Chapter 15

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The final three! Who will win? Who will lose? Skylor? Twilight? Or Kai?

Contestants remaining (3): Kai - Fire, Skylor - Amber, Twilight- wind

Losers (15): Griffin Turner-speed, Paleman-light, Karloff-metal, Cole- Earth, Bolobo-Nature, Gravis-Gravity, Jacob-Sound, Ash-Smoke, Shade-Shadow, Neuro-Mind, Camille-form, Tox-Poison, Lloyd Garmadon- Energy, Jay-lightning Riptide-water

Twilight's eyes fluttered open, and her tournament suite came into focus. For a blissful second, she forgot about the bowling. Then it hit her. Riptide was gone. She had lost, and on purpose, too. Twilight sighed and closed her eyes again. Where was she? What was happening to her now? Twilight hoped she was with Jay, but one could never be sure. Maybe they were watching the Tournament and having fun wherever the trapdoor led. Twilight allowed herself to hope for a second, then grimaced. If Chen really was working with Galactic, well... It was rather certain that Riptide's fate wasn't going to be good. Unless, of course, he waited for the Tournament to be over before he turned Riptide in to Galactic or Lord Shangri. Then Riptide would have a while to escape. Or be rescued, Twilight thought. Maybe she and Kai could rescue them! She discarded the idea almost immediately, however. To do that, she'd need to tell Kai about her real Elements. And she couldn't do that. Besides, what if Kai said no? Twilight chewed her lip and slid out of bed. She changed into her ninja suit, and shoved some noodles into her mouth. She wasn't hungry, but she knew that she'd need energy for the competition. "Today's a race! Report to right outside the Hall!" Chen squeaked happily. Twilight groaned and climbed down the stairs to the Hall. Once she arrived, she noticed a huge obstacle course: a sky-high wall, a flimsy rope bridge above water, a dirty pond, and a tall tree with a bell at the top. "Kai goes first!" Chen exclaimed, popping pieces of popcorn into his mouth. Talking around it, he continued. "You climb the wall, cross the bridge, swim the pond, climb the tree, ring the bell, climb down, and then run back again! You'll be timed, so hurry! GO!" Chen yelled without warning. Kai dashed over to the wall and immediately began finding footholds in it. He climbed over and began to cross the bridge, wobbling slightly. He hesitated at the pond. Twilight flinched. Fire ninja didn't like water, and Kai was no exception. Bracing himself for the impact, Kai dove in. He climbed the tree, rang the bell, and climbed down again. Too tired to run, Kai jogged back. "Six minutes, forty-five seconds." Chen announced with a smirk. "Skylor! GO!" Skylor smiled evilly, then used her gravitational Powers to lift herself over the wall. She crossed the bridge, then swam across the pond easily. Twilight frowned. In order to go that fast, Skylor must've stolen Riptide's power somehow. Twilight gave an evil grin of her own. She didn't know what she had taken. Skylor lifted herself up the tree, rang the bell, then lifted herself down. She began running, and, glancing at the timer, Twilight realized that Kai had no chance of winning if she used her wind Powers. The time was exactly five minutes, and she was only a few meters from the finish line. Skylor let out a triumphant whoop. Suddenly, the ground began to shake. As though somehow attracted by the whoop, a herd of small, fluffy dogs tackled Skylor. They licked her face and panted happily. After all, Chihuahuas love their master, Twilight thought wryly, remembering the first time Riptide had summoned Chihuahuas. Skylor yelled angrily, and tried to push away the yipping dogs. Finally, she staggered across the finish line at eleven minutes. Twilight couldn't help but laugh, and Skylor glared at her. "Twilight. GO!" Chen drawled, disinterested. Twilight scrambled over the wall and wobbled across the bridge, but hesitated by the pond. Fire ninja don't like water, Twilight thought again. Taking a deep breath, she dove into the murky green water and furiously swam across. She vaulted up the tree with her wind, rang the bell, then swooped down again. She ran all the way back, with a time of five minutes and ten seconds. Begrudgingly, Chen admitted that Skylor was out. Skylor began shrieking, yelling, and screaming. "Don't be a such a sore loser," Kai reminded her cheekily. Skylor turned a violent shade of red and tried to punch him, but at that exact moment, her trapdoor opened and she fell. Kai grinned easily at Twilight, then high-fived her. "Well played, Twi," he praised, smiling. "But where'd you get the dogs?" Twilight smiled enigmatically. "I didn't. Skylor did." Before Kai could respond, Chen briefly announced a mystery competition tomorrow. "I wonder what it is," Kai wondered aloud. Twilight shrugged. "I have no idea," she replied. However, whenever she thought about it, she felt a weird, uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach, like something bad was going to happen. Twilight began to feel slightly scared. Her feelings about the future were almost always right. It came with her element, after all...

Wow! Skylor got out! Now it's Kai vs. Twilight! Who will win? What will the next competition be? What were Twilight's feeling about? Will she lose? Or is it something much, much worse... Hold on to your hats, everyone, cause this next chapter is going to be killer! :D

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