At The Ball

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People milled about in the large room as a band played some soft classical music which ended up fading into no more than just a different voice in the background. Loki and I walked around, his cane making little taps on the marble floor as we walked, people couldn't help but stare. I heard someone in German ask one of their dates, "Wer sind Sie?" (Who are they?) As another asked, "Wer ist sie?" (Who is she?). We were causing a stir and it was making Loki a little mad, although his appearance seemed completely calm and collected. He breezed past anyone who tried to talk to us or him in particular, that is until he saw his target. 

"We should walk around and talk to some people, don't you think?" I offered, trying to get some of the attention off of ourselves- that and the somewhat rude stares of the people we had just blown off and walked away from when they approached us for conversation. 

"Are you mad?" He snapped at me quietly, "Do you want witnesses to identify us? Have you seriously not gone undercover for any of your 'work'?"

"No. I'm not a field agent. I take care of the facts, I'm an informer so I'm sorry your royal asshole-ness if I'm not so comfortable or experienced as you are. I can fake it til I make it, but when it comes to being a total ass at parties- that's your department."

As I attempted to storm away, Loki calmly followed me, still studying everyone and everything- not losing sight of the man who we needed to keep an eye on. Once I had stopped and downed a glass of what looked to be champagne, he attempted to talk, "That was extremely uncalled for."

I scoffed, "Pfft, says you." 

"That was unladylike." I rolled my eyes, "Can you please talk to me about why you had that outburst out there?"

"You're just like Odin you know that, right?" He backed away, "You command everyone around, overlooking how much of an ass you can be. And what's your excuse? Odin actually cares about his country, his people, and his loved ones."

"We have a mission to complete and an objective with that. You can bring up petty and naggingly annoying problems of yours later on when I might actually somewhat care, understood? Now act like you want to be here and you deserve to be here, I don't care how you envision yourself when it comes to parties but if I was at a party with you that was less important than this one- I would have had slapped you and left for that somewhat degrading comment. Now, you mewling quim, walk."  

He linked arms with me and started to drag me forward, "What do you want me to do?"

"Oh, finally willing to fill your unwanted role in this plot?" 

"I want to know what I have to do, then I can get the hell out of here quicker."

Loki looked disappointed, "And then where will you go?"

I'll do what I should have done in the first place- "Home." -report you. 


"Is it time yet?" I asked for the fourth time, bored

"Almost." Loki kept staring ahead

"You've been saying that for the past hour." I whined and then looked up to see Loki staring at me curiously, "What? Is there something on my dress, face, hair? What?"

"Oh nothing." He turned back to staring at the target and around him

"Okayyy..." I stated not quite believing him

"Hey Luna?" He kept staring straight ahead, but his voice had softened a bit


"Do you like Midgard?"

"Yea. I guess I do."



"Let's go!" I sat up startled as my comfy pillow and headrest shot up from our hidden window seat

"Hmm Wha?" Did I fall asleep? Oh and of course- on Loki's shoulder. Fuck me. 

"Come on Luna, it's the perfect time. I'll go around the backstairs, you blend in with the crowd." He helped me up

"Okay okay." We both went our separate ways- he to the backstairs and I toward the crowd. The host of the party was giving a speech thanking everyone for coming, that's when Loki boldly strutted down the empty stairs. He flipped up his cane and used it to knock both guards to their knees. He then proceeded to grab the host and flip him upon a long bench-like table. Opening a mechanical device, he continued his mad reign by using such device to gouge the host's eye out- virtually sending it to Hawkeye who was stationed near the vaults holding what we needed for our portal. The audience was sent into a frenzy of screams as Loki gazed up looking like a madman. That's when everyone headed outside, running. Ignoring me, he followed the crowd and started even more torture. I quickly snuck outside and mixed in with the crowd. Loki, who had changed into his chain mail and leather, walked towards the people gathering in the square. As he crossed the street, a police car drove towards him, sirens blaring, with a flick of his wrist the car had flipped over and landed on its hood. 

"Kneel before me." People still scattered so Loki began to create duplicated versions of himself and tried again, "I said KNEEEEEEEL!!" The people obeyed and he surveyed them, grinning like a school boy. "Is not this simpler?" He began to walk through the crowd as his doubles smiled and leered down at the crowd from their places, "Is this not your natural state? It's the unspoken truth of humanity- that you crave subjugation. The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life's joy in a mad scramble for power. For identity... You were made to be ruled. In the end, you will always kneel." Loki looked triumphant, until an elderly man stood. 

After struggling for a moment, he spoke, "Not to men like you." 

Loki stared at this man, confused as to why he was standing, and smiled, "There are no men like me." He had that one right. I never met a person as bipolar and odd as Loki. 

"There are always men like you." He countered

Annoyed and fed up, Loki turned, "Look to your elder." He pointed his scepter at him, "Let him be an example." Ready to fire, I jumped up, distracting Loki. "Luna, love, what are you doing? Come here, by me."

I continued to look down, before taking a deep breath and facing him, "No." 


"I said no Loki. I'm not letting you kill him." Where was Phil? I let him know what was going on as soon as everyone was running outside

"You must be joking."

"No Loki, I'm not. I'm not moving from where I stand. I refuse to join you, I refuse to help you anymore. These are my people and this is my home, whatever happened in the past is the past. We're in the present now- the future. So Loki I ask you, put down the scepter. Please." He debated it as I was getting antsy, "For god sakes Loki put the goddamn scepter down!" I screamed at him when his self-debate was taking too long

"As I said before, look to your elder. Let him be an example- and if you get in the way, then so be it. I'd have proven my point." Loki got ready to fire and when he did, a man and a shield flew down from the sky landing in front of us and sending the blast back towards Loki. I breathed a sight of relief and turned to see if the elderly man was okay. Everyone fled the square- everyone but Loki, the owner of the shield, and myself. I was okay. We were all okay.

The owner of the shield stood and turned back to look at me, "Hey, fancy seeing you here. Speaking of that, why the hell did you go rogue?!" I went to answer but he stopped me, "Not now. Here, stand over there and you can explain later. Okay? Okay. Good. We're all good here, now get over there!"

My Capt was back on my team.  


Loki and my best friend commenced in their little brawl as banter was thrown back-and-forth like a tennis ball in a court. Except the court was in Germany and the tennis ball was being thrown back-and-forth between a super hero and a super villain. My best friend and my ex-boyfriend. Wait, was that what our relationship was? Just a broken up, bipolar, abusive relationship? 

"You know the last time I was in Germany- and saw a man standing above everyone else... we ended up disagreeing."

"The soldier. Ehehehe." Loki used his scepter to stand from the last blow the Captain had given, "The man out of time." 

"I'm not the one who's out of time." A quinjet appeared behind him, guns drawn

"Loki drop the scepter. Stand down." Natasha commanded. Loki shot at the quinjet, a shot of which Natasha easily dodged.  Captain threw his shield back at Loki and the fight continued as it was before. Loki and Captain America kept fighting, both using their weapons to block and flip the other over. After Loki used his scepter to flip hit Captain in the stomach, of which he flew back towards a set of stairs leading into the square from the building, Captain abandoned his shield with a flick of the wrist at Loki and began to fist fight him. 

Loki had finally gotten Captain to kneel, with his scepter forcing Captain's head to look down at the ground- and Loki's feet, " Kneel."

"Not today." Captain flipped up and began to make his fighting moves of flips and punches look like a ballerina's routine. All the while Natasha kept hovering around waiting for a good shot, but that wasn't going to happen with Want-to-be-king and Captain Ballerina. Shoot to Thrill began to play on the quinjet's loud speakers as Iron man joined the party. Captain looked alarmed at the sky from his place on the floor and Loki glanced up annoyed. Then Loki, seeing that he was going to loose, quickly grabbed me around the waist and held his scepter to my head. 

"You move and I kill her." He threatened, but Tony didn't hear him. He shot at us, but at the last second Loki turned so that his back was in the path of the weapon shooting towards us. We flew forward (since our backs were facing him), hitting a couple of marble steps in the process. 

Tony landed and took out some missiles as Loki struggled to get me to stand to use as a hostage, "Your move reindeer games." 

"I have a hostage."

"And I'll blow you both sky high." 

"You wouldn't dare kill an innocent bystander." 

"You wanna play reindeer games, I'll play. Now let go of her and stand the hell down." 

"Loki, do it." I growled

"Hmmph." He put his hands up and changed from his battle armor to a less threatening outfit. I ran to Stark and Rogers, limping slightly from when I hit the stairs because of Tony's recklessness. Tony put away his weapons.

"Good move."

Captain, out of breath, addressed Tony, "Mr. Stark." 

With a slight nod of his head, Tony acknowledged him as well, "Captain."


"What took you guys so long?" I was getting treated for my injuries on the quinjet by Steve

"Ha. You're not the easiest to find." 

"So Luna, still willing to take that offer I gave ya?" 

"Ha! You wish Stark."

"A guy can dream can't he?" Tony pretended to be hurt which just made me laugh more. This is why I was on Earth. These were my friends and this is where I belong. Not with the god of mischief. 

 Speaking of him, he was staring at me curiously- realizing I double-crossed him. He was watching how I interacted with each of the Avengers, trying to figure out why I was on their side and why I wanted to stay on Earth. 

"Hey Luna, how's the plans going?" Natasha tried to change the subject, since she had no clue what we were talking about and somewhat wanted to out her thoughts in on the subject

"Oh, the wedding plans?" The big smile faded from my face, and I shrugged, "Good I guess, he can't really decide on anything so I think it may be a year before anything actually happens." 

"Sounds like that is a very hot-and-cold kind of guy." 

"Castiel isn't usually like that, but I mean there's only one wedding. Unless either of us get divorced..."

"That's not going to happen Luna, you guys are like Peggy and..." Steve let his sentence trail off and everyone kept quiet for awhile. We had treaded upon a forbidden subject and there was no turning back. Everyone continued to awkwardly fidget and look everywhere but at each other. I glanced at Loki, he was staring right back at me, not blinking, just staring- looking... hurt. Then he whispered something that I barely heard. 


Love the song, even though the video is a FrostIron shipping.... 

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