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Because I'm a lazy ass who can never remember which OC is signed up per roleplay

Name: "I'm Dark. It's not weird." (This is not her real name, as that was lost in numbed memories that are never to be recovered.)

Age: "How old do I look?" (737 in about a month, though she normally looks to be about 19.)

Gender: "I'm a girl, I assure you."

Sexuality: "Well, I'm a lesbian." (Homosexual.)

Species: "Classify me as a godling." (Technically a god/demon hybrid, though it's a little weird considering her heritage on the god side.)

Personality: "Um... I'm normal..." (Usually happy and bubbly, but underneath the mask is a need to be cuddled and severe depression mixed with suicidal tendencies. Usually depends on which voice is the most prominent.)

Looks: "Did I fade again?" (Dark has a particular look, one might say gothic. With black hair in a crooked a-line in length with her cheek and blue streaks tipped with a bright burnt orange, and pale skin. She also has two silvery grey eyes that are tinted - or flecked in certain lighting - with a pure blue. There are many scars along her body, the majority being lightning scars stretching from her arms, up her chest, and to her neck. Along with those, there are faded white lines along the front of her neck, as long as the remainants of carved words and letter on her arm. There is a slight scar beneath her right eye, and a few littered about her legs, but that's about it.)

Powers and Abilities: "Well, I'm a sick pickpocket." (Can also teleport anywhere unless she's injured, is able to lapse time forward in very small amounts and concentrated on a small area, can bring herself back to life after being killed or dying (calls this "Reviving")) "Oh, and looking cool. Looking cool is my power." (Not really, she usually tries though.)

Other: "Do my voices count...?" (Has six other personalities, all specified in the next six chapters if you need it. Also has schizophrenia, and is easily manipulated. Occasionally has a bright silver staff named Støkka.)

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