Chapter 34

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"The stones of power will guard you"

"The stones," I whisper in realization. " I need to get out of here!," I say grabbing Darkflames shoulders. My claws nearly slide right through his form as I do so.

" I don't know. I've tried so many times. There is no way,"

" You are Death, you can send yourself back." The voice responds.

" but how!" I snap.

I receive a look of confusion from Darkflame.

"Like this,"  it hisses.

A screech escapes me as a sudden flare of pain in my side sends my flying back like I had been hit with a powerful sea dragon's tail.



StarNight flung himself full force onto the red dragon whose scales tried to burn through his own as they sizzled from the water mist.

He let go once they were both under the water. The Earth's fire was franticly trying to struggle towards the surface but something seemed to pull the dragon down as he scratched at his melting scales. Starnight  didn't dare cringe as he turned away from his fifth victim. He only had his pair, the fluid one and the guardian left of the dragonetts.

Nightstars wings beat powerfully has he spared out of the water and and back onto the land where the water had already started to recess. Goldensun stood firm in her spot by he could feel her weakness coming off of her like waves. Her mane of flames where sputtering and the sheen of her golden fur wasn't as bright. He flew over the ground not far up, he passed his master but he wasn't ready for what came next.

Claws sunk into his tough scales on the back his neck as the dragon dragged him back down with their weight. The dead female was staring into his eyes.

Time seemed to slow down as he stared back into them. He could see a shield over her eyes blocking him from seeing in. Her eyes were cold, dark and filled with anger but that quickly changed as for the first time he could feel she let go of the shields, let go of her control, let go of her thoughts, and let go of her reign over her power.

Icy Claws seemed to dig into his heart as he was forced to experience her wrath in slowed time. In her eyes they started to fill with a confidence and love for his suffering. Her mind filled with what was wrong with him, gathering how he stared back in terror and pain, his own claws grasping her neck weakly as she forced the cold, dark power to sink inside of him.

" You are going to sleep, and when you wake My army will be ready," she whispered.

StarNight was stiff as she flung around and threw him into the ground. His heart raced as he watched unable to move as the female dissipated into lightning and shadows.

The ground rumbled before one by one each of the surrounding islands fell, collapsing in on its self. Only his eyes could move as it happened. Each island fell to pieces as the air filled with the smell of a storm. I forced my eyes to stay open.

All the things you've done, and you don't understand what it was for. Do you not realize what you are? A new female voice asked as it penetrated my head.

Do you not see what kind of monster you are? Your just a tool, only to be thrown away once you break. You are designed to follow orders from your master, nothing but a hidden monster under a mask of childish innocence.

It was the silver dragon speaking to me, her brother of thoughts and Night beside her.

"You kill to serve, your only reason to live is kill and die"  he snarls. " Now watch as we kill a part of you!" He looks up at my master, my queen. The queen I had Undoubtedly  followed the second I saw her, listened to every order she gave me. Killed all her enemy's. Only I failed her. I didn't kill all of them. I kept the monster of them all alive. If I had done what she had always  told him why was most important of all the things she would tell me.

" kill the leader! Kill the leader! KILL THE LEADER!" She always pounded into my head.

But what about the times I didn't know where I was or how I got there? What about the missing pieces of my life? What happened to all my years? I don't Remember a single one of them. Only the few times she summoned me to kill.

" You will watch her become imprisoned in her own faults," The fire of the Earth growls. But he died in the water. What's wrong with his scales? I ask myself as I stare at the red dragon. His vibrant colored scales seem to be dripping free from his skin underneath with a unsettling appearance.

I look back to Goldensun who is pinned under the dark dragon, father of the eight. His eyes boring holes into her fur. As a doe she must have been easy to attack without me to guard my queen.

I receive a gaze full of hate and disappointment from her causing me to look away.

With no warning then fire of the earth, Blazefire leaps over my stiff, frozen body over to my queen. Their father falls away as they begin a two on one battle with the doe. The red ones scales splatter onto Goodensun as he battles her on one side while his brother, the ocean distracts her from behind.

I try to get up but am shoved back down both a rock hard glare from Death. I notice a new ornament on her, it's almost like a silver crown only it runs under her ears but above her eyes with a stone placed just between them implanted in the delicately decorated silver band.

I look away as a disturbing sight fills my eyes as a red light wrapped around The fiery ones neck blinds me, a second color of sapphire ignites the air around the two. And odd sound comes from their direction causing me to force myself to look as my queen is buried in an encasement of volcanic rock.

Quickly boulders erupt from the ground along with an army of vines and the roots of the strongest trees. The dragon with the scales the color of the purest snow runs forward and forces her claws into the Rock of the imprisonment. Ice  flows from her as I watch in horror as everything is turned to Ice, including my queen inside. The dragon of thoughts comes forward, she too has a stone imbedded in a silver bracelet  around her ankle. A mist comes over her body it seperates from her leaving her scales as dark as the night. The silver outline of herself does to the rocky Ice prison and wraps around the ball of elements.

The silver but now black dragon of thoughts falls to the ground clutching her head with a petrified shriek.

A wave from the sea comes up and destroys half the island alone with my queen and drags her down to the bottom of the sea where I'll never reach.

And undignified squeak comes
From me as i stare down trying to comprehend what exactly just occurred so quickly.

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