I Love To Hate You

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"Wha..?" I asked her slightly groggily

"You fell asleep on Loki's shoulder and he on yours," she smiled "Thank you. It's been so long since he's had a friend or a sisterly figure."

"Um, you're welcome"

"Loki left that for you." Frigga pointed to a tray that had a note, several books, a pastry, and a vase of flowers on it. I picked up the note and went to read it but stopped.

"Frigga?" there was no response so I opened it and read.


Dearest Love,

It was nice waking up to your warm loving face and alas I had to leave such a comforting sight. I shall be back by noon. I had the cook make you a chocolate pastry. I picked out some books that you might enjoy and I also got some flowers that remind me of your ever-growing beauty.

Hope to see you soon.

With love, Loki


Did I just read that right? Dearest Love? With love? Oh, no.

I looked at the pastry and decided it wouldn't hurt to try the scrumptious looking item. I took a bite and couldn't help but finish the delicious thing. Just as I was about to get up and leave, Loki came.

"Hello dearest," he cooed "I see you've stayed. How did you sleep?"

"Fine and hello but, Loki, I am not your dearest."

"Yes you are."

"No I am not"



"Are you sure you want to play this game with me, little pet?" He smirked, playfully

"Loki, I do not love you."

"I know you dreamt of me last night. Didn't you?"

"I did not"

"Come now, you do not honestly think I would believe you. Now would you dearest?"

"Yes, I thought you would but I suppose I'm wrong. I could just... just slap you. You-" I looked at him hatefully

"Go ahead. Don't be shy, you can't hurt me." He smirked slightly hurt by my wanting to hurt him and his beautiful delicate face...

Luna. Stop. Get control over yourself!

"Grr! I hate you!"

"As I said before I love it when you are stubborn. Your cold heart in contrast to mine will be warm again. I can assure you at least that much." He chuckled

"Stop! Loki please. I do not love you. I was just helping Frigga." I begged

"But..." He looked confused and hurt

"I'm sorry." I got up to leave and saw that he was very upset "Loki, I'm sorry. It's the tru-"

"Leave me! Now!" he yelled throwing a book in my direction. I ran out of the room as fast as I could and slammed the door behind me.

I avoided Loki for the next month and a half. He avoided me with his silent hatred. When he got the chance, he'd mock me or laugh.

"What's his problem?" I asked Thor one day

"No one knows, Lady Luna." He told me with a sigh "He doesn't let anyone come close enough to figure it out."

That's how it stayed. Until one day in the library.

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