Chapter 8: Skyress ❄Sapphire❄

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🍃Skyress🍃 ( before the storm)

I walk up to a tree and sit down. After we all separated I was going to go see if I could go and talk to Stormfly's kids. I have only played with them a couple times.

Honestly in other dragons out age come up to me and my siblings at all. is only really know why. My mom and uncles said that's how it is for all night furys. I don't see how hat is fair, anyway.

When I was there another dragon, A monstrous nightmare a lot bigger than me but not grown up yet started being mean and wouldn't let me farther into the village. Then he started picking on me. He said that I didn't belong here. I accidentally made vines grow around his legs because I was getting made and my scales started to glow. I ran away before I could get I trouble.

I wish others treated us normal. O don't notice that I was ring watched by a pair of eyes. I feel a a twinge of get as I stare back at it. what if its something that could hurt me?

I take a step back when the figure comes out of the shadows. It's a doe. I nods it's head in greetings. Two more deer follow it.

The doe walks up to me only a wing length away. I take turn and dip my head. " We have been waiting for you,"

I look up confused. who was that? I look around but spot no other dragons or people. I look back at the Doe in front of me.

" We have waited long for your arrival."

I can understand them. I take a step back. " is there anything the awaited one wants?"

I instantly knew what I wanted. but didn't want to say it. I was very hungry. Someone forgot to put out a bowl of greens for me. and I didn't really want the fish.

" Don't be shy, we will come to know." the doe says softly.

" C-can I have a piece of fruit?" I stutter. it's odd being pressured by a dear.

Almost instantly one of the other two deer move. I notice there's something odd about its eyes. It comes back a few minutes later with a branch of wild blue berries. It walks up to me and sets them down at my feet before taking a step back and bowing.

" Will you show is your magic? we have been waiting for you for so long we can only imagine what your powers might be," the doe asks.

I dont understand what she wants at first. When I figure that she wants me to use actual powers, I show them.

At first I have just a large soft layer of moss cover the clearing around us make in the ground soft to walk on. I then have ferns and flowers sprout decorating the area with pretty colors of pinks, blues, and yellows. Finally I make many vine plants come together to meet in an arch with little white flowers on them.

I'm proud of my work. I think it would make a fine ceremonial place. I look up at the doe happily. She gazes in wonder and amazement. " And yet you are so young. your magic will grow to become great wonders for the forest. Come now Forest Guardian, I have much to tell you."

I happily follow the doe deeper into the forest.


❄Sapphire❄ ( after running out of Hiccups)

I wonder who that boy was? and what he was doing in our home,

I walk over to Silver. " want to go do something?"

" Sure! lets go see if Skyress wants to come," I nod and we head toward Skyress. She doesn't notice us and starts to walk in the direction of the forest.

" Skyress!" I run up to her.

"Want to come with me and Silver to go do something?"

" No I have something I need to go do right now. " I frown and let my ears fall.

" But I'll meet up with you guys when done ok?" I nod my head,

Skyress gives me a small smile before running and leaping into the air heading into the forest.

I turn around. " dont worry she has something to do, she really did mean she would come with us latter," silver says.

I wonder what she is doing out here. Me and silver walk around the village. at one point we ran into Darkfang. she asked us if we had seen Nightstar. When we told her no she zipped off. I didn't see were she went because she was moving to fast.

I dismissed it and continued on with Silver. We find Twighlight and Bolt out by the water. At first I didn't notice. But I was a small cloud forming above Bolts head. At first I thought he might me in a bad mood, but I've never seen a rain cloud form above his head.

Then I remembered that Twighlight also can control Weather. And he had a smirk on his face.

He's always doing pranks. " Hey Twighlight!" I yell happily getting his attention,

His concentration on his cloud was lost and it turned into a bucket sized ball of water an fell to the ground.... On Bolt.

He looks up surprised eyes wide. "what was that?"

So much for trying to ruin the prank. " aww! come on! I was waiting for just the right moment and you ruined it! And I didn't even get to see his face!" Twighlight pouts. He then slumps onto the ground. I'm sure if he could he would be crossing his front paws. instead his tail taps the ground.

Bolt catches on I what happened and roles his eyes. A wave comes in and instead of stopping and join back it keeps coming forward and knocks Twighlight from his sitting position.

When the wave recedes he is laying on his back. he gets up quickly and looks at Bolt. He crouches and jumps up at Bolt marketing sure to keep clear of his hurt leg.

I run at Twighlight joining into the play fight. Blazefire is here now too. I wonder when he got here?

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