Falling slowly

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The following afternoon they left for some sight seeing. On backpacks and trekking attire, Avni was wearing a cap, with a red tank top with a jeans short. She had her trainers on, and her hair was braided. Neil had matching colour code coincidently.
The first few hours they traveled in a bus, which took them out of the town to a mountain area. Later they trekked a few feet's up, to a little village. Avni kept herself busy, talking to the villagers and taking pictures. Her warm  nature, attracted the citizens. Avni played with some children while the others settled down for lunch. "Avni! Come over for food!" Esha called her over. Avni turned to leave, but a small boy, of about 2years hung up on her. Avni smiled and took him into her arms and brought him to the café. "Whose this?" Ryan asked. Avni shrugged. "Just a random boy. I played with him for a while, and now he doesn't want to leave." Everyone cooed to him, Neil squished the little one's cheek. Avni fed him well and some took pictures with the boy. They all gathered to leave, and trek down to the van. Just then Avni changed her direction, to the other side of the village. "Avi!" Noya called out but Avni didn't stop. Her eyes were glued to her phone. Everyone followed her. "Avni! Where are we going?" Neil tried finding out. "Just follow me.." Avni mumbled. They walked for a few minutes more. Neil was about to complain again, when he gasped at the sight before him! There ran a huge water fall, from hundred meters above! The valley was filled with greenery. Everyone was in awe of the moment. Avni climbed on the small rocky cliff formed there. She took a deep breath once she reached the top. She held out her arms as closed her eyes. The smell of the wet soil, the fungus, the feel of the humid in the air.. her soul drifted away, indulging it all. Avni came down after a few minutes. "How did you find this place?!" Asked Noya. Avni shrugged and showed a map on her phone. They spent about an hour there and drove back to hotel.

There was a beach party at night. Avni tried her best not to attend but didn't have enough guts to ditch everyone. She came down after a while, dressed in a knee length blue printed beach dress. She was too lazy to put on any make up. Avni walked in and joined the group, she sat beside Esha near the fire. Amra put a shell crown on Avni's head, "one for this mermaid of us!" Avni laughed and thanked her. She did feel Neil's eyes on her, but didn't bother about it much. After a good meal, the others joined the dance floor, Avni dismissed herself to attend some phone calls.
She walked near the bar to get some water, but someone grabbed her hand just then. "Such an adventurous girl fears away when it comes to a dance?" Neil narrowed his eyes and teased. Avni smirked and replied, showing her phone. "Came to attend this." Neil crooked an eyebrow and took slow steps towards Avni, who in reflex took backward. Avni tried to say something but she couldn't. She reached the bar counter and couldn't take any more steps backward. The next thing she knew, Neil draped an arm around her waist and pulled her close to him. He then took her hand, slowly brought her to a side.
The music was slow, and he swayed to it slowly, not letting go of Avni. He looked into her face. The perfect tan on a white skin, her cheeks flushed a bit. Neil wanted to feel the soft skin. Avni's eyes locked with Neil's and she couldn't look away. As the brown in his eyes had hypnotized her. All she could feel is the fragrance of a manly perfume. His hair was perfectly made, the beard added to the perfection. Neil was dressed in a plain light blue Shirt and a matching creme short. "I see someone's dancing now?" Neil grinned. "I never said I didn't know." Avni laughed, getting more comfortable in his arms now, tightening her hand on his shoulder. The sand beneath her feat was tickling against her skin. Neil laughed along with her, shaking his head. "No one can ever beat you in talks eh?" "You should have thought about it, before aiming a lawyer, ACP." Avni's replies were like shots. Neil pursed his lips, knowing he can never beat her. "What kind of cases do you deal with?" Neil inquired. "Anything, haha. I mostly take cases from European countries. Help them reach the EU and their courts. I don't take Criminal cases." "And why is that?" Neil couldn't help asking. "Because.. I dont trust police investigations." Avni shrugged. "Really, madam? So who else are you gonna rely on? Private detectors?" "Maybe, haha." Neil shook his head again. "You are weird." Avni rolled her eyes. "Although, I've never came across such a young ACP?" Avni confessed. "Haha I am that cool, you know, too bad you are not falling into me." Neil shot it at the right moment. Avni laughed and pursed her lips. "Is it necessary to flirt with everyone?" "Can't help it when it comes to you.." Neil's expression was serious this time, his voice was husky, giving goosebumps on Avni's skin. They were caught in the moment for a while, Avni was the one to look away. She immediately dropped her hand from Neil, awkwardly moving away. She gave a little smile and walked away. Both the hearts thumping in their chests.
Neil realized what he just said. Everything started to sink in. Have I really fallen into her? Is her beauty trapping my mind? He shook his head to shoo away the thoughts. No. It's been just a few weeks. This can't be.. he tried to convince himself and walked over to join the others. They hurried to the hotel as they were leaving to Italy the following morning.

"Avi, you're gonna stay back for one more day, right?" Noya asked once they entered the suite and some settled on the couches. Neil's head shot to Avni, he was a bit nervous on what answer she was gonna give. He can't explain what's happening to him. Avni gave a nod. "That's the plan so far." Neil's heart dropped. "Not fair yaar. We are a pack, you know." Nikhil complained. Avni gave s little smile, "I'm sorry. But I have an important meeting. Would have canceled if it was my client. But I'm meeting her on my firm's behalf." Avni explained. No one could further argue on her point. Neil took a deep breath, to calm his inner chaos. Avni did notice his reaction. Even she was confused now, how she's feeling about Neil.

The following morning, everyone was up early. Noya didn't wake Avni as she was up late that night. She finished up a last minute packing along with the others and got into the washroom, before heading out. Neil then came in, searching for Noya. His steps froze with the sight of Avni. She was sleeping like a baby, hugging the pillow next to her. Her top was a bit folded up, revealing a part of her stomach. The sun's rays dancing on her hair and skin. Neil felt his mouth going dry. He quickly shifted his head away, as he heard the door open. "Sorry I took a while.." Noya apologized. Avni slowly opened her eyes, and jumped up as she saw Neil in the room. She draped the blanket on her legs, which was too exposed according to her. Neil looked at her and smiled, Avni returned it. "Avi, we are gonna leave now. You sure you'd be okay?" "Yes, don't worry." Avni replied, gathering her hair to s pony tail. "Okay then, I'll deal with the luggage's." With that Neil left. Avni quickly slipped in a pajama pant and followed Noya outside. Everyone got out, waving goodbyes to Avni, except Neil. He stood near the door. Avni looked at him and gestured, questioning him. The expression on his face increased her heartbeat. Neil smiled and shook his head. "See you soon, take care." He mumbled and left. Avni closed the door behind, and took deep breaths to calm her self. She've never been so confused, ever in her life.

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