Who Knows - Part 24

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Zeke waited until Raffi was out of sight, then slipped out the back door.

Following her was harder than TV made it seem. It was dark, and he couldn't distinguish her shadowy figure from others trodding along the sidewalk. She turned, and he caught sight of the brim of her hat. Raffi climbed into her car parked on the side road, and started it up.

Zeke checked the IPad, a small blue beacon notifying him of the cab's arrival. Looking up, he cursed. The yellow sedan meant to ferry him was blocking Raffi's exit. Her interior lights blinked on, and she seemed to be mouthing off to the cab driver. The man shrugged, giving zero fucks. He clearly meant to wait until his charge showed up.

Zeke let loose more curse words. The blare of Raffi's car horn induced further anxiety. His plan was falling a part before it began. The pitch of the car horn lasted for minutes. Miraculously, Raffi backed out and maneuvered from the space, middle finger in the air.

As she drove off, Zeke raced to the cab. He hopped in without greeting the driver, merely barking out, "Follow that car!"

"The fuck you think this is, a movie?" the driver snapped.

His compliance shifted when Zeke slapped a twenty dollar bill into his palm.

They drove deep into the city, nearly losing Raffi twice. Each time, Zeke ranted at the driver. Sweat drenched his clothes, and another headache tore at his temples.

Finally, Raffi parked beside a well-lit condo. She scaled a winding stairway and was out of sight.

The brakes squeaked as the driver stopped one down.

"Can you get closer?" Zeke asked, reaching for his wallet.

"Then she'll see you," the driver grumbled.

Clearly, it wasn't his first car chase.

"Okay, I trust your judgement," Zeke said.

"This is where you pay your fare, stalker."

Balking, but also chuckling, Zeke handed over another forty dollars before exiting the cab. "Thanks for the ride."

He strolled quickly along the dimly lit sidewalk, slipping the IPad in the inside of his jacket. In minutes, he made it to the bottom of the stairwell. His heart slammed in his chest, but he'd gotten used to the feeling. Life had mutated into a series of adrenaline-filled activities. Briefly, he wondered if he could ever go back.

To what? Mornings crashing out alone, waking up in the afternoon, and catching shit stories at night?

Zeke wiped the ever-present sweat from his face, a long sigh escaping him.

You look too closely, ugly is bound to surface everywhere.

One of his father's sayings, and Zeke had hated it as a kid. As an adult and a professional truth-seeker, he'd loved it. Currently, he was back to hating it.

He took the stairs like a heavy smoker, slow and painfully. Raffi had warned him that the after-effects of vamp blood would affect him, and as always, she seemed to be right. Footsteps echoed below, and Zeke glanced down.

The source was hard to completely make out, but the shadowy figure had long hair and curves. While Zeke appreciated curves, the person didn't concern him. However, his gaze lingered. Something about their posture unbalanced him.

As though Zeke's staring had tied them together, the figure's head tilted up. It was a beautiful face, but at the same time, terrifying. All the more so when they smiled, their teeth catching glints of moonlight.

Basked in moonlight, she appeared an apparition.

"Carter?" Zeke wheezed.

Her smile widened.

In answer, he slapped himself. With gusto, too. When he checked, she still waited at the sidewalk, watching him.

Carter waved, and that woke him up. Summoning a reserve of energy, he bounded back down stairs.

He convinced himself that she would be there, that she was real, that he could get to her before she disappeared.

Yet, when his boots clapped on the concrete sidewalk, he was alone.

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