Metal Blades

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Luna started to search through the cell for something, anything, that would give her the advantage. As she started to look in corners, chipping away at the cement and metal, several guards came in and carried her to a different room. This one, unlike the last, had a table and two chairs at its center. She was placed into one chair- handcuffed to it would be the more accurate description- and the guards left as suddenly as they had come. For five minutes, she counted on the clock, the chains were pulled against the flesh of her arms and wrists as she attempted to break free. The door opened and yet again Steve Rogers stood in the doorway.
"So, you're now my ambassador or something?"
"I'm the only one that can knock some sense into you."
"So you're the only one that volunteered."
"No, Tony raised his hand faster than I could say 'God Bless America'. But everyone decided it'd be better if I talked to you since, apparently, I have an unbiased opinion on what's going on here." He sat down across the table, "What were you doing to the wall in that cell?"
"I don't know what you're talking about." She turned her head away from him
"Luna. Look at the screen I'm holding in front of you." She refused to look, "Luna, c'mon."
"I don't want to look at anything that stupid camera recorded."
"Stop acting like you're a spoiled brat."
"I'm not acting like one. You're trying to force me to do something I don't want to do. You're making me be you in this situation and you're making you be Bucky." Luna spat, still not looking at him.
Suddenly, he stood up and slammed his hands on the table. "Don't you dare try to bring up my past Luna. The past that I trusted you with! I'm just trying to help you and yet you're being a complete fool about all of this!"
"I was thinking, I'm not being a fool. I did what you asked and I thought about the past." She turned to face him, "He loves me."
Steve flipped the table, "He does not! What are you not getting about this Luna?! Do you still think he's going to love you after he goes to prison or is sent back to Asgard?! Do you really think he's going to care whether or not you make it out alive?! He doesn't! For every single question I posed, Luna. He doesn't care!"
Luna slumped in her chair, realizing the handcuffs they put her in had broken, "I want to go home now."
"You were an accessory to a murder, a robbery, and a kidnapping. You also helped out a fugitive." He looked her in the eyes, "Luna, if this was up to the directors of S.H.I.E.L.D., you'd be going to jail for a very long time. But they're going to have a tough time doing that when they realize you have all these people supporting you. We just want you to make the right choice Luna. Please, why can't you see that?"
"I do see it."
"Then why don't you do that?"
"It's not that easy Steve. You can't just stop loving someone. You know the feeling, I know you do. I know you visit her every Wednesday and sit by her. Even though sometimes she doesn't remember, you're still there for her. She has a husband and kids, but you still love her. Don't you see this Steve?" Luna looked up at him with tears forming in her eyes, before bravely saying, "It's an impossible equation to solve."
"Luna?" Steve looked at her worried
"That's why I have to do this." She took the sharp piece of metal the guards didn't know she had hidden on her (from when she broke part of the last room she was stuck in) and lifted her hand towards her throat. And, with a clean swipe, slit her throat.
Loki continued to pace in his cell, waiting for something to happen. They should have been here by now, was the thought that continued to run through his head. There were no thoughts of Luna.
Until he heard shouting, "Hurry! We need medics in cell 5!" Several uniformed people ran towards the shouting.
"What's going on!?" Loki yelled at them
"Quiet!" One guard yelled at him as he was walking past
"I want to know what's going on!" Loki yelled back at him, only to have the man of iron walk into the room eating something from a yellow bag
"Oh, lots are going on Reindeer Games." He popped the food in his mouth
"You don't say."
"Oh, I do."
"Can you just tell me what's going on?"
"What will you give me for it?"
"Do I look like I can give you anything when I'm trapped in this cage?" Loki rolled his eyes
"Well, it's not like it matters anyway. I don't even know what's going on."
"Wow, Anthony Stark doesn't know what's going on? That's something that should be in the history books."
Tony rolled his eyes at Loki and walked into the hallway, "Can someone tell me what's going on?"
"The prisoner in cell 5 is bleeding profusely. Deep wound in the neck." The guy walked past quickly
"Wait, cell 5?" Tony thought for a second. "Oh... no...." He sprinted down the hall
Cell 5?
What would make him sprint down the hall? Loki thought and then realized...
A few hours later and the rescue party still wasn't happening for Loki. He hadn't heard anything about Luna either.

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