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Avni felt something crawling behind her back. A cold, tiny fingers. She slowly opened her eyes and carefully turned around. Evie was in the attached cot next to their bed, wide awake. Her expressions faded and lips turned into a pout as the little one felt her Mother's attention on her. Avni laughed softly. "Whose hangry? Mama's Evie!" She kissed on Evie's forehead, bringing her into her arms. Avni then glanced over to the clock on the bedside table. It was 3 in the morning and Neil still wasn'

Pin drop silence followed as Avni climbed down the stairs to the kitchen. Only the dim light from the side lamp of the living room, had the shadows of the branches of the tree behind, dancing in the moonlight.

Avni took Evie's feeding bottle from the cabinet and seated little one in her high chair. As she poured the formula into the bottle, the front door opened. Both Avni and Evie's eyes darted on to Neil, who walked in, while on a phone call. His expressions clearly said that he wasn't expecting them to be up. Neil cut short the phone call and fished the phone into his pocket.

"Oh wow, who's so hungry at this hour of the night?" He walked towards the high chair and cooed to Evie. Little on clapped with excitement, holding Neil's face and almost ate up his face. "Haha! That hungry, are you?" Neil lifted his head, laughing heartily. Avni deliberately gave him no attention and kept herself busy with her work. Neil decided not to talk about what happened earlier that night. "Is that a cockroach there?" Neil pointed out. Avni's eyes widened and swished towards the direction. She took some deep breaths to calm herself down, to Neil's surprise. A typical Avni would have screamed her lungs out and grabbed on to Neil. She took a spray from the cabinet and aimed straight at the insect. Leaving Neil on his trance, Avni picked up Evie from her crib and walked to the stairs with the bottle.

Neil ran a hand on his forehead and followed her. Right then, Avni's phone rang. Neil took it from the side table and saw Melina's name on it. "Mel? At this hour?" he asked Avni, too confused. "She have called a few times, to check if you have come home." Avni took the phone from Neil and answered, informing the return of her husband. "Did you walk home with Evie?" Neil asked as Avni was done. She gave an unbelievable look. "How else do you expect me to come home? Yes, I walked with a one year old daughter in my lap for 20 minutes to return back, at 9 in the night." Avni snapped at Neil, and took some deep breaths to calm herself down.

"Look, Avni. An urgent work came up and I got busy. You know I would not have left you at the caretakers if I had any other options.." Neil started to explain. "I have no other options than believing in you, Neil. This is a strange City for me, I know no one here." Her eyes moistened and her throat dried up, as she tried to talk. Avni gave a quick look at now sound asleep Evie, and ran to the bathroom. Neil sighed heavily and the next moment he strode downstairs and came up, with the envelope in his hand.

After it felt like forever, Avni came out. She saw that Neil had dragged the armchair near their bed, and was sitting his back straight. Avni slowly walked in, thinking she'd hide under the comforter, rather than facing Neil at that instant. But she was stopped in her trace, as Neil held on to her wrist. "Please listen to me?" The expression on Neil's face, made Avni's heart skip a beat!

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