Chapter 25: Blazefire

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(Above is some wonderful art of Nightstar, made by TheBlackWerewolf thanks for letting me post it! And good job!)


I stare at my brother as he talks to me quickly, almost excitedly.

" Wait, so your saying that you found an island-"

" No! Not an island! Many islands, our islands!" Bolt practically yells throwing is paws in the air.

He still being covered in water from his swim here sprays me with droplets of water making me his in pain as the water sizzles on my scales.

" You found the battle field?" Nightstar asks astonished. "How did you do that? The scroll we found said that only..." Nightstar drifts off thinking to himself.

" Come on we have to go! Darkfang needs to talk to you two. It's very important." Bolt says. He turns and flys in the opposite direction and dives into the ocean below.

" Go get him" I tell Nightstar as I look into the blue water.

Nightstar sighs before diving into the water. He comes back up shortly towing our blue brother behind.

" Sorry forgot, " Bolt says giving a wry smile as I give him a blank stare.

" I Suggest maybe leading us to the islands without having to melt me alive in the water,"

Bolt just gives a small apologetic smile makings Nightstar chuckle. Bolt turns away leading us. After about half an hour of flying I notice that we are continuously going lower towards the water. I couldn't figure out why until it hit me that Bolt has never been really good at flying.

" Do you want me to help you?" I ask Bolt flying up beside him.

" No," Bolt says with a hard look.

He was always embarrassed when he had to be carried when we were all little. Now almost fully grown I'm sure he would find it humiliating.

" Bolt come on. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. We are you brothers, we know flying is hard for you. But we also know there is nothing else in the entire world that could swim faster or more skillfully than you. Just let me help."

Nightstar gives an agreeing nod.

Bolt shakes his head. After a while of continued flying I finally moved ahead of Boot so he could fly in my slip stream so he could glide more than having to directly fly.

Nightstar stays quiet the rest of the way to our destination. A deep look of thought on his face. Finally a group of islands comes into sight. As we got closer I could see that they where all in a almost perfect circle formation around a single almost flat island in the center of the group.

I look at each of the outlining islands. The largest one was filled with dark trees and undergrowth. From this first ante I couldn't see Too many details but it faintly reminded me of Darkfang. Next to it was an island with very lush vegetation, of all colors and types of trees, there was no doubt that if these islands were to represent us some how that this one was Skyress's island. And next was a snowy, and ice island with small cliffs and outcropping's of stone. There's was another one almost half submerged in water, the one next to it was silvers as clouds hung closer to this one and it was like a tundra, next another one with a forest but not as lush as Skyress's. After looking at the following two islands for Twilight, and Nightstar, I see mine. It was almost too tempting to fly as fast as I could to it. It seemed like it was calling to me trying to bring me there. I look back and see that Nightstar had the same look of longing as he gazed at his island. Bolt too was glancing at the half submerged island like it one of the his favorite fish, a plump Perch. But he turned away and started searching free ground. I found Darkfangs pure black scales pop out against the calm green of Twilights island. We all dive towards her. I land gracefully with Nightstar at my side as Bolt stumbles as he lands.

" Ok, so as you should is that me and Nightstar had found some clues to what is supposed to happen with the battle with Goldensun so we can make her stop destroying everything on Berk. We've finally found where we are supposed to have the final battle. I don't know enough yet about how or what will happen but im hoping these islands will give us more information.  Each of us as our own island. You should find something there that should help us find out what will happen. That's all I can really tell you fr now. Meet back here tomorrow at noon. " Darkfang says before walking over to me.

" Keep on alert. " With that she jumps off into the air heading towards the darker island. I turn to say something to Bolt but I only see where his tail disappears into water. I look around and see that everyone has run off to their own island. I role my eyes and jump into the air following the calls pulling me towards the island with the Volcano.

There's no smoke pouting the sky above the volcano even with the molten lava bubbling inside the volcano. I arch downwards through the opening in the active mountain. I glide slowly down towards the hot rock looking at all the details of the inside of the mountain. I land on a ledge of rock and look at the lava. I've never seen lava before. I slowly climb down the rock ledges until him right above the bubbling liquid. I put one paw into it and almost instantly have the urge just to jump in.

Undignifingly I leap like an excited little hatchling into my element. This is the first time in my life I have ever swam before. I use my tail and legs to make myself go and turn. I dive under the surface leap out before falling back down in a slash.

After a while of enjoying my self I notice a cave in the side of the mountain. I clamber out of the lava and shake myself out before climbing the rocks easily up to it. I pear inside.

There is a tunnel leading further in. The cave is lit with rocks imbedded in the rock. They glow a warm red as I walk in. I follow the tunnel until it spilt in two directions. I went leafy and noticed the floor starting to droop downwards. I keep walking until I meat a little cavern lava thinly covered the floor. I walk forward into it and make small ripples in the molten. On the opposite wall is I ruby red Gem brighter then the duller stones that  lit the cave and tunnels.  I reach out and touch it with with my claw and suddenly experience this weird feeling of being powerful, and fierce urge to protect my family and this gem. I take my claw away. This was something that no one but me should ever get a hold of.

I back out of the room and explore the rest of the tunnels and caves finding what I assumed is my sleeping room along with other different places and things. After getting bored of the tunnels I find my way back to the volcano and go down to the lava, I need to learn how to use my element.

( well this chapter was much longer than o thought it would be. It was originally going to have Silver too, but oh well. Remember to comment and give suggestions on the story or the Characters!)

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