Chapter 9

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I stepped in as soon as Enarc moved.

"Is Crane here?"

She flinched a little.

She said pointing towards a door I hadn't noticed the other times I've been to the lab.

"Tha-that room is off limits to you,"
She mumbled.

"Oh okay? Do you know when he'll come out?"

She shook her head no.

I huffed.

Enarc had a really odd reaction.

She ran away when I huffed.

I thought she was supposed to be the opposite of Crane?


I shrugged it off and left the lab.

I walked down the cobblestone paths, looking at the different buildings.

I stopped at the castle.

'Is Hazel still talking with Jade?'

I shrugged.
'Only one way to find out,'

I walked into the castle and checked the map to make sure I knew where I was going before I went to Hazel's door.

I couldn't hear anything inside, so I knocked.

'Please don't yell at me...'
I hoped as an after thought.

"Evair en concell,"
A voice muttered from inside.

A few footsteps could be heard and Someone's anti opened the door.

He was a reversed calico with piercing red eyes.

"Jade, Hazel, it's Sarah,"
He meowed over his shoulder.

His ear flicked as he listened to their response and then looked back at me.


Jade yelled.

Edaj growled and rolled his eyes.
"We're busy kid,"
He said revising his words, he closed the door.

At least it wasn't Hazel or Jade who answered, otherwise they might of growled at me for disturbing them like Edaj did.

I walked through the castle unsure of what I should do.

'Maybe I could find Gorse?'
I thought.

I went to his room to find a note on the door.

"If I'm needed, feel free to stop by at Timber's farm! I'll be there, if you dunno where that is (Sarie), I made a little map for you <3!
P.s, Don't ever step off the pathway alone,"

I giggled at the adorable note and plucked it off the door, tapped to the back was a sketched out little map, it had worded directions as well though.

I walked out of the castle and started on my way back towards that place Stump had argued with Mask. The path wasn't very busy, everybody was just probably indoors right now. To add on to it there was a recent murder.

When the building finally came into view I pulled out the directions and looked through, they said to keep going and take a left, two rights and another left, it also mentioned to never get off the path if your alone.

That concerned me.
Why can't I step off the path? Is there something that could harm me? And it specifically mentioned if I were alone.

I sighed to try and get the worry off my shoulders and look at the, well.... I'm not sure what the building is.

A tavern? Guard station? Rest stop?

I'll just go with rest stop.

"It wouldn't hurt for a bite,"
He whispered to myself, I started to walk but stopped and face palmed.

"I don't have any gems or crystals!"

I turned back onto the main path and started to actually follow the instructions.

Some yelling could be heard from the rest stop, but I continued anyways. Good thing too, it was probably an argument.

I continued to follow the instructions, where I was the pine trees had thinned out and the land was a bit more hilly and flat rather than rocky.

I heard something.

It was, the sound of footsteps.

I could hear the click of something.

Me being me, I got the paranoia that it was the click of a guns safety being turned off and I started running.

Of course the path was made out of cobblestone, no doubt, very old cobblestone.

And using logic, it's probably missing stones and has a lot of loose ones.

And with that beautiful realization.

I tripped and fell on the slant of a hill and ended up rolling down.

I hit my head on a convenient log.

My head was pounding, and every thing was spinning, I could hear the thud of feet running towards me, whatever was running was definitely bigger than me.

I barely noticed my rolling had come to a stop because of that horrible pounding feeling. Everything was spinning and fuzzy, I could feel me being picked up, to me it look like a dark brown fuzzy blob that was doing donuts.

I closed my eyes, trying to look around kept making me feel sick, then again it could be the fact I could feel the thing that was carrying me's every foot step.

After like thirty minutes or so, my head felt much better and the thing set me down.

"You alright Sarie?!"
It asked.

I jolted my eyes open and sat up defensively, it sounded way too familiar.

The creature looked like two cats mashed together, it also sounded like two voices, one sounded like Gorse definitely, but.... who was the other familiar one?

I stared at it, the cat like creature looked like a combination of different parts of familiarities, two sets of ears, four eyes, four arms.

The eyes looked interesting, they were an amber-brown.

It stayed quiet until its ears perked in realization.

"O-oh! You don't understand, heh.... Sorry! I'm Torsember!"
He purred.

I think it's a he.

He continued to banter.
"I-I think you understand I'm two cats you know! Gorse and Timber, well uh, heh, I'm their-"

"Their fusion!"
I burst out as the answer hit me.

He chuckled.

"That's right kiddo! My name if you haven't noticed is Gorse and Timber's names combined,"
He explained.

"So... your name is parts of theirs?"

He nodded, one of the pairs of eyes shinning more happily than the other.

"I think I get it... Crane mentioned something about fusions to me I'm pretty sure,"

Torsember suddenly burst out laughing.


"HHAH! S-HAHAH- sorry! Just, Crane?! Telling someone something? HA!"
He laughed, at some points interrupting himself.

I waited for him to finish.

".... OH. Your serious,"

"Does he not usually do that?"

"Heh, he's more of a grumpy guy, hates being interrupted, never, and I mean never! Talk to him without him having coffee at least once within five hours. Man! He is really rude and full of emotion for such a tiny feller!"

Suddenly his face distorted unhappily.


This voiced was shrilled and sounded a little angry, the dominant of the two voices was Gorse's this time.

Before I knew it, they were bickering.

"You know I'm just speaking the truth about him! He never does anything but complain and yell at others,"


"He literally threw coffee in your face a yesterday,"


"You two had been chatting for twenty minutes before hand,"


"Gorse, we are fused. You're not even trying to keep your thoughts in your own head,"

The conversation went silent, and suddenly there was a cracking noise.

Torsember burst into colored pixels, one an amber color the other a light brown.

The pixel like goop formed into two shapes and they finally became much clearer as to what they were.

It was Gorse and Timber.

Gorse had his back turned from his brother with his arms crossed and had a grumpy-pouty face while on the other hand Timber was standing there with a matter of fact grin.

"Admit it~"




"Big brother~"

"Little brother,"

"Hmmmm? I'm waiting Big G~"

He huffed turning around with his ears back with a pouting scowl.

"You're more correct than I am!"

"Thank you~"

Gorse huffed.

"What? I'm thanking you for helping out with the chores,"

"Oh, your welcome!"
Gorse burst, suddenly back to his overly energetic self.

He quickly turned to me and rushed over to me.

"Your head ok Sarie?!"

I nodded.

"It's fine Gorse, I just hit it on that log back there!"

Gorse purred.

"Glad your not hurt! I've heard stories of cats who've been seriously injured falling down that slope!"



"Don't freak her out Gorse,"

Gorse chuckled.
"Heh, heh. Sorry Sarie. Didn't mean ta freak you out there,"

"It's ok Gorse, I uh, wanted to know if you wanted to do something?"

Gorse gasped and squealed happily.


He grabbed a hold of my arm and helped me up.

He said excitedly, he started to rush me away from the farm.

I quickly waved goodbye to Timber.

"Bye Sarah,"
He said turning and heading towards the barn.

Gorse had lead me straight to that Rest stop.

"We'll get something to eat and then go to the place,"
He said, giddy with excitement.

He brought me inside and sat me at the main bar, he swiftly hopped into the seat next to me.

Azurite looked over at us from some glasses he had been washing and smiled.

He dried off his hands and grabbed two menus and slid them to us.

"I'll be with you two in a minute,"
He said going back to the shot glasses.

Gorse picked up his menu and scanned through it happily.

I went ahead and opened it up to see what they had for lunch.

Azurite walked over with the small notebook.
"Let me guess.... apple juice and a water?"

Me and Gorse nodded, the orange tabby was much more enthusiastic than me of course.

Azurite chuckled to himself, he was definitely amused and wrote down the drinks.
"I'll be back shortly,"
He purred walking through the door behind the counter.

Gorse looked to me.
"Would you like to know what I'm planning, oooooorrrr have it be a surprise?!"
He asked very excitedly, he was bouncing on his stool a bit.

"I'd like to know what we're doing!"

"Ok, Ok!! I'm taking you into an abandoned mine to see what's left so you can actually buy something you like at a store!" He purred loudly.

"I-Is it dangerous?"

"Heh, only if you go alone and don't know anything about the millions of tunnels layouts!"
He chuckled a little bit before Azurite set down our drinks in front of us.
"Are you two ready to order or would you like a couple more minutes?"

"Couple more minutes please Azzy!"
Gorse purred taking a sip of apple juice and then picked up his menu again while I looked at mine.

I picked something out as Azurite came back over.

"You two ready?"

"YUP!" Gorse purred.

"Alright, what can I get you then?"

"Can I be an oddball and get waffles for lunch?"

"Of course, it's what you get every time~"

Azurite wrote down Gorse's order and turned to me.
"What would you like deary?"
"Could I have the chicken sandwich?"
"Which one?"
"Uhh, surprise me!"
Azurite chuckled.

He walked off into the back room to continue working and I took a drink.

"Any hints on what we'll do after that crystal hunt?"
"You sure?"

I giggled a little bit at the way Gorse was exaggerating his words.

Azurite came back with our food and set it down in front of us.
"Enjoy!" He purred going back to the other customers.

As soon as we finished eating lunch, Gorse took me back into the tunnel that's home to the Obsidianite's and he took me down a way I hadn't gone before.

There weren't many cats out, they were probably still wary about the recent murder.

I started to question how safe it'd be in those abandoned mines with a killer on the lose.

Specifically a cannibalistic one!

I could tell Gorse was uncomfortable, but he was talking up a storm about a bunch of random topics.

Specifically pickles and milk.

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