Langesh Love Philosophy

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Ram sat in his couch not knowing what to do and whom to talk. Lifelessly he opened his laptop, connected a skype talk to Langesh, he missed his partner a lot. It rang for a long time and went off, Ram did forget that it's midnight in India. He wanted somebody to speak with. He kept calling Langesh again and again. After 4-5 tries Langesh picked up the call sleeply.

L: Partner, are you ok? What help do you need this time.

R: Partner, first switch on the lights and hold the phone properly, this is a video call.

Only then Langesh looked into the mobile screen properly. He woke up, had some water and then talked to Ram full awake.

L: Yes partner, who betrayed you this time?

R: How did you know?

L: Seems like you don't know yet, you are not the type to hide your feeling and emotions. Everything is clearly written on your face.

R: Is that so?

Saying that Ram moved close to the camera, by looking at his side of the video, to read his expressions.

L: Partner, stop coming close to the camera, you can instead use a mirror. Now tell me what happened quickly.

R: Partner, don't you know how nicely I treated her? How I respected her? How deeply I looked out for her? How blindly I trusted her? But how could she do this to me?

L: Who da? Are you talking about Janaki?

R: Chi stupid, She is such a nice girl, How would she betray me? How could you take her name like that?

L: No, never, I didn't mean like that, but the girl whom you are treating well, respecting, deeply looking out and blindly trusting is Janaki more than Maya. That's why I was a bit confused. Don't inform this to Mangamma and make her use the frying pan technique on me. It sounds even worse than ES she is carrying.

Spoke Langesh nervously, but he didn't notice until he finish talking that Ram slipped into deep thoughts in middle of the conversation. Ram got struck with the statement 'Janaki more than Maya'. He know deep inside maybe Langesh is right but he kept on debating within himself that he treats Janaki and Sita alike.

L: Partner, tell me what maya did to you?

Ram coming out of his trance told Langesh everything. Right from how he proposed her, the way he adored her and what she heard from Janaki. The girl whom Ram feel for is an independent, unselfish, morale woman, who adores every blessing in her life and not gives a damn about money, that's what Ram got attracted towards Maya and he couldn't believe that all of that was a mere lie.

Langesh listened to him patiently until he finished with a stern face. Ram looked at him with puppy eyes which turned into a lion's eyes when Langesh started laughing roiling on the floor. Ram was confused with Langesh's behavior.

L: Partner, ha ha ha, are you guys Ambigapathy- Amaravathy? Ha ha ha, who were deeply in love? Ha ha ha, two bodies one soul, ha ha ha. My stomach hurts partner.

R: Partner, I am feeling betrayed. I wanted moral support. But what are you doing now?

L: Partner, I will be always there for you but don't you think this is too much. You spoke to her only 3 times. First time- when she dropped her books out of your door you picked it up for her, she said 'Thank you' and you replied 'do not mention'. Second time- she was tere at our fan meeting event, you signed her autograph just like you signed all the other 1093 autograph notes, she said thank you again 'Thank you' and you replied 'do not mention' again.

Third time- you told her you observed her, liked her character and you like to take to her for a coffee, and she said yes blushingly, she also admitted that she likes you. You call this a proposal idiot?

R: Then? I have never spoken to any girl like that so far, and she has given me signals that she likes me. I have told them to you right?

L: Yeah, standing next to your practice room window and looking at you as if you are 'Rebel star' Prabhas, smiling at you slyly whenever both of your eyes meet, looking at you with gawk eyes whenever someone else tries to flirt with you etc.,

R: Exactly, what do you call that as?

L: Partner, there are things which doesn't need any outer picture for it. And honestly you never felt that inner core for her. You know that more than me, but the fake portray your mind created would never let you break the mould. Right when you told me about her remember what I told you?

R: 'It's good that she makes you happy whenever you see her. But make sure she makes you miss her even when you are with her, she makes you feel that she completes you in all ways, the moment you realize that she is not reachable by you the entire world doesn't matter to you until you reach her, she makes you feel that your are being loved even without expressing it through words'. Isn't it?

That sounds so stupid partner, How can you miss someone who is standing next to you? How do you that someone is loving you even without telling each other?

L: This might sound stupid partner, but at least if you felt one among what I have told you, you are free to cry your heart out, break things around you. But if that's not the case, that means you are making a fool out of yourself.

Ram kept quiet realizing Langesh may be right. He found Maya attractive and nothing more. Things started dawning upon him. Seeing the changes in Ram's expressions, Langesh cut the call giving Ram space to think.

Ram closed his eyes and thought of Maya for few minutes. Only then he realized how fake Maya behaved around him and he felt nothing towards her. Little that he knew Janaki who was upstairs in his room listened to the conversation between Ram and Langesh clearly (thanks to langesh's re-engineering).

Hello Sweethearts,

I know this update was lagging but it is needed for the story

Sorry if I disappoint you all

Love you all


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