Opal Orihara -- My Hero Academia

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--General info--

Name: Opal Makoto Orihara

Hero/Villain Name: The Organic Hero -- Thorn

Age: 16

Birthday: 10/28

Birthplace: Ikebukoro, Japan

Class/Occupation: 1-A, student

Blood Type: O+

Gender: Female

--Personal info--

Positive Traits:

Respectful: Opal rarely talks back or acts out of line unless she sees fit.

Supportive: When Opal cares about someone, she'll support them until death do they part.

Selfless: Opal will risk her health and happiness to help others, even if she doesn't particularly like someone.

Level-headed: Focus and clear thoughts are strengths of Opal's.

Mild Pacifist: Opal prefers to ask questions first and shoot later, keeping things calm until it's absolutely impossible.

Negative Traits:

Insecure: Due to past events, Opal is very insecure about things such as her name and reputation, and therefore strives to be "an objectively good person."

Blunt: Opal sugarcoats nothing. She was raised to be direct and not dance around issues, so this trait often comes off as her being unnecessarily harsh.

Anxious: Opal has diagnosed anxiety. This intense fear of disappointing people, becoming her father, and being a failure motivate her, but hold her back far more.

Distant/Cold: Opal has a hard time letting people in, as she is scared they'll just stab her in the back or cause her more pain than she'd already endured, so she keeps her distance. She rarely speaks to classmates unless she has reason to.

Other traits:

Intelligent: Opal is smart and she knows it. Because her father is an informant, she knows how to get info. She says "I have skills that would make Sherlock Holmes want to quit the field of investigation all together."

Low Self-Esteem: Because she'd been shunned and pretty traumatized, Opal doesn't have high self esteem.

Likes: Reading, cooking, studying people, quiet activities, gardening, potted plants.

Dislikes: Her name/family, people bringing up her past or name, arrogant people, crowds and crowded spaces.

Fears: Opal is terrified of being like her father. She is also scared of being left alone with her own thoughts, since she finds her own mind a sometimes scary place when she's not focused on something.

Habits: Opal always has a pen on her and she fidgets with it to keep herself focused on the current situation. She also keeps notes on her classmates like Midoriya, though her's are more detailed. Opal also avoids making eye contact because of a lifetime of people either giving her withering glares or horrified looks.

Sexuality: Pan af


Izaya Orihara, Father, Alive. Quirk: Plant Communication.
Akari Azure, Mother, Alive. Quirk: Telekinetic.
Sora Orihara, younger brother, Alive. Quirkless.

Friends: Omori Yamaga, Saitae Juoku (friends' OCs), Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, Fumikage Tokoyami,

Crush/SO: Shoto Todoroki

Backstory: Opal has had a hard life. Her father, Izaya Orihara, is an information broker. He has had a role in many group suicides and gang activities -- even starting gang wars just to watch them burn. The name Orihara brings fear to those in Ikebukoro and the surrounding areas.

Opal's severe anxiety comes from an event in her childhood where she was kidnapped and held for ransom by a gang for almost three weeks. She wants to be a hero so she can right her father's wrong and bring those who traumatized her to justice.

Her little brother, Sora, grew up not knowing of her traumas, but idolizing heroes. He heard of Opal wanting to go to UA, but was unsure. He begged her to do it. He begged her to follow her dreams for the sakes of everyone in Ikebukoro. She chose to listen to him, and ended up at UA, quietly battling her demons while training for heroism, all to protect the weak like him.

Her mother, Akari Azure is an engineer and geneticist. She's pretty similar to Moira from Overwatch -- controversial and zero fucks to give. The reason Opal is blonde with blue eyes is because Akari thought messing with her own eggs was a great idea.


Height: 5'1" or 155 cm.

Weight: 115 lbs

Scars/Markings: Opal has dozens of scars on her shoulders and upper back from her kidnapping incident. They're long and thin, but noticeable nonetheless. Also has scars on her wrists and some burn marks on her shoulder blades/ mid-back.


*always has her hair in a ponytail and her glasses on unless otherwise said.



Hero/Villain Costume

--Quirk Related--

Quirk: Mother Nature -- Opal can telepathically move and control plants within ten feet or line of sight of her.

Attack Style: Ranged. Opal prefers to stay farther away so she can analyze the situation and come up with a better plan. She uses her whip to stay far away.

Advantages: Opal is smart. She is great at making judgments on a situation while fighting, and fights best in a wooded area where she can best use her quirk.

Disadvantages: This girl has such low confidence that she doubts her abilities and often hesitates because of her insecurities. This has lead to personal injuries she could have avoided. Also, if she doesn't have her utility belt in a city setting, boy is she fucked.

Attacks/abilities: Vine whip!! Opal makes a whip from a vine. It's covered in little thorns and she can use it in various ways.

Crooked Escape!! Based on the Polish "Crooked Forest", Opal can bend trees to create a clear path through forests for herself and allies to escape through.

Cocoon!! Opal uses nearby plants to make a cocoon around herself where she rotates the plants to keep the walls thick and fresh.

Power Move: Groundbreaker!! Opal manipulates tree roots nearby to uproot them, creating makeshift holding cells and minor sinkholes due to the ground moving with the vines. Because, y'know, physics.


Seed Belt-its a belt of seeds she can use, and it has a hook for her whip.

Gloves-Her gloves are resistant to substances like poison ivy which keep her hands protected.

Mask-Opal's mask includes contact lenses so she doesn't have to worry about her glasses getting broken.


Power 2/5 She's not very physically strong.

Speed 3/5 Also not super fast, but boiz she can sprint

Technique 4/5 She watches people's techniques and uses them herself to improve her skills.

Intelligence 5/5 she's a smartie pants.

Cooperativeness 2/5 Opal prefers to go at things alone, but isn't totally opposed to teamwork.

Fighting Style: Mid-ranged/close ranged fighting.

Physical Strengths: Opal spent a lot of time as a kid doing impromptu gymnastics in her backyard, so she's pretty flexible and maneuverable, though not very fast.

Physical Weaknesses: Opal is short. She's on the verge of being a midget. She's also not strong. Not like, Kirishima levels of strong.

Mental Strengths: Opal can keep her head on straight during perilous situations and she is very smart. She can observe someone and tell a lot about them just from looking at them.

Mental Weaknesses: Opal, although mentally strong in many ways, is still traumatized by her childhood. She's scared to walk alone, has a difficult time letting people in, and she has severe anxiety.

Skills and Talents: Opal can cook. She did it a lot for her younger brother and is good at improvising. Opal is also fluent in English, Japanese, Morse Code, and is learning ASL and French.

Other: Opal got into UA on recommendation.

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