10| Heart to Heart

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10.| Heart to Heart

Almost 4k words y'all, sorry but I didn't want to leave it on a silly cliff hanger. 😛 Thank you for reading. ❤️❤️

Hollis's family was a strange mix of organized weird. Where her father was a man of faith with a rigid moral compass, her mother was more spiritual than by the book, so them being so open and accepting of Shae and Huey's relationship (and faith) was both a surprise and relief. Hollis was unsure when Shae had taken the time to form a relationship with her brother. With school, work, and hanging out with Hollis, she questioned when Shae had the free hours to even see Huey, but the more she thought about it the more uneasy she became. Thinking about her brother hooking up with her close friend? Gag.

Honestly, she'd been more confused and grossed out by Huey's changed demeanor and gushy attitude as of late, if she wasn't so distracted with her newest, well, distraction, she'd be more annoyed. Hollis had spoken with her friend about John, she was very discreet about the details, but watched Shae's face light up when she mentioned that John was going to be picking her up on Monday for school. Shae wasn't one to grin openly, a snide smile here or there, maybe a smirk, but the gushing smile that crept across her face had caused Hollis to physically recoil. Then came the questions about that night, what had really happened on the roof, how was their walk and drive back to her house. The more she spoke, the more she placed everything together. Her and John's meeting wasn't some random coincidence, she was sure of it. The warm pull to one another and the unspoken feeling she had trouble putting into words. Maybe it was because she was young, or perhaps love in general has eluded her, she wouldn't be sure until she spent more time with him.

Monday morning came and her nerves had sunk past her chest and into her stomach, nearly causing her to wretch. Huey had driven her to school nearly every day, and today, to him, would be no different.

" Out in ten, " Huey declared through the kitchen, adjusting his tie and sending a stiff look across to Hollis.

" No, no I'm good today. I have a ride. " Hollis spoke quietly, so just her and Huey could hear, not intending to tell her mother or especially not her father, that a boy-man rather, would be driving her to school.

" What, no you'll be late if you walk. " Huey spoke so matter-a-factly that Hollis audibly scoffed at him, causing him to grin and look back at her.

" I said I have a ride, " Hollis's tone was nearly venomous as she locked eyes with Huey for only a few seconds, before pulling a backpack over her bare left shoulder and walking by him.

Huey's face immediately soured, scrunching as she walked past and emoted a short laugh. He fake gagged.

" Perfume? What, you've literally never worn perfume before, and are you wearing make-up? "

Hollis bit her tongue, continuing past her brother and to the front door. He was suspicious, but hadn't made a scene. She wasn't going to give him a chance.

" Bye. "

Hollis sneered at her brother, but knew she was more put together than normal. Wearing a white and floral tank top and dark washed skinny jeans, her hair was down but pulled back from her face, twisted at each side and pulled back by a small bobby-pin. She did know that normally she looked like a basement witch, but today she wanted to look a little nicer. The reasoning why wasn't necessary.

Clutching her backpack she cleared her lawn. Glancing behind her shoulder she noticed no one was peeking from the curtains of her home, and she felt confident she'd slipped out without blowing her cover. Turning and looking ahead is when she spotted John's car, she'd noticed he parked nearly in the exact spot as when he had dropped her off. The quiet rumble of his car's engine eased her anxiety as she realized he'd been waiting, not wanting to imagine if he'd stood her up and the embarrassment she would have felt.

Hollis crossed in front of John's car, watching as his eyes intently followed her. She paused at his passenger side door and weakly waved before opening the door and letting herself in. John had a coy smirk on his face, he leaned in some, making sure to greet her as she entered through the door and onto the seat. Hollis placed her backpack between her legs on the floor of the car and turned to John.

" Hey, thanks again. "

She'd rehearsed this exact scenario a thousand fucking times. Literally. In one of them he didn't show up, another he kissed her as soon as she slid into the passenger seat. She could feel the apples of her cheeks warm as she realized she felt like an idiot living in her maladaptive daydreams, but she was so nervous something would go wrong. Why couldn't she think of something cool to say? Maybe she was just distracted because he smelled good, that wouldn't be a lie.

" No problem, " John's voice was velvety soft, calm and cool. His sweet tone made Hollis more on edge. Maybe she was the only one who was nervous.

" Your parents are pretty strict right, they were good with me driving you? "

Hollis stayed silent for a minute, looking out the window as John put the car in drive and they passed her house. Immediately her shoulders slouched as she discreetly fell below the eyesight view of the windshield of the car. On cue John laughed quietly to himself, glancing at her and then the road.

" I guess not, huh, " he seemed to break character, grinning wildly as he laughed again, enjoying Hollis's reaction to his question.

Hollis shot him an annoyed look, her mouth unable to stop from smiling as much as she may try.

" Hollis the badass, sneaking out with a boy. " John semi mocked her, again his eyes left the road to peek at his passenger who was brooding.

" My family is nuts. " Hollis had pushed herself up from her slouched position, adjusting her seatbelt across her chest, she kept her eyes forward.

" Must be nice. "

Hollis's brows scrunched and her face soured as she looked to her side, where John was already anticipating a spirited conversation from her, in fact, he'd provoked it. If not their ride might have been filled with silence and longing glances.

" Overbearing brother, divinely-devoted father, spiritual mother.." Hollis complained but John's interest was peaked.

" You could've gotten mine, " he paused, their drive slowing down as they neared a stop sign. " Normal parents. " John tried to sound spooky, but Hollis didn't buy it.

" Yeah, poor you. "

" Helen and Pete don't believe in the supernatural. I've been sent to a few psychiatrists, psychologists, teen retreats. I've learned to keep the shit I see to myself."

John's voice trailed off and Hollis realized that he wasn't making fun of her, he was envious. With the Balfours, the stranger you were, the more you were accepted. While with John, he'd been ostracized from his own parents.

" You'll have to meet them, you'll get it when you're being preached to about demonic possession by my brother, have my mother reading your aura, or my father interrogating you about your faith. "

" Woah-woah-woah, little fast Hollis. Already inviting me over for dinner and a good time. " John's brows peaked as he pushed at Hollis, pushing her over.

She wanted to jab at him, give him a piece of his own medicine, but the sound of her name coming from his lips was enough to make her shudder. His warm, low tone enunciating each syllable made her melt into a puddle in his passenger seat.

John's smirk was contagious, and Hollis's flared nostrils and tight jaw just sent him further into his sarcastic spiral. She shook her head and fought off a tight lip smirk of her own.

The ride was quick, and they'd arrived a little earlier than she expected. They were parked and heading into the school before the first bell, and the moment her and John neared parting ways on the sidewalk, he stepped into her path.

John's shoulder had brushed hers and he leaned in suddenly so only she could hear him. The back of his hand and knuckles lightly pressed against her bare arm, causing her to immediately stop in place. He didn't speak immediately, instead his lips lingered open for a moment, as he hovered over her. His dark hair shifting as he brought his face down closer to hers. John's amber eyes seemed to burn through her and she was struck still, his glances shamelessly taking in all of her features as he finally looked into her eyes. Her lips parted just slightly as she looked up, not realizing how close he was to her face, and that their noses were nearly touching. John was close enough for his cologne to wash against her, for her to see the flecks of brown and green in his eyes as the morning sun warmed against them, and to feel the yearning in his voice as he spoke so gently to her that it made her skin ripple.

" Meet me outside after class. "


Shae was eager to meet her at each of their classes, grinning each moment she could mention her and John. Hollis still wasn't over the fact that her and Huey were a thing. She'd always assumed he would date, marry even, but to a witch? Her best friend nonetheless. Shae had been a follower of Hecate, an ancient being many witches and warlocks followed, but it appeared she was willing to tone down the craft activities to be with Hues. Likewise, Huey and their family were devote followers of their own, and it appeared their father had loosened the reign a bit as he'd seen how happy Shae had made his son. Everything was hectic right now, maybe they would be a little warmer to the fact that Hollis was running around with a boy, who happened to be a psychic.

" Your energy's changed Holls, " Shae spoke warmly, and it off-put Hollis as she glanced over to her friend. They had just a few more minutes of their last period before class was out and she could see John again.

" What? "

" Your energy is different. Since that night on the roof, it's more vibrant. I can tell you're more in touch with your abilities now. "

Hollis didn't need to look over to know Shae was smiling, her honesty was one of the things she loved about her friend, and right now it was making her uncomfortable. Her words were kind, and they made her second guess the last few days. But, she was right. Hollis had felt something release that night with John and the abductor on the roof. She just wasn't sure what, and honestly, she was a little hesitant to accept it. She'd been having vivid dreams lately, the ones where she would wake up levitating just inches from her bed, causing her to fall to her mattress and gasp for air. Something much bigger was happening than just a warlock or demon running around killing teens, and she was fearful of knowing what it was.


John was outside of the school at his car. His back resting against the passenger door as he smoked a cigarette, he immediately noticed Hollis and pushed up. Exhaling the smoke he dusted off his pants nervously and tossed the cigarette. Hollis had just exited her last class before then popping into the bathroom for just a moment to make sure she wasn't a sweaty hot mess. Which she was. They both seemed to straighten up the moment their eyes met, and Hollis felt her throat begin to close as she watched John begin to smile.

That electricity she'd felt that first day she'd met him hadn't wavered. Even now she could feel it's pull as she left the sidewalk and walked across the grass, making a b-line for him and his car. She didn't have any extracurriculars or friends, besides Shae. Her normal afternoon was learning about different demonology with her father, seances with her mother, and getting dragged to the Church to meet with Huey. Everything in her life had always centered around her family. So this little time away for her to just be herself? It was nice.

Hollis was too preoccupied with matching eyes with John to even notice Huey's car as he slowed down in front of the High school. While Shae was quick to meet him with a soft grin and quick pleasantries through the driver side window, Huey was completely distracted as he watched Hollis walk toward a teenage boy, and get into his car.

" Who's that? "

His tone alone had put Shae on edge, she looked at him while tilting her head and gave him a suspicious look.

" I-I just want to make sure she's going to be okay. "

Shae didn't need to say a single word, her body language said it for her, and Hues quickly cleared his throat and pursed his lips. She immediately saw how his expression changed and her own attitude lifted.

" She's happy so give her a little slack, okay? " Shae paused, looking over her shoulder as Hollis was talking with a wide grin. She got into the passenger side of John's car and Hues made an audible grumble.

" His name is John Constantine. "

Huey was still reluctant to just drop the situation even after Hollis had left, knowing that she could possibly be in danger and that the reoccurring visions he'd had for the last few months were more than just normal sleep nightmares. He wasn't sure when, or with who, but Hollis would be the one to stop this upcoming world-ending event that he had seen night after night. He just hoped he would be around long enough to help guide and protect her.


A soft rock melody played in the background as Hollis and John sat quietly in his car. The windows were down, and Hollis was slumped back against the soft vinyl passenger seat while she casually fanned her damp skin with a folded paper. It was nearly Christmas, but in L.A, that didn't matter, unseasonably warm weather had made its way through the city, and the cute facade she had put together earlier was fading. Hollis's mid-length dark hair had been pulled back into a low bun. Loose strands of hair framed her face and she wiped some sweat from her brow.

" Fuck, it's hot. "

Hollis griped quietly to herself, and John sneered. He had ditched his leather coat, and was in a short sleeved black t-shirt. She sent a hard look at him and accidentally caught the glint of sweat forming on his exposed biceps and forearms. Before she could form a comeback her gaze shifted back to her open window. If she wasn't careful she'd get caught gawking.

" Do you mind hanging out for a few at my place before I drop you off? I gotta grab some stuff before work. "

John's asked nonchalantly, like her coming over to his house was no big deal. Just once she wished he looked an ounce as nervous as her. Maybe he just wasn't as into her as she was to him, she had such a hard time reading him. Still she nodded his way, letting him know that would be fine.

The Constantine's were currently out, John mentioned that both of his parents worked until almost six, so they wouldn't be home for a while, and to make herself at home. A gesture she wasn't sure how to take.

The house was very quiet, clean and cool. Heavy dark blinds and curtains shielded the inside of the home from any extreme heat, and almost instantly Hollis was hit with central air, which nearly made her knees buckle from relief.

John let Hollis look around for a moment, his eyes following her as she cheekily laughed and pointed at every picture of him as a child. She noticed his smile fading in the photos progressively as he got older until he became a young teen. She had a hunch but didn't want to press anything this early in their relationship.


Hollis bit the inside of her cheek, was this what that was? She wasn't sure if John felt the way she felt about him, but at least this was a start.

" I just need a few things, It'll be quick. "

John had begun up a flight of stairs, and Hollis's eyes lingered on a specific picture of John, he couldn't have been older than ten or eleven. There were so many people around him, and everyone was smiling and posing, and while he didn't look outright ominous or strange, Hollis recognized the pained expression that had carried on in the photos after this one. Frightened eyes-pale complexion. She'd had that exact look since she was that age too. When you finally realize what you've been seeing isn't a story or in your head. The monsters are real, and they'll never leave you alone.


John's room was large and open, missing clutter or knick-knacks, it looked lived in but not loved. Like he visited here, but didn't live here. She couldn't quite put her finger on it. One thing she did know for sure, was that the air was the absolute coldest right now in this room, and she took the opportunity to rest for a moment. John grabbed another jacket from a chair and some clothes for work, rummaging around for something else while Hollis sat on his unmade bed and relaxed back, resting her weight on her hands she took a deep breath.

Hollis's chestnut eyes closed for a moment while the hint of a smile crossed her face. Her exposed shoulders and arms, that were covered in a dewy sweat, had begun to chill, and caused her skin to ripple. She didn't care. Not one bit. She'd take a little bit of cold over this hot weather any day, and quietly she basked in the fact that she was not just invited into John's house but in the room of the boy she had a crush on. She softly sighed, rolling her shoulders and looked up and noticed John was just a few feet from her. He hovered over her, his lips were parted just slightly, and his shoulders tense, as though he was holding something back.

" Ready? " John's voice seemed weaker for some reason, and as her glance met his, John averted his eyes and cleared his throat.

Hollis nodded, quickly collecting herself, and realized she was nearly laying on his bed. Mortified that she looked a little too comfortable, she leapt up and adjusted her shorts and shirt before leaving the room with John close after her.


What Hollis hadn't noticed was John watching her attentively the moment she entered his home. He'd been distracted for a moment gathering some things for work, but he noticed everything. He noticed the way she smiled admiring his room, and he listened to the sound of her soft exhales. He stood still for few seconds, noticing how her hair framed her beautiful face, and his eyes shifted down to her exposed neck and shoulders. Taking a step toward her, John tried to get some courage while his stomach jumped into his throat.

Her eyes peeked open, noticing him immediately as he prepared to say something, anything really, that might help express how he felt. There had been only a few close moments, but he hadn't been able to say what he had wanted, and now he needed to get something off his chest, and for a few fleeting seconds, she gave him a real opening. He looked into Hollis's intense eyes, and that fire to start a real conversation swelled over, causing him to want to puke, and ultimately, say something he didn't want to. Which was for them to leave.

He was inside his own head most of the drive to the Balfours, which had caused Hollis to look over at him nervously. John was itching to smoke, one cigarette would be able to put his anxiety at ease, but he knew Hollis may get chewed out coming home smelling like an ashtray, so he held off.

" Where do you work? " She tried to make small talk to fill the void of the car.

For a few seconds John hesitated, the lull of the rock music was the only sound between them before he finally caught up with what she'd asked.

" Just some part-time mechanic work, nothing important like exercising demons or saving kids. " The corner of John's mouth tugged at a smile and Hollis nodded, a small smirk forming on her lips as well.

" Wow, forgot how lucky I was for a second. " Her sarcasm caused his hint of a grin to fully spread, and he couldn't help but smile.

John's car slowed as he neared her house, coming to a quiet stop at the same spot as earlier. He wished he had more time to sit with her. The more time they spent together, the more comfortable she would be, and the more he could listen to her talk. Which was something he liked to do.

Hollis unbuckled her seatbelt and grabbed the backpack between her knees. She glanced at him, the soon to be setting sun had filled the car cabin with soft orange and yellow hues, illuminating Hollis's charcoal hair and brilliant brown eyes. A familiar tug in John's chest reminded him of how he felt, urging him to act and at least tell her. He took in a sharp breath, his face more serious as he thought of telling her that he looks forward to seeing her every day, even if they don't talk. That she was more beautiful than he could put into words, and that the sound of her voice made him both on edge and at ease. But, instead came out a safe, familiar question.

" Same time tomorrow morning? "

Hollis looked relieved, her shoulders and tight expression relaxing as she nodded, and she let herself out of John's car. She pulled her backpack on and paused over at his window for a moment, quickly thanking him before turning and heading along the sidewalk to her house.


Thank you for the support on this novel!

& mann hope you guys loved that gif of John because I did

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