Being brave

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Neil stood outside the gyne-emergency word. The siren of the ambulance still echoed through his ears. The pale white face of Avni, her tight hold on his arm, tears that rolled down from her closed eyes.....Neil took a deep breath, trying to calm his inner self. Avni was in the emergency room. Noya and his other friends, all were gathered outside the room. But Neil preferred to stay alone for a while, the situation was suffocating him. The click sound of the door attracted everyone's attention. Neil rushed to the side of the doctor. "As I had instructed earlier, its time to get the surgery done. The wall of the mother is really weak, its not supporting the baby's weight I'm afraid. We'll have to get it stitched. The bleeding is controlled, but we'll have to observe for about two hours before the surgery. Baby's heartbeat needs to be stable, if the surgery is to be carried out. we're shifting the mother to a room for now. And make preparations for surgery simultaneously. Please complete the formalities in the meantime." He patted on Neil's shoulder and smiled a bit. "You have to be strong, yeah?" Neil just gave a nod. Prakash rushed to his side as the doctor walked away. And so did the others.

Neil slowly walked into the room Avni was shifted to. He tried to get a private room but unfortunately had to book a shared room. As he passed to their cubical, Neil saw another couple in the adjacent cubical, apparently waiting for labour. They gave him a warm smile, to which Neil tried his best to respond. He inhaled deeply before entering to their cubical. Avni lay on the hospital bed, the comforter was neatly folded to her chest length. Her eyes were closed, so neil took silent steps towards the bed. Her face was as pale as before, there still was some wetness on her eyebrows. Just when Neil's hands lifted to caress on her face, Avni opened her eyes. The pain in her eyes almost killed Neil a thousand times, but both of them quickly managed to control theirselves. No one wanted to make the other feel weak. Avni took Neil's hand and Neil kissed on her fingers. "I'm too hungry.." Avni mumbled her usual line, cracking up Neil a bit. "Haha. Always.. I've got your food." Neil let go off her hand and took the packages he kept on the side table. He helped her to a sitting position and then to eat her dinner. It was past midnight and the two of them were hell tired. No one else was allowed in, and Neil himself also preferred to stay with Avni for the night.
He was going to take the couch in the cubical but Avni grabbed his hand. "I think there's enough room for both.." she said, gesturing to the bed. Neil did not refuse. He carefully got in and draped the comforter around them. Avni hugged him tightly, resting her head on his chest. Neil held her closer, running his fingers slowly along her waist. There was utter silence for what felt like a decade. Their minds and hearts grieving in sorrow silently, yet not wanting to show out. Avni absent mindedly gathered Neil's shirt into her fist, as she tried to hold herself together. But all the courage went in vain, as she heard the heartbeat of the baby from the next cubical. Apparently the nurses were scanning to check the heartbeat. The sound echoed to their cubical, which broke Avni into fits of cries. Neil closed his eyes, tears rolling down his cheeks. He hugged her tightly, burying his face in her hair. "Shhh... we'll have to be strong. Please..." he tried to pacify Avni, although the pain inside him was unbearable as well. "Avni.. we should not lose hope... we'll fight through this.. hmm?" Neil felt her nod in response, he tightened the embrace, kissing on the side of her face. Neil didnt know when they drifted into sleep. He was waken up by the nurses, who came in to prepare Avni for the surgery.

The surgery was done just in time. The doctors managed to maintain the tiny heartbeats and finish up the procedure. Avni was under anesthetics when she was brought out of the theater, but she was wide awake. As the stretcher rolled along the hallway to their private room, Avni quickly grabbed on to Neil's hand. When they got on to the elevator, he lowered himself to her and pecked on her cheek. "You did it..!" Avni looked into his eyes, which was moist, yet filled with unconditional love for her. "Aye! Let me pamper her now?!" Bebe broke their moment, moving to the other-side of the stretcher. Neil laughed and gave her way. As she was shifted to the room, Avni's glance shifted to Shweta, who stood at a corner. Tears were rolling down her cheeks. When their eyes met, Avni beckoned her to come closer. Shweta was hesitant at first, but moved in slow steps. "Mom—.." "I'm sorry!" Shweta broke down. "Shhh..." Avni took her hands into hers. "You dont have to apologize.." She tried to convince her. "I know what I did and said isn't an apology worthy—.." "No! If you apologize again, then—." Avni grabbed Neil's hand. "Then I'll ask Neil to take me to another house." Avni tried to make her voice loud, but badly failed to do so, cracking up everyone in the room, including Shweta. She kissed on Avni's forehead.

Avni slowly opened her eyes slowly. The room was dark, except the dim light of the little lamp on the bedside table. She tried to stretch her body, but there was a mild pain on her lower abdomen. Avni's eyes then searched for Neil. Her lips curved into a smile when she saw Neil sleeping on the couch. His arms were falling out, the book he was reading laid on his chest. "Neil.." she called out softly at first. She was a bit thirsty and badly needed to go to the restroom. "Neil!" Her voice this time startled Neil. "Yeah!!" He gasped as his eyes opened, quickly getting onto his feet and rushing to Avni. "What happened?! Are you okay?" He asked, caressing on her face and hair. "Ahh I'm fine Neil. I need to use the restroom." "Tsk, you almost gave me a heart-attack. Come.." He helped Avni and brought her back to bed carefully. Neil got onto bed with Avni, and spooned her into his arm. Careful not to hurt her. He closed his eyes and buried her face in the crook of her neck. "You're so beautiful!" He mumbled. Avni laughed, caressing on his hands wrapped around her. "At this hospital form?" "Mmm-hmm.." He moaned, kissing on her skin. Neil slowly opened his eyes, moving his hands to lift up Avni's hospital gown. Her little baby bump was cutely shaped. He ran his fingers along the skin. "I cant wait for her to get here..." Avni smiled at his words. "Me neither. I've got—." Her words were cut in, as she felt a kick from her bump. Both Neil and her gasped out loud! "Did you—." Neil asked. Avni nodded her head, not able to say anything. There was another kick, making them both laugh with immense happiness. Another few kicks followed, Neil moved himself up, and kissed on Avni's bump. "Thank you.." he looked into her eyes and said. "Thank you for what? She's equally yours.." Neil nodded his head and kissed on her lips passionately. "For a moment I thought we've lost her but... But I just witnesses the most beautiful moment of my entire existence!" Neil said, breaking the kiss. "Me too.." Avni replied and captured his lips again.~

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