Chapter Six

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The cats of MistClan stared at their leader, stunned by the news. After a moment Silverstar leapt down and disappeared into her den with Riverpelt and Foxflight. The gathered cats began to disperse and Flamewind furrowed his brow, troubled. A whole clan conquered?! Those rouges must be strong, and now they have all the cats of RainClan with them! Cloudstream nudged him and he got up, wincing at a twinge of pain in his leg. He looked back up at Riverpelt's strong meow.

"Cloudstream! Mossflight!" He called. His friend touched noses with him quickly, before trotting over to her deputy. Flamewind saw the brown tortoiseshell, Mossflight, run over from the nursery as well. Flamewind walked back slowly, but didn't need to lean on Briarpelt as much.

"I'd like to see Redstorm and Bramblestrike." He told Briarpelt. She nodded and went with him into the medicine cat den. They walked into a room off the den and saw the two toms talking together. Mousewing and Fireleap were there as well. "How are you?" He asked them. Redstorm had a long scar on his shoulder and his tail was bandaged. Bramblestrike had several small scars over his dark brown pelt.

"Not too bad now." Redstorm replied, smiling slightly. Bramblestrike nodded.

"Have you talked with the RainClan warrior?" He asked.

Flamewind shook his head. He opened his mouth to speak, but Cloudstream poked her head in.

"We're sending patrols to StormClan and EarthClan. We have to warn them about what has happened. After they return, Riverpelt wants to send cats to RainClan territory." Cloudstream meowed. "Mousewing, Briarpelt, can you come with my patrol to EarthClan? And Fireleap, Mossflight wants you in her patrol to StormClan." Fireleap and Mousewing nodded and exited the den. "Get better." Cloudstream told the others, before exiting herself. Briarpelt hesitated, pushing her nose into Flamewind's pelt before whisking away through the brambles. Flamewind felt butterflies and Bramblestrike nudged him, smiling. The orange tom swished his tail, lighthearted for a moment, but it passed quickly.

Flamewind sighed, then got to his paws. "I'd better go." He said. "I want to check on Ashpaw." The orange tom turned and walked out of the den. When he got to Ashpaw's room, Mintleaf was there.

"How is she?" Flamewind asked softly.

Mintleaf looked up and grimaced. "I can't tell what's wrong with her." He mewed softly. "I've tried everything, but there seems to be no problem other than..."

Flamewind sighed. "Ashpaw, I've failed you. Forgive me." He thought to himself. The small grey cat's chest rose and fell in a steady beat. The tom stood and exited, his tail dropping. He made his way slowly to an unoccupied room and slumped down.

He looked up at the sound of pawsteps, and was surprised to see Brightstorm standing there. Guilt and sorrow flooded through him, and he looked down. He couldn't face the dappled she-cat now.

"Flamewind." She said softly, looking at him with concern. She padded over and sat next to him.

"I'm sorry." Flamewind whispered.

"Sorry? Sorry for what?" She asked gently. "You've nothing to be sorry for."

He raised his head bleakly. "She was my responsibility. I was supposed to keep her safe. She was- is -only an apprentice."

"Flamewind!" Brightstorm exclaimed, moving so she was looking him in the eyes. "Has this been bothering you?" Her eyes were full of pain, but understanding. "Nocat could expect you to fight off three full grown rouges by yourself."

"Y-you don't blame me?"

"Blame you? No. I blame those mouse-dung, fox-hearted rouges for hurting my kit."

A huge weight lifted off Flamewind's shoulders. To know that Brightstorm still thought well of him was a huge relief. "Thank you, Brightstorm." She nodded and stood lightly, turning to go. "Brightstorm?" He called after her. "Why did you come?"

"I wanted to see if you were okay. I thought you might need someone with Cloudstream and Briarpelt away on patrol, you'd seemed really down." Flamewind's heart overflowed at the caring and thoughtfulness of this cat. She smirked. "I may not be as close to you as Cloudstream, but you are still my brother at heart, Flamewind."


Flamewind opened his eyes blearily, he stretched, smiling when he felt only a small twinge of pain from his wounds. He looked up when Rosepaw walked in. "Hi Rose--" he broke off at the look on her face. "What happened?!" He exclaimed. The young apprentice looked horrified, and shocked to her core. The red and white she cat took a moment to respond, just shaking her head dimly. She turned listless eyes to the warrior. They softened, clouded with pain and grief. Flamewind felt alarm course through him, fear clutching at his heart. 'What could have happened?' He thought. 'The rouges again? Did some cat die, like Cedartail?!' His apprehension grew and he raced out, pushing past Rosepaw. She feebly tried to stop him but it didn't do any good.

Flamewind walked faster when a yowl of pure sorrow sounded outside. He saw cats clustered around something. The yowl came again from the cluster of cats. Flamewind ran over, but Riverpelt blocked him. He looked up confusedly "Riverpelt...."

"Flamewind, come with me." He said softly, his eyes filled with sorrow. Flamewind's apprehension only grew and he pushed pass his deputy and tried to reach the growing throng. Riverpelt blocked him again. "Flamewind, you don't want to see. Let me talk to you first." The orange tom's heart was just about to burst out of his chest with worry and fear. A thousand scenarios flooded into his head, each one more terrible than the last.

"Riverpelt, I need..." He said pushing past him and breaking through the crowd . "No..." He breathed. He refused to believe what his eyes and brain were saying he saw. "NO!" He yowled. What he saw was worse than anything he could've imagined. Cloudstream lay in front of him, light gone from her usually bright and mischievous eyes. Her formerly pristine white fur was sweaty and dirty. He stood shocked for a moment. "Cloudstream." It hit him like a physical blow. She was gone. He would never hear her voice again, never wake to her friendly jibes, never fight side by side with her again. It felt as if his world was collapsing around him. They had grown up together, done everything together as if they were brother and sister. They'd been apprentices and warriors side by side, but now she was gone. He buried his nose in her fur, breathing in her scent for the last time. He laid by her side, mourning her loss, and sharing tongues for the last time. Cypresspaw walked up, his eyes full of sorrow. He laid by his faithful mentor and mourned her. Brightstorm let out another mournful yowl, and buried her nose in her dead sister's fur. Other cats sat near Cloudstream, observing her vigil and sharing tongues for the last time.

Flamewind felt hollow, and everything was surreal to him, he couldn't accept the fact that she was gone forever. As he dwelled on the topic anger grew within him. Those rouges who fancies themselves 'The Night Raiders' had something coming to them. He raised his head, green eyes blazing with fury.

A/N soooo what did you think? Good? Bad? Constructive Criticism is always welcome! Please don't hesitate to point stuff out cause I barely edited this chapter ;) :)

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