Past Isn't As Good As Present

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"Loki must be stopped." Odin told the council of Teddy Bears and Toy Soldiers, "What we're going to do is as a team. Now I want Captain Ted and Admiral Theo to head south and set up an ambush. The other two bears will cut him off from the north. I have the west and Thor, you have the east." Thor nodded making the helmet fall over his eyes

"Hey father?" Thor asked, "Why is Loki always the bad guy?"

Odin hesitated. He wondered if he should tell Thor about how Loki was... different. He decided against it, "Loki is so much better at being the bad guy. He has a bad guy laugh and a bad guy smile. Besides, he always volunteers to be the bad guy."

"I do not!" Loki yelled from the top of one of the playroom columns

"The bad guy!" Thor yelled, "Admiral Theo and Captain Ted didn't do their job! They must be punished!"

"How do you want to punish them?" Odin asked, ignoring Loki

"Death!" Thor yelled picking up an axe, about to slam it down on the stuffed toy's head

"No!" Loki slid down the pole and grabbed the bears

"The bad guy's got the traitors!" Thor jumped up, "Get 'em!"

"I have a name you know!" Loki yelled running toward the door, "Mother!!!"

Thor and Odin grabbed their weapons and ran after young Loki, yelling battle cries as they went. As they ran around and around the castle, Odin got tired and sat to rest. The guards and other members of staff became annoyed at Loki's screams and Thor's battle cries. No one said anything for fear of becoming fired but once Frigga voiced her opinion they all jumped in.

"All Father! This is ridiculous! You're letting one son try to murder the other!"

"He's the bad guy!" Thor yelled running past

"Am not!" Loki yelled back, sticking his tongue out

"Am too!"

"Am not!"

"Am too!"

"Am not!"


"Quiet!" Frigga interrupted Thor and stopped them both in their tracks, "School or coloring. Decide. Now."

Mumbling angrily, Odin and Thor walked back toward the playroom. Thor stuck his tongue out at Loki and grabbed Odin's hand as if to say, 'He's got my side. Not yours. Mommy's boy.'

"Mother..." Loki looked at her with big emerald eyes, "Can I please please please please please come with you and learn more magic?"




"Pleaseeeee! Mother pleaseeeee!" Loki begged, "Don't make me spend more time with them! Their gonna kill me!"

"Loki. By pranking and tricking your brother so many times in the past, I believe you deserve this. Now go, I have work to do." Frigga turned and walked Loki to the playroom doors, "Go."

Loki let go of her skirt and walked slowly inside. Thor and Odin were drawing horses. Loki loved horses.

"Can I draw one?!" Loki asked excitedly

"Sure. Just don't mess up. This is for a grade." Thor smirked and handed his drawing to Odin, "Can I leave, father? Pleaseeeeeee?" Odin let Thor go, who smirked and poked fun at Loki

Loki really concentrated on his horse. His tongue was sticking out of his mouth as he worked, in concentration of course. A couple of hours actually went by until Loki would let anyone see his masterpiece.

"What do you think?" Loki proudly showed his picture to a couple of guards and some other staff

"What is that?!" One guard asked

"My horse." Loki said with a hint of sarcasm, "Duh. What does it look like?"

"A um......"

"Do you think father will like it?"

The guard nodded his head and Loki ran to the All-Father, "Father! Here's my horse!"

The All-Father took one look at it and laughed and laughed. And laughed, "Loki. What is this eight legged thing?"

"A horse..?" Loki said uncertainly

"This is not a horse. Horses can't have eight legs. I'm-"

"But it's my horse."

"It's an F."


"Loki, this is a mistake waiting to happen. What if these actually existed or what if you accidentally drew on the Paper?"

"I-I'm sorry."

Odin patted Loki's bowed head, "Go play you little fail."

Loki nodded and ran off. Thor, Odin, the guards, townspeople and staff would make fun of his drawing for the rest of Loki's life.

And he hated it.

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