Prologue: Eight years earlier

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I sat on the couch with my mom braiding my hair. Each of us dreading the moment that dad comes home. I sat patiently as my mom tied the end of the braid so it'll stay. She turned me around to look at her and she smiled sadly. Her eyes traced over my features. My pale complexion, hazel eyes, and dark brown hair. She brushes away a stray piece of hair and tucks it behind my ear. I watch her as a tear slides down her cheek. She pulls me into a hug and holds me while she spoke.

"No matter what happens Aisha...I'll always be here for you..." she whispered.

I knew she was referring to dad and his drunk rampages. I said nothing and just stayed still. I knew dad would be home soon and I wasn't mentally ready. I closed my eyes and relaxed in her arms a bit. I felt the safety of her arms around me and it brought a smile to my face. I felt tears on my neck and sighed sadly. We both knew dad would be home any minute. As if on cue we both jumped as we heard a car door slam. Mom pulled me away from her and looked at me with sad eyes. I knew she was going to run and hide in their closet. That used to be my spot. She quickly ran off and dad stumbled in soon after she left. His shirt was untucked and his hair was a mess. My heart pounded with fear and I froze. All hope I had at running and hiding was lost. He stumbled over to me and grabbed my braid yanking me off the couch. I saw his fist plunge downward and felt a sharp sting in my leg. I yelped and threw my hands up for protection while closing my eyes. I was expecting another hit because dad never stopped at one. Cautiously I opened my eyes and screamed. My hair slipped through my dad's fingers and I fell to the ground. I crawled back shaking and tried to ignore the look of horror on mom's face as she appeared in the doorway staring at dad. She immediately ran and called someone. I couldn't hear the conversation...I could only focus on dad. His bones protruding from his skin. His blood pooling beneath him. I didn't know what to do. The sound of a door closing brought me back and I realized mom had left me. I crawled to dad and cautiously held his hand afraid that he would break. I was shaking badly as I tried to feel for a pulse. None. M-maybe I was doing it wrong. I stayed still holding his hand and crying while waiting for some form of help.

Minutes later I heard sirens but they barely registered with me. I clutched his hand as if it was my lifeline. People knocked on the door but I didn't move. I stayed where I was crying and shaking. The door burst open and men in black uniforms stormed in. People in white followed them in. They tried to take me from dad but I wouldn't let go. My hand held onto his too tightly. Eventually, they pried my hand off his and guided me outside where they had me sit on the edge of a car seat. Many of the men tried to talk to me but I didn't pay attention. My mind was elsewhere. Tears still streamed down my cheeks but I didn't speak to them. One man caught my attention though. He was walking towards me with a boy holding his hand. The boy had black hair and sparkling green eyes, he looked to be a couple years older than me and had freckles covering the bridge of his nose. The man got on one knee in front of me and looked at my bloody hands. He sighed and told the boy to go play while he talked.

"Hey name is TJ and I'm here to ask you some questions. Can you tell me your name?"

I stared at the man. He was kinder than the others who tried to get me to talk. "M-my name is A-Aisha." I stuttered.

He looked worried and placed his hand on my knee. "Can you tell me what happened in there Aisha?"

"N-no...I don't know what h-happened." I was shaking and crying as I answered him.

"Aisha we can't help you if we don't know what happened. Can you please tell me what caused all this?"

"I-I'm not sure. M-my daddy...he came home d-drunk again."

"Again? Does he always come home drunk?"

I nodded and tried to continue. "M-mommy went to hide...a-and daddy hit me."

"Where did he hit you sweetie?"

"M-my leg...he was going to hit me a-again but I threw my hands up a-and I closed my eyes."

"What happened next?"

"I...I don't know...daddy fell and dropped me and...and mommy left me..."

I had started to cry again and I couldn't stop. I was scared and all alone. I put my head in my hands and cried softly while TJ stayed with me. Eventually, the boy came back and got in the car. I was taken to the police department and they decided to put me in a special place. I never found out the boy's name or what happened to my mom.

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