chapter 6, karenglen

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Five days later

A bone chilling wind whipped my face, the cold mist from the sea swirled around my legs trying to grasp me in its icy grip.

And it was failing.


For I was not cold nor numb, for there was a heat that came from my heart,- my fire soul, as Kethendra had called it- That kept my body warm and dry. The soul also granted me the ability to summon great fire snakes to use as I wished. Finaly, I had the ability to light my body on fire and transform it into a raging inferno. Not only would this strike fear into my enemies hearts,
It also looked really cool.

Emma glided behind us, Night's glowing scales keeping her warm. We were scouting for a new island. We knew that the alpha would return someday, trying to get us under his control. We could not risk that, so we were going to leave the island as soon as we found another one. We had been scouting for ages, 24 hours a day for 5 days straight. No luck. I glanced behind me at Emma who smiled and gave me a thumbs up. I smiled back and turned back around. Raising my hand so my Palm was facing foward, I muttered Brisingur and a huge fire snake exploded from my hand, shoring of into the fog. Even with its light, no island could be found.
So we continued on.
After five minutes of looking at nothing but fog and ocean, I was disrupted from my thoughts by Emma calling out,
"Karenglen, up ahead, an island!

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