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Name; "Are you human?" (Around humans, Jenbe Amsal. Around Synthetics "JENBE." It starts for Jitter Exception Nuclear Bytho ... Whatever the E is. It's not important xD)

Age; "Um, almost a year old!" (She's a relatively new build. Looks 18.)

Gender; "I believe it's called female."

Sexuality; "That word does not exist in my database." (Yeah, undecided.)

Species; "Created by the glorifie-" (I'ma cut her off there. Synthetic.)

Personality; (A little nervous and tends to overanalyze situations, but is overall very friendly and fun.)

Looks; (text excerpts from "Crown The Empire":

Becoming aware of my extremities, I beheld two pale long, skinny legs with ten toes total and three similarly colored arms. Looking at my arms, I noticed they were situated so that there was one on my left side and two on my right, one below the other. They were fitted with the same pale, human skin that enveloped the rest of my body. I noticed the hand of my lower right arm was grey, and metallic parts were exposed from peeled back skin, as if it wasn't staying. With further inspection it was obvious that there just wasn't enough skin to cover my body. Wiring, springs, and other mechanical workings showed through the uncovered areas. I extended the left most digit of my hand and was rewarded with a chorus of soft metallic emanations. A wave of confusion fell over me as I examined myself further. The back portion of one of my legs, below the knee cap, was also skinless, revealing smooth polished metal.

I was smaller than the average human, but I was extremely agile and strong, especially for my size. My head was split in half, one side with two inch long auburn hair that had dark red streaks, indicating I was owned by ίππος αφηνιάσας. The other half of my head was fitted with a dull silver grid to protect the organic processor inside. As I scanned my schematics there were differences in what they had built and intended. Besides my skin not covering my whole body I knew that my eyes were not colored correctly. )

Powers and Abilities; (same as any Synthetic)

Other; (I'm too lazy to list them)

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