Chapter 4

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Snowskull felt like a bunch of icicles were stabbing her whole body. "What?!" She shouted. It didn't make sense to her. How was Island's brother down here? Where was Island? Does he know? Was this dragon spying on us and trying to sabatosh the prophecy?

"Look, please don't freak out." Bremuda said quietly. "Where is Island?" Snowskull snarled and threatened to slash his underbelly with her claws. "Shhhhhh." Bermuda whispered. "Why?" Snowskull bellowed. Bermuda groaned. "Where is Island and why are you down here?" Snowskull growled. "Just be quiet and I'll tell you the story." Bermuda said. Snowskulk gave in and let him tell her the story.

"A long time ago, when Island was an egg, there was a war. Millions of dragons died, and the palace that was visible from the sky burned down, obviously by SkyWings." He stopped and took a breath. "Beluga, one of our trusted soldiers said he would take Island's egg and keep it safe." Snowskull's thoughts shot in all different places in her mind. "Island was taken during a war?" Was the only question she managed to get out of her mind. "Yes. I was 2 years old and I saw Beluga take her egg away, and we never saw her again."

"But that still doesn't explain why you're here." Snowskull said. "Our mom, Current, told me to go look for Island."

"How did you know she's here?"

"I have no idea. I only came here last week, to rest my wings. Flying all over the world looking for a lost sister is hard, you know." Bermuda said. "So, I've never met Island and she has never met me. So I don't know how she is going to react."

"Wait a moment, how do you know her name is Island?"

"Mother said. And Beluga said he wouldn't change it."

"But how do you know that this Island is the right one?"

"There are no other Island's. SeaWings do this thing where once one SeaWing has a name no other SeaWing can have it until that SeaWing passes."

Snowskull was dumbstruck. And she still didn't know where Island was. Then suddenly, there was a loud crack, and five thumps. She saw smoke billowing from the cave with the hole opening.

"Owwwwww." Groaned Obelisk, who was on her stomach, with all of the other dragonets, including Searing, on top of her. "I THOUGHT BEING GOOD MEANS GOOD THINGS HAPPEN TO ME!" She bellowed. "Does this mean getting people in trouble for necessary things is being 'good'?" Asked Combustion, who was under Searing and smacking Experiment with his tail, who was under him.

"Where is Island?!" Shouted Searing, jumping off the top of the pile, landing on the middle of Oblelisk's tail. "And who is this dragon?" Searing asked, baring her teeth. "No, don't worry, I think he is on our side." Snowskull pleaded, glancing back at Bermuda. Obelisk was still grumpy. "GET OFF OF ME!" She shouted, poking her tail at the ground. Experiment quickly jumped away and Combustion rolled his eyes and rolled off of her.

Searing's tail was thumping loudly on the ground, and then there was a loud splash. "Island?" Gasped Bermuda. That word stuck to the top of everyone's mouth. A grumpy Island looked up with a surprised and mad face. Then she burst into tears. "Island! What's wrong?" Asked Snowskull frantically. "Theres-theres- th-th-eres-" Experiment was a bit confused. "There's what?" Island looked at Snowskull and jumped into her. "THERE'S NO PEARL NECKLACES!" She cried.

Everyone froze. Combustion slowly turned his head to Island, and they all turned to Combustion. It all happened in slow motion. Island shrieked, and Combustion jumped. Searing flew in the way, and rolled onto him. Then Island ran and hit Bermuda, then knocked herself out. Then Bermuda slapped her across the face with one of his front webbed talons.

Island woke up with a start, and looked at Bermuda. She smiled a goofy smile. "Who's this?" Island asked Snowskull. "Let's just say..." said Snowskull, looking at the way Island was looking at Bermuda, and how uncomfortable he was with her looking at him like that, she finished with, "He's your brother." 


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