A Garden Walk

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Loki decided to walk with me through the gardens later on that day.

As we walked through the rare flowers, shrubs, and trees we chatted about anything and everything.

“Were you scared when Odin cast Thor out? Fearing that… you might be next?” I asked Loki

“I suppose, I was more concerned with you being cast out.”

“Why me?”

Luna,” he stopped and took my head in his hands, “I love you. I believe when you love a person, you cannot live without them.

“Loki. Please let go of my face.”

Loki dropped his hands and started walking again, “Luna. Can I ask you something?”

“You just did.” I smirked slightly

“No, an actual question.” Loki rolled his eyes

“Go ahead.”

“Will you ever marry?”

I stopped walking, a bit shocked. He had the audacity to ask that?

“You’re always so perceptive about everyone but yourself.”

“What do you mean?”

“You ask for information about me. But when I want information about you, you dismiss it like it’s nothing.” I started walking again

Will you?

If the right person comes along.”



“Who is this Tony?”


“The Tony that is on your cellular device and in many of your books?”

“Ummmm, What?”

“This Tony.” He held up my Starkphone (don’t ask) and showed me a chat that I had with ‘Tony’.

Where did you find my phone?”

“In a drawer.”

“You went through my drawers?!!” I practically screeched, shocked

“Yes. Who is Tony?”

“You’re not letting this go are you?”


“Fine. He is a guy that I have known for most of my life. We’ve known each other since Preschool.”

“Oh. Are you two…” He let his sentence trail away

“What? No!”

“These messages seem to say different.”

“Those are messages from a while ago. I haven’t talked to him in…”

“2 days.” Loki cut me off

“No. Okay maybe, now give it!” 

Loki held it over his head and I jumped to try to get it back.

“C’mon! I don’t go through your stuff!”

“How do I know this guy isn’t a sociopath?”

“Because! C’mon Loki!”

“I wonder what everyone would think about this?”

“If you so dare as much as tell anyone…” I jumped again, "Or I'll..." 

“You’ll do what? I’ll make you a deal. You never come join a fight again and I’ll leave this Tony alone.”

“No deal. Besides didn’t a certain god of mischief used to be in love with Sif?” I smiled as he lowered the phone in shock, he'd never thought I'd bring that up

I grabbed the phone and started to run, not glancing back. Loki never stopped me.

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