who took the video?

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Ram stood by the balcony fighting with the inner conflicts he is facing. He took out his only addiction which he will consume if he is frustrated to the core. He started chewing his addiction thinking about Janaki and her weird behavior, he started putting things together from their lunch, her black hooded jacket, sudden ES usage, till this plane ticket. Everything puzzled him and he's instinct told him something bad is going to happen.


There is something seriously odd about this Janaki. She keeps asking me weird stuff's, even that night when she was sitting at her study table, she seemed so weird. She kept on looking at some papers and talking to herself. Has she gone mad or is she playing a prank with me? Either way tomorrow I am definitely not going with her. Uncle and aunty will never agree for us to leave, and especially butterfly will turn into "Bathrakali"(Goddess Kali) if we leave from here.

But I can't under estimate Mangamma too. She is capable of manipulating anyone. Look how cleverly she convinced me and used me just with a lunch. Oh, God, Muruga. Save me from her please.

As he was confused within himself he failed to notice that a stranger stood next to him, wondering how to start a conversation with him.

(Stranger- Stn)

Stn: Hey dude, What with this dairymilk like a kid? Wanna have a cigarette?

R MV: What's with this fellow, isn't he the one who was behind Janaki, the entire time right from the start of this party? That's not my business, but how dare he refers my dairymilk as a childish one.

R: No no, I am good (responded Ram completely annoyed).

Stn: Ok, So you know the chick with whom you were dancing this entire time, can you introduce her to me.

R: What? Why do you want to talk to her?

Stn: She looks so hot and beautiful, I have never seen someone like her, seems like she will satisfy me tonight, you both don't seem like a couple but still you guys sneaked to the garden, even while you were returning there were traces of your naughty activities on her. Even her duppatta was torn (Thanks to Ram as he clinged on to her duppatta instead of her waist during the dance). I don't mind if she is bad on bed, I will take care.

Ram felt his blood boiling listening to him, he stared having his chocolate vigorously, chocking himself slightly.

Stn: Oh bro, slow down, this is why grownups should stop having stupid chocola.......

Before he could finish he landed on the floor with a thud, bleeding from his mouth and unable to process what happened a second ago. He saw Ram standing opposite to him clenching his fist. Ram pulled him up using the collars and punched him on the nose again.

R: You stupid moron, How dare you call my chocolate a stupid, did you ever think what would the chocolate feel if it heard your filthy statement? What would the chocolate family think? If you ever come across me anywhere in your life I swear I will make you a donkey doll. Get rid of your stupid cigarettes before you die out of cancer.

Roared Ram. As soon as Ram let him go, that stranger ran out of that area in a single breath. Ram retarded to his room thinking everything will be fine by morning.

Morning started with cooking aroma filled in both the kitchen and Dining table, thanks to gayathiri's supervision. Everyone reached the Dining table mouth watering especially Langesh and Ram. Suprising everyone Janaki sat next to Ram, for which Langesh reacted as if his favourite Laddo is served to someone else. Ram gulped down the saliva and started digging the food to control his nervousness. He prayed earnestly to the God that this trip shouldn't be accepted by her parents.

J: Amma, Appa and Sita I have something important to discuss, Please don't interrupt before I finish.

Sh, G &S: Go ahead.

J: I'm leaving to Canada today, by afternoon flight.

Sh, G&S: WHAT??? But why?

Everyone was shocked including the newly engaged couple, except Langesh who was too hungry to notice anything. He kept on digging his food.

J: I said do not interrupt. That er.., I have my patient who is in the verge of getting cured, I can't let her be alone without any monitoring. That's highly dangerous. As a doctor my 1st priority must be my patient right? I will be back before the wedding, I promise.

Sh: But there will be other doctors who can substitute you right? They can take care of her.

J: No appa, went it comes to physical hazards, there is no much emotional bond, checking on their vitals and providing them with medicines is more than enough, but when it comes to mental hazards both medicines and emotions are necessary, they wouldn't respond to people who are not emotionally connected to them. This is why I did a duel degree as both surgeon and a psychiatrist .My presence there is highly important. Please understand.

G: But what will you do there all alone? I don't think this will work.

J: I'm not going there alone, Ram is accompanying me, He said he has some AD Film shooting for a week, so we will go together. I also looked for tickets and it's available. It's going to be fine.

This bought Langesh's attention, he started chocking on his food, His mind revolved around Ram-Janaki's various romantic versions throughout the trip (including adult contents).

G: Oh Ram is going there too, Then it's not a problem from our side, but I don't think you should be talking to us. It's sita who should decide whether you guys are permitted or not.

Ram nervously looked at Sita who was super cooled and having her dessert.

S: Go guys, and come back as soon as possible.

Sita responded so calmly surprising everyone including her fiancé. Only person who was shocked to the core was Ram, his last hope was shattered. Sita gave a silent wink to her fiancé.

(Purushothaman as Pu)

Pu- Seriously Sita, I can't believe that you let go both of your eyes, right before our wedding. What happened re?

S: Baby, this is why you should observe things. I can sense something brewing between Ram-Janaki.

Pu- Really, but how are you so sure? They both are poles apart and I don't think Jaanu is that Lovely-romantic type.

S: Baby, it was sita who made the 1st move. That day she asked him out 1st for the lunch date, then she took care of him that entire day, she kept on asking him to drink lots and lots of water because he had an important recording that day( Actual reason is Ram should drink so much water to avoid the side effects of ES). Then yesterday she asked him for a dance despite of hating dance and pointed heels, she danced with him to spend some quality time together. Most importantly, they both sneaked out to the garden area and came back after quite some time. I even saw lip gloss mark on Ram's tuxedo(Thanks to the collide they had during their dance).

Pu: But this is all our assumptions right, the lip gloss mark can be an accident and all the other can be a sign of new friendship. You take care of Ram in even more better ways, but that isn't love but friendship right, so it seems like Jaanu is also fitting her into the group. Wow, I thought you are occupied with me but it seems like you had other priorities.

Finished Purushothaman with fake disappointment.

S: I wasn't baby, it's just that I am more observant. Ok, if you feel that way I'll show you something. Actually I thought of revealing this after they themselves announce, but now I've got no other options to make you believe.

Saying that she showed him her phone. Purushothaman face palmed seeing the pictures and video of Ram tightly cuddling and sleeping on Janaki's shoulder, kissing her neck and tracing her waist.

Pu: What's this Sita, They are being this fast and what shall we do if Jaanu comes back here pregnant with Ram's child?

S: Chi chi, They wouldn't cross the border, but they need some time alone, that's why I agreed to this. But, if at all they did we have to somehow overtake him.

Spoke Sita with a glint of mischievous in her eyes. Which resulted in a Smokey within-border romance between Sita and Purushothaman.

Langesh and Dhanya sent off Ram-Janaki from the airport and throughout the drive Langesh kept on looking Ram and Janaki just like a Mother-in-law sending her son and Daughter-in-law off. Right before the departure Langesh pulled Ram aside and spoke privately.

L: Partner, no matter how strong your opponent is unless and until you give up there is no way they can force themselves on you, stay strong and if at all anything goes wrong just press this transmitter, it will directly connect your location to all the Human Activities and they will come to your aid in sharp 7 minutes. (Langesh misunderstood that Janaki tried to rape Ram).

Without understanding a thing Langesh spoke and in a disappointment that the entire family agreed to their departure Ram plainly said "okay" and walked off.

At the plane despite Ram's pleas he couldn't get a seat change, he was supposed to sit next to Janaki again in the double seater. But he managed to get an extra blanket using it as a screen between both their seats, by stuffing it between into the light-bell panels above them. Despite having the screen Ram had a sleepless journey, whereas Janaki slept peacefully like a born baby.

The plane got landed earlier than expected which reduced the journey time to 19 hours. As soon as they landed Janaki walked off to the hotel room services present at the duty free shop area to attract the tourists. Ram followed her in half asleep mode. She asked for a hotel nearby the airport and booked a room. She handed the key card to Ram confusing him.

J: Take the key card, your hand luggage and I'll hire you a taxi, you have a flight back tomorrow evening. So it's better if you take adequate rest. Thanks for sticking to your promise. Bye then.

After finishing she handed him the return ticket and walked off without even caring to look back. But Ram's voice stopped her.

R: Oye Mangamma, what's with the flight ticket and stuff, I don't understand. Are we going back tomorrow or what?

J: It's not us, but you are returning back.

R: I won't, I will stick by my promise, either both of us are returning or both are staying here.

J: What the hell, I told you to stick by my side when we return back, that's it. You did that and you're free to go. You are you bugging me.

R: Exactly, you didn't mention the duration, if there is a starting period there should have been an end period for a promise. It's not my fault that you skipped that part.

J: er.. no.. it's not logically ........ no, I'm not gonna agree. You're leaving tomorrow, that's it.

R: Ok, no problem, let me call butterfly and ask whether my point is logical or not.

He took out his phone, which was snatched by Janaki who was cursing ram under her breath.

They hired a taxi and reached their mansion, it started getting darker outside. Ram irritated Janaki further by demanding her to bring his luggage as he was tired due to lack of sleep. Janaki took her revenge by knowingly colliding Ram's bag to his knees so many times. She placed his bag in his hall, whereas Ram didn't even care to wait for her to leave and rushed to his bedroom.

As soon as he reached his bedroom he stood by the balcony, seeing her kicking his bike in frustration and walking off. He smiled to himself as he turned. To his shock he could see 2 or 3 salutes moving inside Janaki's room searching for something using the torchlight.

yes sweethearts,

it was Sita who took the video,

But who do you all think the intruder is?

Love you all

Pavi <3

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