016 | Sunflower

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016 | Sunflower

n o o n e

Jisoo and Chaeyoung were lying down on their bed in their respective rooms due to exhaustion and exposure to debris. It has been hours since they are asleep.

Neo already contacted Chaeyoung's parents and Jisoo's mom, telling them that they are safe in their hideout. Bangtan would not even know how to find this place. They can't.

Neo's intelligence team is fortunately much more advanced than Bangtan. A war between the intel aces will happen first before pinpointing their respective bases.

Hmm. Lisa vs Jennie. Would it be epic? Or would it be for naught?

Yuta shook his head at that thought. The time will come for that matter. What's important now is Jisoo. He was sitting beside her bed, patiently waiting for her to wake up. His eyes travel from her luscious black hair, to her closed eyes, then to her cute heart shaped lips.

Yuta leaned on his chair and sighed.

She's not yours. Do not covet her.

Still, he couldn't help but stare at her beautiful face. She was like a fairy sleeping. He bit his lips. His heart still beats for her. No matter what happened. Even after many years.

No one could steal his heart but Kim Jisoo. His one and only love.

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College days.

All Yuta aim to be was being a sports celebrity then have taken over his father's business. He was doing well. He became a football star that was both admired by ladies and gents. He also aced his studies so that he will be competent to run their family business.

His path was straight. His goals were clear.

Until one day...

It was at their football practice when he first saw her. She was there sitting on the audience bench, quietly watching. Beside her was probably her friend who was cheering for Jaehyun.


That was Jaehyun's girlfriend, Park Chaeyoung. He met her but he did not know she has breathtaking gorgeous friend.

Yuta's eyes linger on her as he studies her every action. The way she smiled at her friend. The way she talked to her friend. The way she clapped when their team scored. The way she laughed and the way her eyes twinkle whenever she did. He took it all and engraved it to his brain.

And this is the first time, Yuta was hit by the ball on the head.

It was all worth it.

From then on, Yuta wanted to pursue her. He also asked for Jaehyun's help but even with his advice, Yuta couldn't help but back down.

So he ended up observing her from the distance and every time, he tried mustering up the courage to talk to her. However, again and again, he couldn't bring himself to do it.

What if she already taken? What if she already loves someone else?

Those nasty thoughts plagued his mind, decreasing his self-esteem more and more.

"Why don't try writing a letter?" Taeyong, one of his seniors, advised.

Yuta lightened up to that idea and nodded agreeing. His senior was about to talk more but Yuta was already gone.

Taeyong clicked his tongue. "That brat, I hope he would not forget to write his name at the letter."

With that, Yuta decided to give her letter every day. Secretly, of course. He told her in the letters how much she radiate his day like the sun. He wrote to her that she was pretty inside and out. He wrote to her how she shines whenever she goes. How all of those things makes his heart fluttered. How he yearns for her touch and love. How he ache to have those smiles for him.

However, he forgot to signed the letters with his name. All of them. Sadly.

The letters were supposedly help Yuta and Jisoo to get together but, those same letters were the reasons why Yuta's love for Jisoo was not known.

The letters were manipulated by none other than Jeon Jungkook.

At first, Yuta thought that he was only bad boy transferee that was only courting Jisoo but no. Jeon Jungkook was a dangerous man, oozing with murderous aura.

Yuta wanted to protect Jisoo from such dangerous man. However, not only he was unsuccessful from declaring his love for her, but also, he was beaten to death by Jungkook in Japan.

Yuta will admit it that Jungkook was strong. Undeniably unbeatable. So strong he couldn't stop Jungkook from his plans.

But he was confused too. Why would Jungkook target Jisoo and him? Who is Jungkook really?

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After almost being beaten to death and thrown in another country, Yuta stayed silent. Fortunately, Yuta's family has so much power in Japan, and they are very influential.

He was treated immediately and was enlightened.

Their family business was funding Neo Power, a group of protectors, and guardians who maintained neutrality between Rose Group and Bangtan.

However, the time when Jungkook came to college where Yuta was studying. That's where the time Neo Power broke its neutrality, they said.

But something is amiss.

"Why am I only informed right now? I could have died." Yuta complained to his parents. Much worse. Jaehyun was a member of Neo Power. And Taeyong too. They already know the details before Bangtan moved Jungkook to that college. 

"Am I the only one who does not know this?" Yuta grumbled.

Jaehyun coughed. "You're too busy."

"Of course, I'm studying to be competent." Yuta glared. "Do you know how hard it is to be an heir? Ugh."

Taeyong chuckled. "You will do more roles than that."

Yuta rolled his eyes. "I, hereby, will stop funding you and cooperating with you from now onwards."

Silence came, but all of them laugh together.

Strong bonds between Neo Power and Nakamoto Inc blossomed from that on.

And a stronger Yuta was born from that moment.

With determination, he swore to protect Jisoo, no matter what happened.

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Present time.

Yuta stared at the still sleeping Jisoo. A fond smile broke out from his face. He may be a coward before but now he knew better, stronger than ever, he will protect her. Sure, Jisoo may not reciprocate the love that he was willing to give her, but seeing her happy and safe is enough for him.

He extended his hand touching her hair then brushing his fingers on her forehead carefully. Yuta leaned in and placed a loving kiss on Jisoo's forehead.

"I love you and forever will. I love you as you are, my sunflower."

With that, he walked out of the room as Jisoo's eyes fluttered open.

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Published on August 03, 2022

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One question. Is the pacing alright? 

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