Flamboyance of Flamingos

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Cautiously walking toward where I heard the sound, I grabbed a gun from one of the cabinets, then turning to face the intruder- I found some random cat sitting in my kitchen sink, "The heck?" I let it back outside and went into my living room. I still had my suspicion but I let it go, for now. I could finally relax in my apartment with ease, knowing that Loki would be taken care of and his temporary reign of madness would be over and through by, hopefully, morning. Turning on a nature channel, I started to watch a documentary on flamingos.

"We'll return to The Crimson Wing: Mystery of the Flamingos after these commercials." That was my cue to go get some more popcorn and tea

"Hmmm... Earl Grey or Lavender?" I wondered aloud as I turned the corner into the kitchen only to be roughly shoved into the breakfast nook wall. I turned my shoulder, throwing the intruder for a loop and hook kicking them onto the floor- it recovered fast and grabbed the ends of my scarf, pulling tight

"Who are you?" It whispered harshly

I gasped for breath and in a desperate attempt to get it to let go, I tried to flip backwards like my shaolin master taught me several months ago, but I wasn't nearly as good as he and fumbled. Our struggle lasted for several lengthy beats and before long, I had flipped it over on its back, out of breath. It had worked. But then the thing did something puzzling- it started to laugh. That laugh. Loki.

"You're stronger." His laughter died down

"I've had to be prepared for any more out of this world kidnappings."

"For what?" He sat up and looked at me with a childish grin on his face. My knees almost buckled. Almost. It had been so long, I had so many things I wanted to say, talk about, yell at him for- Why did he have to die?! Why did he leave?! Why did he do that!? So many things that I just wish I could yell at him for, but the time wasn't right and I needed to turn him in. Then SHEILD won't think of me as some toddler having to be cared for by the super people of today. And it's not like I enjoyed spending time with them either- Tony Stark was nice, a little arrogant but Pepper Potts? Completely overbearing towards Tony and I. It seemed like she actually thought I would take Tony away from her and that Tony would gladly conspire to be part of it and lead to her downfall. Natasha Romanoff went on a mission with me once and acted like, not only was I not there but, I was a preschooler. She was awesome and bad-a** in the field but not what I would call a great friendship. Bruce Banner was nice, if I wanted peace and quiet in a bustling Indian city-metropolis. I was assigned to chill with him and let some heat die down from a mission I might not have succeeded very well at.... Steve Rogers was my favorite to 'shadow', he- as I stated before- is like an older brother to me. Enough said. And finally Hawkeye, my last mission partner was like Steve, except a meaner always-pulls-pranks-on-you older brother. I didn't mind. At least until Loki made him some sort of minion. That pissed me off.

"Have you forgotten what happened last time? Besides, I'm a SHIELD agent now, I have to know how to protect myself from men like you." I turned to look out the window, "People like you." I whispered, "But that's beside the point, what are you doing here?"

Loki stood, placing a hand on my shoulder, "I'm sorry...."

"You?" I turned to face him, mad that he had the audacity to apologize now but it took quite a few incidents to apologize in Asgard. Not only that but this apology was a way to shut me up and try to make me even remotely like him again. It wasn't working. "As if. You're not the one to apologize. You're probably just doing it to shut me up and make me help you." I pushed him away but he stood firmly planted, hand on my shoulder, other hand holding my hand, unmovable. "Let go." He stood there motionless, "Let go!"

Loki snapped into the present, "I'm here to make sure you weren't an imposter. A trick of the heart. Of the mind." He sounded so hurt, so very different from how before. It was like he was reciting some sad eulogy from a Shakespearian play.

I lightly touched his shoulder, "Don't touch me!" He yelled furious, he didn't look anything close to the Loki I knew. It was the same man in the same body but different morals, judgements, ideals- different him. Heck, even his facial expressions seemed grotesque at times and stressed to the point of exploding. "I'm a God you meddling quim!" He yanked his arm away and pushed me, I flew to the floor, almost hitting my head on the black and white tile. As soon as he had flipped his lid, his expression softened, this was the Loki I knew, the Loki I would spend so many a-night with reading and drinking tea until Frigga or Odin would know on the door and ask us if we wanted to join a feast or celebration. If we weren't required, we didn't go- we just stayed inside and read. "I am truly sorry..." He made a move to help me up

"I'm good thanks. I can take care of myself Loki, you don't need to try to coddle me after you hurt me." He frowned and looked like he was about to cry, I didn't know what to do. So I awkwardly gave him a hug and kissed his forehead, "What happened to you?" My voice softened, "Loki, what happened to the guy I once knew?"

"Things I'm sure you'd rather not hear." His expression was cold

"Are you kidding me?! You always close up on me when-" I noticed yelling wasn't helping so I tried a different approach, "You can't know until you tell me. Please, I'm sure I could handle it." I gently touched his arm, waiting for some violent outburst to happen again, "Please."

"I went to other worlds. After I let go, I went to other worlds. Worlds that neither you nor Thor nor even the All-Father himself knew about. Places that were horrendous." Loki spat, getting upset, "I met people. Creatures of the night. Horrible beats and nightmares. Women that would kill for a shame-less stolen dollar out of a poor wretches' pocket. All these things, met me with open arms and swooped upon me. They told me things- some magnificent, others horrific- and I made a deal with the devil. Those realms.... Were horrific."

I hugged him then held him at arm's length, "Loki." I looked him in the eye, "Look at me. I don't care if you've been to different worlds. All I see now is the same sly grin, those emerald eyes, everything that makes Loki, Loki. All in the same boy-like personality."

"But..." he began

"Loki." He looked away, I made him turn his head back towards me, "That's why I fell in love with you. I still see the good in you."

"You know what I'm going to do?" He asked

"Yes." I smiled, "You're very easy to read."


"Your vibe. You know, your personality. Besides, I know you too well. That, and I also guessed you weren't here to visit me. Or Earth."

"Oh," He went deep into thought, 'Where would I find a stabilizing unit for the tesseract?" Completely overlooked my cute little I-hate-you-because-you're-not-here-to-visit-but-only-to-attempt-to-take-over-my-world sentence.

"A stabilizing unit?"

"Something that forces it open. That makes it not explode."

"Why do you need one?"

"I already told you- to keep the tesseract open and not make it explode or be able to be shut down."

"You need to have a manual over-drive somewhere."

I sighed, "That would probably be something involving an element found in meteorites, why don't you talk to Dr. Selvig about it?"

"There's no time, especially now that I visited you."

"Excuse me now what?"

"You heard me."

"Get out of my apartment, Loki. Now."

"Just help me out this one time Luna. I beg of you. Please, Miss. Laufeyson, please."

I groaned, he seriously had to use that name!? "I know exactly what you need." I took out a book from many of the piles that littered the apartment, "It's a rare element, comes from meteorites, and there are only two in the world."

"Where's the nearest?"

"Private collection in Germany."

"I have to go."

"I'm coming with."

"No, you're not."

"Yes, I am. I did the research. You asked me. You came to me." I told him determined, "Therefore I come."

He gave me a look, "You'll need a dress suitable for a ball."

I smirked, "No problem."

Authors Note: Ohmigoodness. I. Am. Shocked. Two thousand and thirty-seven reads. Holy Sh!t. Duo milia triginta septem! (Latin for 2,037) Wow, I never expected when I created this ship- this story- that I would get so much positive feedback and so many wonderful people reading my work. I just want to thank you all so much for the support, comments, reads, and votes. I know I don't post as often as I should, but I'm glad you stuck with me. :) I hope you have a great day and keep enjoying- you guys are why I write. Once again thanks, C.

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