The Odd Soulmate

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No one knows why the words are there. Everyone just has sentences etched onto their forearm. They've been there since anyone can remember. These words, when spoken to you, reveal your true soulmate. The first words your kindred spirit will ever speak to you.

But you can never be truly sure. Someone who likes to ruin lives, for example, could read the words on your arm and repeat them to you, and you would be convinced that they were your soulmate. Diabolical, but it could happen. Which is exactly why a certain red haired fellow always made a conscious effort to hide his words.

Well, that was what he told everyone the reason was.

The truth is, he was always embarrassed of his words. Everyone he knew had such cute words. He had seen a fair amount of "I love you" and "I finally found you". Maybe a bit repetitive, but so beautiful, so romantic. He always wondered why his soulmate wasn't like that. He worried that his soulmate was actually some cranky old man. Could the universe be that cruel?

With his luck, probably.

He sighed and pushed up the glasses that were alarmingly close to falling off of his nose. His grip on his suitcase tightened as the apartment building loomed into view. Focus, Mark. Stop thinking about the words. That's all you ever think about. Focus on where you're walking. You almost bulldozed that poor old lady into the ground! Come on, man! This is your chance to start over in a new city, and you're gonna get a reputation as the old lady crusher! Watch where-

His inner pep talk was brought to an abrupt halt as his body suddenly collided with a flat surface. The cool glass doors of the Village Park Apartment Building now had a lovely smudge in the shape of his face plastered onto them. Cursing under his breath, he opened the doors, revealing an unoccupied front desk and an elevator. Pretty bland, he thought to himself. But then again, everything in his life was pretty bland. That's why he had moved in the first place. To get away from the normalcy of his life.

Clutching his bag close to him, Mark stepped into the elevator. He realized he wasn't alone. He looked over to see a man standing next to him. He looked nice. He, well, he was average looking, but that didn't matter. Mark smiled and the man returned the gesture. He took a deep breath.

"Hi, I'm Mark."

Mark glanced at the man's arm. He frowned when he saw that the words on his arm were not his, but in fact, "I can't believe its really you!" He was disappointed, but not too much. After all, if that was his soulmate, what possible excuse could he have for saying the words on Mark's arm in a cramped elevator? Mark really was worried that his soulmate was insane.

The elevator doors groaned open and Mark stepped out onto the fourth floor. He walked down the hallway, finally stopping at apartment 4-B. His new apartment.

He fished the key out of his pocket and tried to fit it in the keyhole. No luck. He flipped the key upside down and tried again. Nothing. He flipped it back around, trying one more time. Nope. He must have gotten the wrong key. He knocked his head on the door a few times in frustration. He was about to try the key yet again, when all of a sudden he heard a muffled sound coming from inside the apartment.

Oh, his apartment was 4-C. Whoops.

His face flushed a light pink. He turned to leave, but was stopped by a high pitched voice he heard scream from inside the apartment.

"I swear to the high heavens, Phyllis! If you came down here just to attempt to bust my door down and complain that I sound like twenty hyenas simultaneously giving birth again, I'm gonna take that cup of sugar that you keep asking everyone for and shove it so far up your-"

The ear splitting voice suddenly stopped as the door swung open. The owner of said voice abruptly quieted down, blushed a deep shade of crimson, and omitted an almost silent apology. He seemed to regain his voice as he began to explain his crazy exclamation.

But Mark wasn't listening. He was too busy staring at the man in front of him. He was about Mark's height, with baby blue eyes and a floof of faded green hair. His milky white skin was accented by scruffy facial hair. He wore a blue sweatshirt that matched his eyes. He was beautiful. But his appearance wasn't the only thing that stopped Mark dead in his tracks.

"M-My... my w-wo-" Mark tried to splutter out.

"Spit it out buddy! Are you having a-"

The man in front of Mark suddenly stopped speaking. He was speechless, which was probably saying a lot for him. His eyes were so wide that they looked like they were bulging out of their sockets. He hastily outstretched his forearm for Mark to see.

Mark didn't even need to look. He stared the man straight in his eyes as he hastily pulled up his sleeve. A paragraph filled with passive aggressive comments about birthing hyenas and sugar going places where sugar shouldn't be and something about some "crazy ol' bat named Phyllis" was ingrained up the entire length of his arm.

The two men smiled at eachother. Maybe Mark's soulmate wasn't as crazy as he thought he was.


This was a One-Shot collab with the incredibly talented CardboredProductions ! They wrote the story while I was out of town, so please give lots-if not all-of the credit to them. I only made tiny little edits, they really deserve the praise for this story :)

Anyway, thank you guys so much for reading and if you liked it PUNCH that vote button in the face, LIKE A BOSS! And I will see all you bosses IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!

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