Chapter 1

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Jacob POV

I was in one of the GHAC base interrogation rooms, which was smart on their end, cause to them I may have helped with those Raptures bots. I was eating some food they gave me, which was nice since I hadn't eaten in 5 weeks due to the war with the Chaosbringers. As I ate, the door opened and suddenly two men in came one, one looked like the American puked on him and the other a military man

Captain America: (I do not own the picture, found it on Pinterest)

General Johnathan Smith: (I do not own the picture, found it on Pinterest)

"Hello there, I am General Johnathan Smith," the General said

"I am Captain America, but you can call me Steve if it helps," Cap said

"Hmm," I said as I sipped my drink

"We understand you're not liking this at the moment," Cap said as he sat down,"but we just want to check you out and make sure you're not a threat."

"Understood, making sure I ain't a possible villain acting as a hero or some logical shit. I'll give ya points for being through, most would have just waved me off and shit."

"Yes, so for now please tell us what you can," General Smith said

So I spent the last few minutes of discussing what happened in the last few hours, being teleported to a new world, fighting the Raptures and how I got here with those Heros of this world. They were surprised by what I told them, they were also surprised that a regular dude like me managed to bust up some bots with nothing but my hands and pure skills

"So you only have a Regeneration power," General Smith asked

"Yeah, everything else is just skills I've built thanks to my master," I said as I sipped my drink

"I can see, must have been hard at your age," Cap said

"I got over it, so what else? Cause I have places to be and people to meet."

"We understand, but first we have someone we like you to meet," General Smith said, making me groan,"sorry, but this is normal procedure, he'll just look over your mind and you'll be done."

"Fine," I said as they walked off and someone else came in

Charles Xavier: (I do not own the picture, found it on Pinterest)

"Hello Mister West, I am Professor Charles Xavier," he said,"it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Same sir," I said

Hey I may not like this, but I was taught to be professional to people, I only act like an ass when the other is an ass or someone I don't like. He rolled to my right side, so I turned to him to be generous to him. He smiled and for some reason that smile made me feel...relaxed and in peace

"Now I am a telepathy," he said,"I can read, see and enter peoples minds, so thats what I will do."

"Understood, but umm," I said,"will you have to tell them everything I went through on my world?"

"Well it is my job, but if there are certain things you wish for me to omit, I will keep it between us."

"T-Thank you sir, cause I will admit's bad sir."

"I understand, so please relax your body and mind, I won't take forever."

I nodded as I leaned back and relaxed all my muscles and my mind. Thanks to my master, doing this was simple like breaking a mans neck, which was a weird comparison but eh what can I use? I closed my eyes as the Professor touched my forehead and he went in my head

Timeskip, 3rd POV

Charles busted through the door leading to the interrogation room, his face hard as rock as he went to the board room, where the Avengers, Justice League and other heros were seen, including the...


"Jacob," Ethan, aka Bravestorm, said as he looked at his friend

"He looks older, must have been a while for him huh," Alice, aka Riftstar, asked

"Yeah, but its great so see his alright," Joshua, aka Vitalito, said,"though I can tell he has multiple fractures, pulled muscles and a crack in his cranium."

"How the hell do you know that," Nero asked him,"he looks fine to me."

"I have the ability to see a persons injuries with my eyes, it causes me a headache, but it's fine. Plus I've known Jacob long enough to know what injuries he gets from a mere glance."

"Yeah, typical of him," Henry, aka Hexmaker, said,"he runs head first to battle to take the brunt of the fight."

As they talked, the last member of the Vanguardians was looking at Jacob, her face filled with worry and excitement, as she held her hand on the mirror, which was right on Jacob's face. She smiled a bit as she was happy to see him once again, her heart throbbed as she saw him

"Jacob...welcome back," Rachel, aka Forcewave, said with a tear

"So Professor, what did you see," Scott Summers asked his teacher

"I have seen...close what to I describe it is hell," Professor X said, clearly shaken,"this boy has had a life filled with strive, agony and pain he suffered for 6 years."

"What happened," Superman asked

"He and the Heros of his world were engaged in a war with the villains called the Horizon War. Leading the villains was called the Chaosbringers, the most vile and powerful beings in his universe, they killed a lot of people and destroyed so many."

"Ethan, your from the same world right," Mark asked him,"were these guys that powerful?"

"They were," Ethan said, rubbing his neck,"they killed the organization we use to be with, killed the strongest of us all and we paid the price."

"They killed you too huh," Rapi asked

"They did, Qilphoth used her magic to burn me alive," Henry said,"the rest were just destroyed by them. We gave it all we had...sadly it wasn't enough to do so."

"Shit," Flash said, then looked at Charles,"and Jacob?

"...there are some things I will omit to protect him and his privacy," Charles said,"please understand, what he went through has broken him mentally and physically, he has experienced much due to the war."

"We understand," Batman said,"but please, what happened?"

"After the death of the Paradigms and Vanguardians, he and the remaining survivors of the Coalition reformed to counter. As leaders were picked, he went on his own path as a lone wolf, hunting down many villains."

"A lone wolf, thats a dangerous path," Storm said

"That was Jacob's style," Alice said with a sad smile,"he was the sixth member of our group, but he prefers to work alone due to his skills."

"Yeah, what are his abilities," Marian asked him

"Well he has Regeneration," Joshua said

"And what else, Super Strength and Durability," Anis asked,"cause there's no way a normal man could punch a Rapture to bits."

"Nope, he just used his skills," Ethan said, making people slack jaw,"Jacobs main fighting style is Takemiya style, its mainly focused on fighting with hands and weapons, but he prefers hands."

"Throws and grappling is the main way, not just throwing punches into a man," Rachel said,"but he mixed other forms into the style, using Jiujitsu and boxing."

"He knows other forms, as he use to say-."

"Being a one tricky pony doesn't make you strong," Charles finished for Ethan, making him smile

"Yeah, Jacob...well he had a rough upbringing, let's say he saw the worst in humanity at a young age thanks to his shit heel of a father."

Unknown to many, Charles flinched at the mention of father, as he was the only one knew who Jacob's real father is...or was. Charles sighed as he rolled to the window and looked at Jacobo, who yawned as he looked at the food he ate. He hummed as he looked at the others as he coughed to get their attention

"Well for the time being, I would like to bring Jacob to my school," Charles said,"I believe he deserves a few days of normalcy before heading back into the duty of being a Hero."

"Bravestrom, what do you think," Nick Fury asked him,"since he was one of your team members."

"Hmm normally I would say he can get over it," Ethan said,"but he spent 6 years in a war with the Chaosbringers, I think he deserves a bit of peace before returning."

"Yeah I second with Ethan," Joshua said,"Jacob needs time to heal and rest, if he goes back into a serious fight these injuries and mindset, he may get hurt more."

"Yeah, plus we like to see him real quick," Rachel said

"Very well," General Smith said as he stood up,"I'll have the papers ready for the morning, so for the night he can sleep in one of the barracks before he leaves."

"Very well, come on guys, lets go greet our friend," Alice said as they walked out

'Jacob...keeping this to'll  only harm you and your team,' Charles used his telepathy to Jacob

'It's the only way I can protect them...I need to protect them from the truth,' he thought

'Then I pray you one day tell can be free from this burden.'

Jacob sighed as he sat there, his mind spinning around in his head as he got ready to meet his teammates after so long. He sighed as he closed his eyes and waited, but as he did, the room darkens and soon a mummified version of Dystopian was seen. He looked normal, only with more blood on his face, right eye gone and left arm gone, but he still had that wicked grin

"Heya kiddo, enjoying your new world," Dystopian asked him

"Fuck off," Jacob said,"you're just a figment of my imagination."

"You sure about that? Or what if I'm the ghost here to haunt you?"

"Fuck off, cause as fair as I'm concerned, I killed you. I ended your life to protect all those lives you were gonna make suffer!"

"Oh? Or is it cause of who I am really am to you!? Come on boy you know who you are!"


"Jacob, you okay man," Alice said

He stopped as he opened his eyes, seeing the ghost of that monster gone and looked to the door. There he saw all his team mates, his best friends and he may even call them...his family. He stood up as the others ran to him and they all gave a big group hug, all tearing up as they had a reunion. Jacob looked at them as they all laughed and said hello

Jacob smiled as he looked at Rachel, her beautiful face, her eyes and just her presence just made him feel happy again. Soon they were in the mess hall, laughing and drinking.

Completely unaware of the people coming to the base.

"Good to see you again bro," Joshua said

"Same Joshua, I'm so happy to see you guys," he said as they looked at one another,"seems you guys haven't changed a single day."

"Same with you Jacob, you look young again," Henry said

"Well I may look 19 again, but mentally I have the mind of a 26 year old. Who went through a hellish 6 year war with the monsters who killed you all."

"Jacob we know you went through and please, don't blame yourself for what happened," Rachel said as she held his hands,"Professor Charles told us what happened, you went through so much alone."

"I tried to travel to home a bunch after we were reincarnated here," Alice said,"but something was blocking me from doing so."

"Its fine Alice, your tried your best," Henry said as he patted her back

'They haven't got together yet,' Jacob thought,'huh, and they're so perfect for each other.'

"Yeah, so after we were brought here, we went to work," Ethan said,"we started taking down cartels, syndicates and gangs, it was easy work."

"Rachel busted a guys nuts," Henry said, making all males shiver

"He tried to touch my ass, he deserved it," Rachel said

'Only Jacob can touch my ass-STOP BEING HORNY,' she thought with a blush

"Well I would have loved to see that," Jacob yawned,"but I'm gonna head to bed, I haven't spelt in a while."

"How long is a while," Alice asked, glaring at Jacob, who squirmed

"Ummm a year?"

"WHAT THE HELL/DUDE/MISTER/SHIT DUDE/You're a mess," they all said to him

"BED NOW MISTER," Alice yelled as she pulled his ear

"JAKE, SERIOUSLY THAT IS TO EXTREME," Rachel yelled as he pulled his other ear


"Umm excuse me, sirs," a GHAC soldier said

"Whats up," Ethan asked

"Umm there's a group of people outside the base looking for an Obsidian Wolf."

"Me/Jake/Jacob," they asked him

"Y-Yes sirs, umm one of them is...Y-Y-Y-Yujiro H-H-Hanma."

"YUJIRO HANMA," the Vanguardians, minus Jacob, yelled

"Who," Jacob asked

"Yujiro Hanma, aka the Ogre or the Strongest Creature on Earth," Henry said

"He's an undefeated fighter that once killed an elephant the size of a kaiju," Joshua said,"he's so feared he once walked right into the Presidents office and made him his bitch."

"And he killed a man and used his face as a disguise," Rachel said, making some cringe

"..I'm sorry what," Jacob asked

"Anyway, do you know why they want him," Ethan asked him

"As far as I was told, they want to see what he has," the soldier said

The six looked at one another and shrugged, soon they walked out of the base as they see many Heros and soldiers aiming their weapons outside the base, where they see 5 random individuals.

Yujiro Hanma, Baki Hanma, Oham Tokita, Raian Kure and...Pickle

"PICKLE," Joshua yelled

"...Do not tell me that man is actually called Pickle," Jacob asked the others

And all he got was sheepish smiles, grins and chuckles, making Jacob deadpan as he looked at these individuals. And all he saw was strong and dangerous fighters, and his inner wolf was howling to fight them with all he has. He smiled a bit as he had the battle lust he has to fight them, raging to jump down there and see what they have

"Jacob, I know that look," Rachel said

"Dude you seriously don't want this," Joshua said, but all he got was a head pat

"Don't worry bro, I have it," Jacob said

"We're waiting for a response, but all we have is they want a fight," Batman said

"Then I'll give them one," Jacob said as he jumped down

"Wait Jake, we need to come up with a plan," Mark said to him

"I have a plan...attack."

"So this is his lone wolf style huh," Captain America asked the Vanguardians

"Unfortunately," they said

Jacob walked right up to the group of fighters, who were all smiling at him, all having a battle aura Jacob can feel. During his training, his master taught him how to sense a person battle aura, it wasn't much but he can tell this guys were no joke or pushovers, but genuine fighters

"So your the little runt we heard so much about," Ohma asked

"How did you find out so quickly," Jacob asked

"Word spreads out fast in the fighter world," Baki said,"and once we heard, we couldn't help but want to see if those rumors were true."

"Yeah, I want to see if your strong enough to withstand us," Raian said as he cackled a bit

"Mhmm," Pickle said as he stood over Jacob

"Well then, why are we still talking," Jacob asked as he smiled

Soon he delivered a strong jab to Pickles stomach, making the caveman scream in pain as he launched off a few feet and crashed landed on his back, making him groan a bit before getting back up. The others were surprised by this, but smiled as they got ready for a fight. Jacob smiled as he got i his stance, making the rest eye him a bit, as this was a new stance to them

"Looks like we've got ourselves a fight boys," Yujiro's deep voice rumbled

Jacob nodded, centering himself as the crowd of on lookers gathered around the area, whispering in anticipation.

(I do not own the video or song, found it on YouTube)

Without hesitation, Baki charged first, his speed impressive. Jacob anticipated the move, sidestepping and countering with a swift kick to Baki's side, sending him skidding across the floor. Pickle moved next after getting his bearings, his massive frame lumbering towards Jacob, who dodged the caveman's swinging fists, using his agility to stay out of reach.

As Ohma and Raian closed in from opposite sides, Jacob focused on one at a time, deflecting Ohma's strikes with precise blocks and countering with quick jabs. Raian's brute strength proved challenging, but Jacob used his martial arts skills to evade and find openings, landing precise blows to Raian's vital points. Who growled as he hasn't landed a hit, but Jacob blocked with ease

Yujiro watched with interest, then stepped forward, cracking his knuckles. Jacob knew he was facing the toughest challenge yet. Yujiro's speed and strength were unmatched from what he heard...and that got him excited. Their clash echoed through the area, each blow sending shockwaves that could be heard for miles. Despite Yujiro's overwhelming power, Jacob held his ground, using his skill and strategy to keep up.

As the fight raged on, Jacob's started getting hit, scarps were appearing as he fought the Ogre, who smiled. With the fight reaching its climax, Jacob tapped into the Takemiya style, channeling its fluid movements and deceptive strikes. Yujiro, taken aback by the sudden shift in Jacob's technique, found himself on the defensive. Jacob's attacks flowed seamlessly, exploiting openings in Yujiro's defense with precision.

"Gotta admit kid, your better then some I faced," Yujiro said as he kicked Jacob back a few feet

"Same here, I once fought a man who could kill with a flick of his fingers," Jacob said as he cracked his neck,"but no talk, only fighting!"

As the two clashed, the area crackled with energy. Jacob's movements became a blur as he weaved through Yujiro's onslaught. With each exchange, Jacob gained momentum, his strikes finding their mark with deadly accuracy.

"Don't forget me," Baki said

Baki came with a kick to Jacob's side, but he caught it and swinged him into Ohma, who tried to attack his right side but failed. Pickle came with a devastating kick to Jacob's stomach, making him yell in pain, but he pushed on. He grabbed the caveman legs and slammed his elbow down, making the leg bend in an ugly way, making Pickle scream

Raian came to strike but Jacob did a beautiful backflip, and as he was in the air, he grabbed Baki's head and spinned. There he did a 360 degree turn as his feet connected to Ohma and Raians face, making nasty bone cracking noises. He jumped off as he ran to Baki and delivered a knee to his chin, hitting the right spot and makes him fall down

It was now just Yujiro and Jacob, one panting as the other smiled at the other. He came at him and landed a few hits on Jacob, who screamed with each hit, as he spits blood but countered each one and studied his opponent. As he did...he saw what he opening.

So in a final, decisive moment, Jacob saw an opening and seized it. With a swift, calculated strike, he delivered a blow to Yujiro's chest, sending the Ogre staggering backward. The arena fell silent as Yujiro, stunned by the unexpected turn of events, struggled to regain his footing. His senses going haywire, his eyes blurred and ears ringing loud, making him shake his head

"What the hell," he asked as he finally stood

"I call that Tiger Kick," Jacob said as he spits blood,"it's a kick that hits the spinal cord, it doesn't do any massive damage. Just end to disorientate my enemy to let me finish them off, it'll go away in a few minutes."

"Hahahaha!! Gotta admit kid, been a while since I've enjoyed a small spar, you certainly have a taste of battle."

"6 years of war does that, but anyway how about we put a hold on the fight? I haven't spelt in a year and I'm running on fumes."

"Very well, but next time I won't be nice and hold back!"

"I hope so."

The 5 left, making the onlookers were shocked to see a person held off not only 4 unbelievable fighters, but the Yujiro Hanma! Jacob sighed as he walked back, but as he did, Dystopian was there in his mummified look

"Not bad kid, so you gonna go fuck my future daughter in law," he asked him

"You're not my father," Jacob said to him,"just like Qilphoth isn't my mother! You both made to kill the people I love, I will never acknowledge you as my father, just the man who gave me life."

"Try all you want kid, but deep inside know it...Your just like me."

Jacob growled as the ghost left, making him remember the day he was told the truth of his origins

Something he will carry to the grave.

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