Chapter 7

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Heyy everyone!! Sorry for the late update, again, but the last week I had so much to do that I didn't have time to update this. I'll try, I said try, to update 2 chapters today, as to show you how sorry I am. Anyway... Let's go to the chapter!!

[Skylor's P.O.V.]

I could hardly believe it: Princess Nya and the Queen came to talk to me personally about me attending the "auditions" for guard... Even if I have to pretend to be somebody that I'm not, because the Assembly might want to kill me, I was very happy! This has always been my dream, since I was a child!

As soon as they told me the news, I went to tell my blacksmith friend. After all, he is one of the reasons. If it wasn't do him, I wouldn't know how to fight, and I couldn't go. It would be one more incomplete dream, but it won't. As long as I try hard and prove myself good enough for it.

He was very happy for me... We trained a little bit and I went home. I needed to be at the Castle at 8:30 in the morning, it wasn't so early since I was used to work before that, but even so, I should be rested enough to fight.

(In the morning, still Skylor's P.O.V.)

I woke up with my cousin shaking me and saying:

--Wake up, wake up, wake up! That way you're going to be late !! -- He looked more worried about it than I did

--I'm going ... -- I said as I yawned and got up.

I had breakfast and went to get dressed. Nya had given me an armor that fitted me perfectly, with a helmet, to hide my face, my hair, etc. When Lloyd and Cole saw me, they could barely recognize me.

--Wow! How cool Sky! I bet you're going to bust out all those other participants! -- Exclaimed an enthusiastic Lloyd.

--Show them that women fight too! Proud our family! -- My cousin said with a smile.

I was very happy with their support, and after a quick demonstration of some blows, I gave a greeting and left. I could not be late.

[Kai's P.O.V.]

6:30am... Yeah, I think I'll get up. Not that I'm going to admit it to anyone, but I couldn't sleep well tonight. Every year was like this, on the eve of the guard's selection I was simply too eager to fall asleep. I was afraid of loosing the time... but as you could see, it was the opposite, I just woke up very early.

I dressed up and went to the kitchen to get something to eat. I got a glass of Ovomaltine (Yeah, I bet you thought juice, Nescau, Toddy ... but honestly that's my favorite, so that's why I put this :) if you don't have it where you live, it's a type of chocolate milk) and a cheese and salami sandwich. There was still more than 1 hour left for the participants to arrive, but I was too nervous to do anything, so I went to the training camp, where there would be the selection, and checked if everything was in order.

[Nya's P.O.V.]

--So... what do you say? Do you want to go out with me?

I was in shock. Of course I wanted! But when I was going to answer, everything around me began to disappear...

I opened my eyes slowly. My room was already completely iluminated, it was morning. Ohh... I wanted to get to sleep just a little bit more... Or rather: I wanted this to happen in real life! "Yeah, like the jester would call you out" I thought, shaking my head from side to side.

Before I could continue lamenting in thought because my dream would probably never come true, I glanced at the clock at the head of the bed. 8:20am.

MY GOD! I LOST THE TIME! I put on the first clothes I found and ran down, almost falling off the stairs. I got a mug of Ovomaltine (they're siblings, they can like the same things...) and a toast and I ran out, where I bumped into Zane.

--Hello Princess. Why are you here?

--Good Morning! -- I say with my mouth full, then I swallow to continue -- I want to watch the auditions, or whatever you call it. I can, right? I promise to be quiet in the corner!

--I do not see any problems. But do not mess up, your brother should pay full attention to the candidates. Call me if you need anything. - He said as he walked to his place, next to Kai.

I walked to a place where I was barely visible, but I saw everything. On the way, I ran into a soldier, but instead of a complaint I heard a whispered "hi."

--Skylor ?! -- I whispered back.

--Yeah, it's me

--Good luck friend! - Having said that, I left, because it would be very suspicious to talk to someone I wasn't supposed to know, even more whispering, since nobody could hear her voice. At least, not yet.

[Skylor's P.O.V.]

After that, I went to my place with the other participants. I looked around to recognize the place, but my gaze fixed on a tall, strong boy, probably about eighteen years old, with brown hair spiked in a cool hairstyle, talking to what looked like a robot. He wore a red uniform with a sword on his back. I had to admit: he was very handsome.

There was only one problem: as he approached us, I realized that he was the Prince. Kai. The best warrior. Who would evaluate us. My friend's brother. And I had found him handsome. Damn it. Why? What's the use of falling in love with him if I'm just a girl from the village disobeying rules? He will marry a princess, of course, if he is not already promised to one.

My thoughts were cut off as he began to speak.

He talked to us about why we were here and what we would do. We were in 35 candidates, and only the top 15 could stay.

Each of us was called ahead to demonstrate what we knew, and so people were being eliminated. When there were only 20 candidates left, it changed. Each of us would fight against Kai, the 15 who did better would have the vacancies, while the others would leave and train more for next year. It was a great honor to be part of the army, so everyone who was still there was very tense. And I was one. I could hardly believe it, but I saw it when Nya jumped for joy when she saw I was not taken.

One by one, the Warriors in training faced the Prince, all losing, some faster than others. Unfortunately I was the last one, but when I was called I felt more prepared than ever. I looked into his eyes, reddish brown that could melt any heart, but I turned away before I lost my concentration. It was my chance, I could not waste it because of it.

I took a deep breath and the fight began. (I will not describe it, because it will be boring, and I don't know how to describe it well.)
I could hardly believe when after dodging, with a quick blow, I knocked Kai.

The robot which he talked earlier announced the end of the fight, and helped the Prince to stand up, who was looking a little stunned and a bit annoyed that he had lost.

[Nya's P.O.V.]

I saw it all pretty much in slow motion. When my brother fell, I jumped and shouted, both in happiness and astonishment. She did it. She did what almost nobody can do. Defeated my brother. I ran there, and I heard him congratulate her.

FOR SURE she would be chosen. She HAD to be. If not I'd  interfere in it. I gave Skylor a quick nod and stepped back, when Kai glared at me like saying 'You shouldn't be here.' I came back to my place, not wanting to miss anything else that would happen.

[Kai's P.O.V.]

I barely saw the soldier's move. I just felt the ground against my back and I heard Zane saying that the fight was over. This didn't happen for very long, I was unprepared for it. It took me by surprise. That was the best warrior I saw this day. I guess even the best who joined here, like, before training. Today everyone is very good, but this one was good before even being recruited.

--Congratulations. - I spoke after getting up

He nodded. I hope we na be friends...

Heyyyyy!!!!! AAhhhhhhh, finilally some Kailor!! And Kai... don't worry... YOU'LL BE MUCH MORE THAN FRIENDS!- Oopss... I think I spoiled it... but I think you already knew this would happen, don't you? What do you think will happen? Will he discover who she is? You'll have to wait to know...
One more time: sorry for being late... I'll try to translate the next chapter now.
Well... if you liked it, please vote and leave a comment, I really like to read them! See you in the next chapter!!


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