Chapter 5: Let Me Help Him!

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I do not own Dbz or its charters I only own Riley also I'm making no profit from this.

Hi everyone sorry this chapter is up a little late I had to give all four of my dogs a bath...and it took me forever anyway...enjoy chapter 5!

Last time in the story: She looked into her dad's eyes "...I'm Riley"

After that everyone was silent everyone was trying to see if what they all had heard was true. "That's impossible Goku doesn't have a daughter" Piccolo said being absolutely cold to the poor girl. "Hey!..I didn't come here to be accused of not being my dad's daughter I cam-" but she was cut off my Cell "So you say your Goku's daughter.. that explains how you could withstand my attack but *Cell chuckles* that doesn't make the slightest difference I will kill all of you and destroy the Earth". They all gasped but Riley she knew what would have happened if she hadn't have stepped in her dad and Prince Vegeta would have perished. Gohan would have been the one to stop the monster but Trunks and Goten (Goku's second son)  both would have grown up without a father and that is something she couldnt let happen but what they didn't  realized was while they were not paying attention Gohan had  flown on to the battlefield and challenged Cell (Like the picture at the top).  "NO! GOHAN!" Riley shouted as loud as she could. She tried to go after him but Goku held a firm grip on her hand "DAD! LET ME GO!" She trys to pull out of his grip but to no avail "Riley this is Gohan's fight" her father tells her calmly but sternly. the young girl falls to her knees crying" NO D-DADDY YOU DONT UNDERSTAND YOU CAN'T LET GOHAN FIGHT..NOT ALONE...NOT WITHOUT ME!" Riley yells panicking.  "I've had enough Cell I'm taking you down" yells Gohan he gets into a fighting stance as does the green monster. As they start throwing kicks, punches and blasts Gohan seems to be doing well or so they thought suddenly Cell punchs Gohan hard in the stomach sending down into the rumble of rock. Before the young warrior could get up the monster pulls Gohan out of the rock an uses his foot to smash the boy's ribs. All that could be heard was a horrible scream of pain that made the little girl thrash in her dad's hold even more "PLEASE DAD LET ME SAVE HIM!...HE NEEDS ME!! Riley begs "Goku you can't let Gohan face this monster alone...he's just a young boy! Shouted Piccolo. Cell continues to kick the poor boy until he no longer screams at that point Cell picks him up and starts to squeeze the life out of the poor boy " AHHHHH-A-AHHHHH..DADDY!!!"  Cried the boy in agony. "GOKU HELP YOUR SON!...OR I WILL!" Piccolo warned. Just as he said that Riley broke out of her father's hold and blasted onto the battle field just as Cell dropped Gohan. He wasn't moving he was just breathing hard all Riley could do was watch in horror.

Who will save Gohan? Will Goku realize Gohan needs help? Find out in the next chapter!

Well there's chapter 5...Have a great day everyone!


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