A Jumbled Mixed-Up Mess

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Most of the next fews days were spent in thought. 

I didn't know where Loki was...

Or if he meant what he said in the throne room.

I feel like I FUBAR*-ed. 

I can't blieve that I just- ugh. 

What if Loki tried to commit suicide because of me? 

What if...? I need some fresh air. 

Walking to the royal stables and grabbing a horse, I rode to Heimdall. 

"Hi Heimdall." I dismounted but still held the horse's reins tightly, as if it was going to run away. But I knew it wasn't going to. 

"What are you here for Lady Luna." Heimdall stated, more than asked

"Heimdall! I thought we were more on a first name basis. Not a Lady Luna and Sir Guardian Gate-keeper Heimdall!" I walked into the large dome structure, "I thought we were friends." 

"I suppose we are.. Luna." Heimdall looked out into the stars, "My formal name isn't Sir Guardian Gate-keeper Heimdall. Just to let you know."

I laughed, "There are so many galazies and stars and places to goto. Has anyone ever explored it all?" Petting the horse I gazed out trying to make sense of it all, "Heimdall?"

"Yes?" He asked not turning from the large expanse of stars infront of him

"What would you do if the person you love hurt you and told you to leave and never come back?" 

Heimdall turned and looked me straight in the eye, "Then don't be with them anymore."

I thanked Heimdall and rode back toward the palace.

And my problems

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