What is her plan?

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Ram straight away went to his rehearsal room and stood upside down to rush blood into his brains. He was so confused with Janaki and her behaviour today, he tried to put things together. Just then his friend Langeshwar walked into the room.

(Dhanush as Langeshwar, he is a srilankan Tamil and best friend of Ram, he was a refuge and grew up in Ram's house as his mother was a servant maid at Ram's place. Ram treats him like a brother and now Ram is the only family he has. He's funny to the core and works as Ram troop's manager. He is very good in hacking)

L: Partner what happened, are you searching for any missing item under the couch.
Asked Langesh stunned with ram's weird behaviour. Meanwhile Ram who didn't expect langesh's sudden entrance lost his balance and fell down on his knees.

R: Muruga idupu pochae (My waist hurts). Partner, can't you knock?
L: partner, I need not knock when you are all alone in the room. But people need to knock when we both are left alone in any room.
With this statement he tried to emote a seductive and funny expression resulting in gaining a kick on his butt from ram.

R: Partner, Just because of your stupid antics I'm still a single, but you've got a girlfriend, pity her- my sis.
L: Because of me!!! When did that happen?
R: If some girl tries to get close to me or if I get attracted to any girl, you'll start flirting with her resulting in me also getting blocked. And even now if any female fans of mine wanted to get my contact details, you gave details of uduppi restaurant to them.
L: Really, I flirted with them just to make you a hero and me a villain. You gotta use your brain at times. And those girls weren't made for you partner. You'll find someone just like I found my Dhanya.

R: I should have listened to butterfly back then at grade 6. She told me so many times that "Ram" and "Langeshwar" can never be friends.
L: Too late Partner. We are destined for life.😁. Ok, now tell me what were you doing just a while ago.
R: I was trying to freshen up my brains with Sirasasana.
L: who is sarasu (name of a girl)?
Asked Langesh who misheard Ram, gaining a knock this time.

R: That's sirasasana duffer, the upside down yoga pose.
L: oh achha, but why were you doing that.
R: I was just trying to copy sweet'u ma in that poster. Partner, she has a great body only because of yoga and to match up my dream girl I should also maintain my body right?
Langesh looked at the poster Ram mentioned

(Yes sweethearts, just like us Ram is also a huge fan of Anushka)

L: Ok, but your pose resembled more like this.
He showed Ram a pic from his mobile phone.

(Picture of Actor Arya in the movie naan kadavul)

L: You exactly resembled him Partner. Hahaha...
He looked at Ram who was staring at him with firing nostrils.
L: Sorry Partner 😬😬😬, now tell me why did you do sarasu aasana (he still can't get sirasasana right).
R: Mangamma confused me.
Blabbered Ram in frustration due to Lingesh's misspelled yoga technique.

Ram's MV: Oh crap, I shouldn't do this sirasasana anymore. I can't control my mouth if I keep doing this.
L: Mangamma, what did she do this time?
R: you know the usual, yesterday she was complaining about me having Briyani in her lunch box. That's so rude right.
Ram avoided eye contact to guard his lie.
L: really, sita texted me saying you both went on a lunch date.

R: Date'ah!!! This girl Sita is going to be the reason for my death. That's not a date partner, just a lunch.
L: are you guys bestest friends or what, you don't even speak properly and act like strangers, what's there for you guys to discuss partner. Now are you going to tell me or I'll announce about you and mangamma's lunch date in YouTube live.
Threatened Ram told Lingesh everything, except their promise deal (Ram is that sort of a guy who doesn't reveal's any details about promises) and the hooded jacket doubt.
Throughout the talk he was playing with his fingers, meddling with Lingesh's shirt. He was behaving like a typical 80's heroine.

Lingesh looked at him like this 👇🏼

L: Partner are you ok? Why are you behaving like Savitri da?
R: chi no!!! Did I?🤔
L: ok now what are are confused about?
R: why does she wants to be close with me suddenly?
L: probably because she likes you?
R: Partner, are you nuts? Why would she like me.

L: Are you kidding Partner? You are the most eligible bachelor in our university and you're also a YouTube celebrity, most of the girls in our university wants to go on a date with you, well the rest are already committed. So what's wrong if she likes you.

Ram laughed till his stomach hurt and started questioning Langesh in between his laughs.
R: partner, did you ever spoke to her at least once? Did you at least smiled at her or acknowledged her presence and vice versa?
L: 🤔 I don't think so.
R: So why did she hit your butt with a cricket ball during our grade 8, while we were playing 7 stones, were actually we were using tennis ball
L: Didn't she apologised saying she got the ball by mistake partner?
R: Duffer, she intentionally hit you because you're my friend and because of her you couldn't even sit properly for 2 days.
L: 😧😢
R: So there is no way that she's like me and me liking her back. But I want to know what is actually her plan is.

It's late night and Jaanu who is the only person who is awake at Sivanandan's mansion stood under hot water shower trying to flush up her brain cells. After relaxing herself a bit she came out of the shower with bathrobes on thinking about today's events and her future plans.

She sat at her reading desk staring at the 3 crumbled papers on her desk holding her wet hair tightly. Taking a deep breath she put it into the drawer and looked into the piece of paper before her .

J: 1. Abigail, 2. Olivia And today it's Mia and next it's going to be Lily in 2 weeks time. I should act according to my plan and I can't afford any mistakes this time.
She spoke to herself to motivate her.

Her eyes came across the ES which remained her of the moments she spent with ram today which she was intentionally avoiding. She played with the ends of her wet hair smiling to herself about their lunch, ES and bottle attack and his childish pranks. She started swaying in her rolling chair thinking about their ride back to university, the way he took the handles. She closed her eyes and At that moment she felt like she time traveled to the exact moment. She could feel his long arms hovering her, the smell of his cologne, her heartbeat rose to the maximum level and topping to it, his breath fanned the exposed part of her neck.

She felt like getting goosebumps and just then she realised what she was thinking about. She realised that her cheeks were warm due to the red hue and she was grinning like a fool. She opened her eyes and shakes her head to shut down her stupid weird thoughts. When she was about to switch off the lights she saw someone standing at the balcony of Ram's house facing her room.

As Ram's house started from the end of the street perpendicularly from his balcony in his personal room, one can see what's happening inside Janaki's room if the lights were on and vice versa.

By closely observing she recognised the tall, masculine figure standing there looking at her. She immediately closed the curtains and shut down the light.
Ram who was standing at the balcony wondered whether Janaki also turned into a mentally retard person after constantly working in the psychological department.

Meanwhile in Lingesh's room he dozed off in the sofa while watching TV. The news reader announced, "An young lady named Mia who is 27 years old has been kidnapped from her home. The cops couldn't find any evidence at the crime scene, this the third kidnap this month and all the victims are young girls. People are advised to be safe from strangers till then...".
Hello sweethearts,
How do you feel about this update?
I hope you found the connections between their names.
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Love you all

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