chapter 1- Kethendra

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I was pearched on a beam above Karenglen's bed, my wings curled around myself when it happened.

The. Alpha. Called. Us.

Summoning us to join her and together -along with her master- take over the world. Around our hut, I heard the flapping of the hypnotized dragons followed by the surprised shouts of their riders. I think the only reason I diddint follow was because I had my wings around my head and because Karenglen had her hands upon my tail. Slowly, I stretched down my wing and scoped her up and lifted her up towards the beam I was sitting upon. I looked at her and saw fear in her eyes. Keep silent I thought out to her we do now want the alpha to come and find us. But, a couple minutes later, the alpha commanded us to destroy the village and kill all those who will not join her movement. We need to escape thought Karenglen yes, get upon my back and lie low. No matter what happens, do not lift your head when she was settled on my back, I crawled out of the house and pretended to be hypnotized by setting fire to an old abandoned house. Then I heard a painful sound as I flew close to the flames, the call of a dragon who has an injured rider. As I peered onto the raging inferno, I spotted my young night fury friend nightstormian (we prefer to call him night) holding the limp body of his rider Emma. He raised his head and gave me a pleading look as I flew by. Therefore, I angled myself and curled my tail around Emma, lifting her into the skies, after which night took off after us. I scanned the horizon, looking for a safe place to hide and quickly decided on great mount Amacolianad. Therefore, 5 minutes later, we had landed upon the mountain. Karenglen had imedietly started waking Emma, who then helped Karenglen find some sticks to make a fire. And so there we all sat, watching all we had ever known go up in flames.

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