Sleepless nights~

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Neil stood at the entrance of the balcony. Witnessing the whole conversation. His heart was racing exceptionally fast, as he saw the changes to Avni's expressions. He could tell clearly what she was thinking about. What she was planning on. But he wont let her do any such things. Ever. And as far as Juhi is concerned, he would try to send her back as soon as possible. That way only she'll make a move in her life. Keeping her here among them, would clearly worsen her pain.
As Avni moved to shift her gaze, Neil quickly moved in, before she could see him. "I... let's go down for breakfast?" Avni finally managed to get a grip and asked Juhi. "Yeah, I'll be there in a while." Juhi wiped off her cheeks and gave a little smile. Avni returned one and carefully got up from the seat and headed to their room.

Neil wasnt in sight when Avni came in. She changed her clothes to a jeans and a long sleeved shirt. She then turned the closet upside down in search of her watch. In the process she dropped a pair of keys on to the ground. Avni slowly lowered and took the keys, she closely observed it. She have never seen the pair before, flooding her mind with lots of questions. It then hit her that she have never checked the little chest drawer on the left side of the closet. Just then she heard Neil talking over the phone and coming towards the room. Avni decided to check it later, after getting some rest.

"Aren't you hungry? Everyone's at the table." Neil asked Avni as he entered the room. "No. Not hungry yet." She gave a smile putting up her hair on to a ponytail. "How come?! It wasnt even 5am when you last ate. Its almost 9 now. Let's—no! I'm not gonna listen to you." Neil held up a finger as Avni tried to explain. He knew exactly why she wasnt having any appetite and he wasn't ready to hear her out on the topic. "Come with me." Neil took her hand and headed downstairs. "Mom said you'd like to change our room here for some time." Avni just nodded her head. "I'll change by tonight, okay?" Neil gave a smile and kissed on her forehead.
"Avni! I've made something for you. Come come!" Shweta hurried to her side and seated her quickly. Avni's stomach growled as she saw the eggplant curry, but the next instant she realized Juhi sitting on the adjacent seat. She wasnt looking around at all. Her gaze fixed on her platter, which she was skimming through. No one's attention was really on Juhi, though she gave smiles to some talks. Avni's appetite immediately dropped. Neil silently observed all this and his concern somewhat changed into frustrations. "You're really not gonna eat?" He asked Avni. Bebe and other's gaze shifted to them. Avni opened her mouth a few times before saying, "I'm not hungry.." "but you like this, dont you?" Neil's tone was a bit loud now. He cant deal with the fact that Avni was more concerned about Juhi. "Not tonight.." Avni mumbled, a bit nervous to answer Neil. "Neil, its okay. Happens during pregnancies." Bebe defended Avni. "I know Bebe. But it doesnt mean that she doesnt eat anything. How is she going to get better this way?" "Neil—." "Hush!" He interrupted Avni as she started her justification. "I dont want to hear anything. Come.." Neil got up from his seat as he had finished his food. Taking Avni's hand, beckoning her to follow him. "Mom, please bring the food upstairs." "But Neil I am not hungry.." Avni tried saying again, but Neil didnt reply. Just took her to their room.

Neil seated Avni on the couch and sat on the table, facing her. "I know something is bothering you. And I want you to tell me what it is." Neil didnt give a chance for Avni to speak, and shot the question quickly. He first intended not to give a chance to Avni to bring up the topic but now he have learnt that she's gonna be worried sick, if she were to hold it all inside her. Avni looked at him, her eyes widened. She wasnt aware that Neil heard the earlier conversation of her and Juhi, and neither did she think Neil would notice her inner chaos. "C'mon. Tell me.." Neil crooked an eyebrow at her. Avni gulped and opened her mouth a few times. "Neil, I... I think Juhi needs you.." the lest Neil expected was to hear her concern towards Juhi, but he did not foresee that Avni could be so direct. "What do you mean?" Avni sighed deeply. "Neil its not her fault that things changed in a glimpse. And now she's all helpless... left all alone. I—I feel like I have taken up her position—." "And whats your fault in that?" Neil interrupted Avni. Avni just stared at him, not knowing what to say further. Neil took Avni's hands into his, squeezing it tightly. "Look, Avni. I know you are too concerned about Juhi. But that does not mean you make sacrifices for her. Whatever happened was beyond any of our control. Yes, I agree that I was in love with her. As if there wasnt any life without each other. It took me years to get over, in fact I wasnt over her at the time I met you either. But you... Avni I cant tell you how much you've changed my life ever since. With Juhi, everything was good. But with you, I feel my desire to live each second of my life! Every moment is precious for me.. but with you. And you alone. And Know this that I would never let you go, in my rightest sense! Ever.. even if you want to." Avni was speechless by now. Tears were rolling down her cheeks, as she had realized how wrong she was. Neil was trying to interpret her emotions but Avni caught him to a bone crushing hug! "I—I was praying that you would refuse to leave me." She cried. "Avni why would you even think that I would want to leave you?!" Neil caressed on her back and ran his fingers through her hair. Avni didnt reply, but sobbed in his embrace. "Shh.. enough now." Neil said, wiping off her cheeks. "You should eat and get some rest."

In the days that came, Neil tried to keep Avni busy in work away from all the Juhi tension, as he fixed quick appointments of Juhi and finished up her therapy sessions, and sent her back to London. Because it was the only way he could think of, to keep her away from all the thoughts.

"Careful there!!" Neil called out from the slid down window of his car, as Avni strolled down the stairs outside the Court. She quickly got onto the passenger seat, escaping from the lightly drizzling rain. "You really know how to keep me at the peak eh?" Neil complained, passing her a box of tissue. Avni held up her hand in annoyance, as she tried to ease her breath. "Even I am not interested to run a marathon with a 9month belly!" Avni shot him daggers with her eyes, clearly not fascinated with his words. "Ugh fine." Neil retorted and pulled off the car. He felt Avni's eyes still glued to him. "Tsk, okay. I'm sorry. Happy?" He turned to her and apologized. Avni stuck a tongue at him and relaxed on the seat. "My leave is confirmed." Avni told Neil. "Really?! I just booked the tickets for day after tomorrow!" Neil said excitedly. "But.. are we really going to London for the delivery? I mean.. Mom and Bebe.." Neil could sense how disturbed Avni was. "Mom and Bebe are coming with us, along with Dad." He grinned wide. "Huh?! They are?!" Avni turned to his side and grabbed his forearm. Neil laughed and nodded his head. "Yes! Thank you!!" Avni mumbled and kissed on his cheek. Neil knew how much she appreciates his parents and how much they love her. The past months wasnt easy for them at all. Avni had the busiest days before her maternity leave, but Bebe and Shweta was always by her side pampering her all the time. Prakash would spent his evenings after work with Avni, doing online shoppings for the baby, finding names, reading books etc. And the only job left for Neil would be some cuddles and kisses on the middle of the night.

After parking the car, Neil and Avni walked into the Khanna house hand in hand. No one else was in sight except their maid, Bhima. "Bhima, where's everyone else?" Avni asked, taking up the newspapers left on the couch. "Here we are!" Exclaimed Shweta from behind. Avni and Neil turned to the entrance, and saw the three walking in with shopping bags. "We are preparing our London trip!" Prakash said, full in excitement. "See what I've got?" He picked up a pair of shoes from one of the bags. Avni's heart melted, as she clapped a hand to her mouth and took it from Prakash. "This is the cutest. Thank you!" Neil smiled widely, but intended to tease Avni. "Thats not for you, chubby." Avni shot her eyes at him. "Wh-what did you say?" Neil shrugged, pretending to zip up his mouth. "What did you say Neil Khanna?" She asked again, grabbing on his ear. "Aaah, Avni! No, Chubby I mean!" Avni fumed up again with his words, but before she could reach his ears again, Neil picked her up in to his arms with a swift move. "Now try to escape? I know what you'd need right now!" Avni's face was all red by now, as Neil shamelessly lifted her up and headed to their room, in front of everyone. She tried to complain but as they entered the room, Neil kissed her hard on the lips. It took a while for Avni to respond, but she was as passionate when she did. "Come on, I'll give you a shower." Neil offered as usual, wanting to help her in every way possible.

As they came out of the shower, Avni heard her phone buzz. She quickly draped a bathrobe around her and reached to answer the call. As she finished the call, Neil wrapped his arms around her from behind, nuzzling on her hair and neck. Avni laughed and held on the his arm around her. "I thought a pregnant women would be more needy than her husband." Neil chuckled at her words. "Who says.. its irresistible for a man, when his pregnant wife is ever so sexy.." he mumbled softly. "Oh? I thought I was chubby?!" Avni questioned, turning a bit to look at Neil. "Tsk, chubby is the new sexy, baby!" He replied placing open mouth kisses on her jawline. Avni closed her eyes as she sensed how turned on Neil was. His hand slowly lowered the bathrobe from her shoulders and moved his kisses there, caressing on her belly now. "Neil.." Avni moaned in pleasure, she could feel his hand all over her body, as he had removed her clothing. Neil slowly walked her to bed and gently placed her down. He knew she would need some passionate time but she wouldnt have the guts to ask him. Thus he initiate their moves some nights. He moved on top of her and lowered himself. Neil could see her already biting her lower lip, as he kissed on her collarbone, tasting her skin. His mouth slowly moved upwards along on her neck and finally to her mouth. The lust in her eyes reflected the hunger within him. Neil kissed her passionately yet carful to give her enough time to breath, always bearing in mind that she was pregnant. He gently bit on her lip, and she immediately granted entrance. His hands moved along Avni's leg and wrapped it around his waist as his tongue explored every inch of her mouth. He then moved down to her chest, giving some time for her to breath. But Avni gasped and breath out loudly as he sucked on her skin. She groaned softly, wanting more of him, running her fingers through his hair and pushing him more closer. Neil entered her slowly, not moving his mouth. Avni's hold on him tightened even more, and she arched her body, giving him more excess.
Avni was spooned into Neil's arms, as he wrapped himself around her from behind. Their pleasures dont have any limits, but Avni was not able to be as active as before. She could feel Neil's hot breath on her neck, as she ran her fingers on his arm. Avni was getting more impatient as her due draws closer. She and Neil has been reading about delivery quiet often now, and both of them ends up getting more tensed over the big day, yet tries to hide it from the other. But Avni knew Neil was as scared as her, though he doesnt say it.

"What are you thinking about?" Neil asked, running his hands and massaging her waist. Avni pursed her lips and then turned around, finally opening up. "I'm scared.." her voice trembled and Neil's soul almost shook. He quickly gathered her closer, "about what, baby?" "About the the delivery.. They say labour pain is the worst pain in the world.." she looked into Neil's eyes, but saw no nervousness. "But all the pain would be worth it, once you get to hold the little bundle... Avni, I know you are nervous. But I also know that you're the bravest and would ace it!!" Avni laughed at his remarks, and so did Neil. He hugged her more, resting her head on his chest. "I cant wait for her to get here." Neil mumbled. A vigorous kick from inside made Avni gasp out loud. Neil too felt it mildly, and he chuckled. "See? Someone else is too impatient to get here.." Avni laughed and moved away from Neil to get out of bed. He crooked an eyebrow at her. "Don't tell me your never ending restroom session is starting." Avni smacked his arms playfully. "What do I do! Even I dont want to spend my whole night at the toilet." Neil laughed. "I'll wait for you.." he told Avni and draped the comforter around him, getting all cozy. "I can see that very well." She threw the cushion at Neil and walked away.

Avni was asleep when Neil woke up in the morning. He knew she was pacing to and from the restroom the whole night, which was a routine since the third-trimester begun. The comforter was slipped from her body, bur Neil doubt that the temperature doesnt even bother her. Avni used to hate cold, but now he was the one who shivers to death every-night, as Avni struggled with the heat and decreases the temperature to her liking. Neil moved closer and lifted up his shirt she was wearing. The skin on her belly was so stretched, it has turn all red, showing up the nerves all around. Neil wondered how on earth she moved around with such a huge weight. Her feet were sore, but not so swollen. Even though He calls her chubby, she hadnt gained weight so much, thus her body shape remained as it was. And even if it did, Neil doubted that he would be addicted to her as much!
The alarm of his phone woke Neil out of his thoughts. He quickly turned it off with one hand and turned back to Avni. "Avi... wake up. We'll be late to work." He whispered to her ear and gave a soft bite. A smile slowly spread on her lips, "Khanna, sorry to burst your bubble but I'm on maternity leave." Avni stuck a tongue at him, as Neil covered his face with his hands and groaned, "Urgh I dont want to go..". Avni bit her lip and moved on top of him. "And I dont want you to leave.." she whispered to him and rubbed her nose against his. "Haha, how are you so needy all the time.." Neil teased her but Avni didnt reply. She smacked her mouth against his, kissing him deeply. Neil kissed her back more passionately, pulling down her panties in the process. He sure was enjoying the last trimester, with his ever so wild woman.

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