#46 Falling

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"Ruby! I found where Tepa escaped from! Come on!" I whisper.

Ruby turns around, smiling slightly.

"Thank goodness. I was getting scared that she was going to scare me."

I lead the way into the forest. I wave to Daniel, who was already getting ready to jump.

"Alright. We should jump on the count of three." Ruby states, staring at the large hole.

"Who's gonna press the button?" I ask.

I nervously stare down at my converses. They were muddy, and the red color was more yellow now, but I liked them.

Focus on the real subject!

I was too scared I was going to miss the button. I was never the fast reactor type of the courageous dare devil type. Ruby and I both instantly glance. at Daniel, who groans in response.

"No! I'm going to miss!"

"Fine. I'll do it!" Ruby mumbles, tying her shoe laces before staring at the two of us. I can notice that she doesn't want to do it, and for a second I feel a bit bad.

"On the count of three. One, two..."

"Just jump!" Daniel yells.

I get scared from the sudden loud scream, and I jump into the hole. Ruby quickly follows behind. I wait for the impact, expecting for me to fall face first on the ground. Ruby however presses the button for me leading to the oddly soft ground. My feet land on a layer of something soft. Almost like pillows only colder and more fluffy. For I second I want to lay down on the soft floor, and I do until I realize that we're on a mission. I look over at Daniel, who was looking over at the portal. I then look over at Ruby. There's an awkward silence, and she stares back, as if waiting for me to say something.

"Um, I just wanted to say thank you for...you know. Offering to push that button for me when I didn't want too."

"It's fine."


"It's so big." Ruby mumbles, probably talking about the hole.

"That's what she said."

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