pants made from leather that most Vikings wore.

I had wondered why she had made the shirt so dark with the bright green vertical green stripes along the back. Valka said it was to mach my scales. She thought that I might like it better because it would be the same colors that I was used to seeing on me.

She had been right. I do like them.

I kneel back down to the chest. My sword clinking on the floor. I open it up carefully hoping to not break the hinges. Inside where some notebooks, I page through some of them before commingled across a map.

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