A horrendous truth!

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"She.. she had such a lonely life.. I cant.. I cant forget the moments.." Neil kept on saying. Avni's breath hitched. "J..Juhi.." the pain in his voice, broke Avni's heart. And the wound deepened with the thought of it calling out for someone else. Her own husband...
Neil mumbled for a little while and drifted into sleep. Avni, however, did not sleep for even a split second.

Neil squinted his eyes and opened them. His head was heavy and his vision was blur. Neil tried to get up, but he was still drowsy, and fell back into bed. It was then Neil realised Avni wasn't beside him. Suddenly the blur events of the previous night sunk into him. Neil's eyes widened and his breath fastened. The thoughts he had buried in the deepest core, was at the tip of his tongue last night! He at last put it in front of Avni.. Neil's heart raced as he quickly got out of bed. The drink on the side table caught on his eyes. Neil gulped it down, as he knew Avni would have brought it to him. Neil took a quick shower and headed downstairs.

He knocked at the door and Zarah opened the door. "Neil, come on in!" She gave a wide smile and gave him way. "Avi has gone down to the park with the twin. we are waiting for her to come back, to head down fro breakfast." Neil gave her a smile and sat beside Joseph, who was on the couch, digging through a newspaper. "How did last night go?" He whispered to Neil and winked. The events again hit him like a bus. Neil quickly forced a smile, which Joseph interpreted in the worst way, thinking Neil was too shy. "Dad, I know where you guys were last night." Zarah couldn't help, but burst the bubble. Ayesha shook her head in disbelief, "Joseph, we all know when and for which work you and Ansh, and now Neil would team up. Wives are much smarter than you, dear husbands! Such an old trick." She teased them, zipping up all of their mouths. "Avi is downstairs, lets go!" Zarah said, after ending up the call. Everyone hurried downstairs.

Neil didn't get a chance to talk to Avni during breakfast. She kept the twice on either sides of her and fed them. Neil knew it was her best trick for now, to avoid contact with him. "Whats the plan for the day?" Ayesha asked, once they were settled with food. "Lets visit the car museum down the Ferment road! I heard its such a treat to the eyes!" Ansh suggested. "Fine by me. Its near by my friend Todd's house. We can visit him before coming back." Joseph agreed. "Avi?" as always, Zarah wanted Avni's ideas. "Huh?" Avni responded as if she was just brought into the room. "Whats your suggestion?" Zarah repeated her question, "On what?" Avni was still confused. "Is your fever getting worse again?!" Ayesha exclaimed. Neil's eyes did not move away from Avni's face. "No, I'm fine. Just the cough.." Avni muttered. "I'm fine with any of the plans. Would be much better than the Hotel room I bet, hehe."

Avni was packing up a backpack when Neil entered their room. "You wanna take anything important?" She asked, not turning around to look at Neil. "No.." he responded. Avni zipped up the bag and ran a finger on her forehead. There was a bad pain at the sides of her head, due to lack of sleep. "You alright?" Neil asked. "yeah, I'm.. I'm fine." Avni quickly responded. She quickly put away everything to its places and arranged the room. Lastly, she picked up Neil's laptop from the side table, "Shouldn't leave it here, I'll keep it in the closet." Avni lifted it up, and a piece of paper fell out of the laptop bag. She bent down quickly to pick it up, which now seemed to be a photograph. Avni flipped it to the other side, and... she felt as if someone squished her heart out. In the picture, Neil was with a girl. Their hands wrapped around each other, Neil was placing a forehead kiss on her, and she was grinning wide to the camera. Neil froze in his posture as he saw what was on Avni's hand. Avni didn't require any more details, as she recognised the girl to be Juhi. Neil's lines from the night before echoed through her ears. Avni pursed her lips hard, trying to control her emotions. She quickly handed over  the photograph to Neil, her hands had a mild tremble. Neil took the picture from Avni, and she hurried outside, with the backpack she just prepared.

The visit to museum was extended and they went to a near by farmer's market, as Joseph's friend had to attend some urgent work. Avni kept herself busy with the twin but the behavior of her and Neil was closely examined by Zara. She knew something was terribly wrong between them.
"Avi, are you alright?" Zara dug a moment in between, while they ate lunch. Avni answered her by making her health an excuse. Which really was bad in fact, for being outside for too long.

Neil finally got a moment alone with Avni, as they reached back to Hotel. He entered behind Avni to their room and closed the door. Avni quickly made herself busy with unpacking. Neil closely examined her, but to his surprise, Avni was more talented than he expected. In hiding her emotions, which made Neil feel really uneasy. Neil took slow steps towards her, "Avni..". "No Neil, I.. can't listen. Please.. I dont want to listen.." Avni interrupted Neil. All he could see in her eyes were fear now. The fear of losing him. She didnt wanted to listen to him, because she didnt have enough courage to hear him confess, in his full consciousness. There was a knock on the door and Neil hurried to open it. Ayesha smiled, "sorry for informing late, but Dad's friend Todd is here to pick us for a dinner. Lets go down quickly!" Neil returned a smile and nodded. Ayesha left, once again asking them to hurry. Neil looked at Avni, who let out a sigh and walked towards the door. "Lets go."

They traveled in a van, so everyone was seated in the same vehicle. Todd had the best sense of humor, forcing everyone into fits of laughs with his jokes. It took a while to reach is home and everyone got out as Todd pulled into the driveway. "Welcome! This is my house, the one I bought for my beloved." Todd said dramatically. "Please come!" He showed the way to everyone. Avni grabbed onto Neil's arm as they passed through the portico. "Are you okay?" He inquired. Avni shook her head, squeezing her eyes shut. Ansh let out a hearty laugh. "Good lord! For the first time Avi grabbed onto someone other than me, after seeing a dog!" He said, pointing at the golden retriever at the side of the hallway. Avni glared at him. "Bro, thanks Neil! You have freed me from a lifetime disaster!" He said sarcastically. Neil gave him a smile and whispered to Avni. "I'm right here.." he squeezed Avni's hand in his.
"Jospeh! Meet my wife and daughter!" Everyone's eyes darted to Todd. Neil's hand immediately dropped from Avni. And Avni... she gasped as if she had seen a horrendous creature! "Not my biological daughter but, remember the girl we took in, from Mumbai? I told you about it a few years back?" Todd explained more. With each sentence, Avni and Neil's world revolves anti clockwise. "Oh thats her? Wow, its such a miracle that she's fit and fine after the killer accident!" Joseph gave a warm smile to the girl, who was frozen in her posture, her eyes widened. "Yeah, god bless. But the girl on the other seat passed away. She was just around her age, and wearing similar costumes to a party they were heading to.. may god bless her soul." Avni felt suffocated! Her mind raced, and so did Neils! He could not drop his eyes from Juhi, standing right in front of him!

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