The lioness in her

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"Where's Avni?" Noya's mother asked during breakfast the following morning. Everyone's attention was drawn to Noya. "She've left to Delhi early in the morning." "Delhi?! Why!?" "Mom, relax! She went to meet a client of her. Will return soon." Neil tried his best not to react. But he was worried that Avni went all by herself.
"Aren't you on leave?" Jia asked Neil as he was heading out. "I am. But I need to attend some urgent work." Neil replied, taking out his watch. "To check on Avni..?" She mumbled. It brought a pause to Neil, but he wanted to be frank and nodded his head.  "Why?!" Her voice was loud now, startling Neil himself. "You know why.." "Yes I do! But I am your wife! Not her!" Neil was calm but Jia was the opposite. "Don't you dare raise your voice on me..! I have been very clear about things before this marriage even. Avni would always remain as my concern. No one can do anything about it!" With that, Neil left.

"Hello?" It was a ritual day of Noya's wedding. And Neil was impatiently waiting for Avni's arrival. He answered his phone when Prakash called. "Neil! I need you here at office this instant. Not in our office, but at Mr.Sinha's office." His tone was filled with worry and urgency. "Why Dad, What happened?" Neil asked, hurrying towards the exit. "Someone have filed a case against our Joint venture company. You just come here soon!" Neil quickly headed to his car, informing Ryan where he was heading to.
The whole office was at alert when Neil entered. The employees out of their seats, fumbling through files. Prakash And Mr. Sinha was standing at the middle of the chaos. "Dad! Whats going on?" Prakash sighed when he saw Neil. "Charges of fraud on us. I have called our lawyer to attend ASAP!" He Exclaimed. "But who brought up a case?!" Neil was still confused.
"I'll tell you." Everyone's glance shifted towards the door. Avni stood at the entrance, her hands folded. It was the first time Neil saw her in a formal wear. He was just about to take a step towards her, when it hit him what the situation was. And Neil could not believe his eyes.

"Avni.. you did.." he was cut in by Avni who moved forward. "Senior Detective And Attorney of the European Union, Ms. Avni Mehta." She said, showing out her card. "I'm a legal counsel for the Eutopia Holdings Plc Ltd, which I believe is a subordinate of your company. They have been in a lot of loss, due to some bounced Cheques, unsettled invoices, and an unlawfully snatched plot, in which an Old age home was to be built." She spoke further, taking out all the documents from a file on her hand. Quickly handing it over to Prakash. Just then their lawyer entered and Prakash passed the documents to him. "Charges for fraud?" He asked. "Yes. The case is filed, preliminary for first dispute resolution will be within two days. Call me if you need any additional documents from my client's side." Avni replied, handing over her business card. She gave a look at Neil, who was still frozen in his posture, before leaving.
Avni met Neil after about an hour, at the ritual venue. He have thought about the case so much. The audit of the lawyer has revealed that there in fact has been so many pending payments and other settlements to be made. But Neil had taken such a good supervision of the company, especially as it was a joint venture of his father and Jia's father. Then how did it happen? Neil tried constantly to find a moment to ask out Avni. But he could not. Neil searched around for Jia, who also wasn't in sight. After a few minutes  he saw Avni storming towards the gate and getting into her car. His sixth sense warned him that something grave has happened. Neil hurried to follow her, not even giving a damn about informing Jia.
As Neil assumed, Avni drove to the residence of Mr. Singhania. But the rage in which she was heading in, made Neil to follow her, fearing that something wrong might be up. He was right behind Avni, and both him and Avni froze in their posture, seeing Jia inside the living room, standing in front of the Singhania couple. But Avni didn't waste a second, and she stormed in. "Excuse me?! Who gave you the permission to enter someone's house in the middle of the night?" Avni blurted Out. "I was just.." "Look, it's illegal. And in a situation where there is legal proceedings going on between the two parties." Avni tried to calm herself. Neil quickly moved away, and walked to his car, as Jia turned away to go. Neil drove away, not a hint for Avni and Jia of his presence. But Jia did not leave yet but Neil had no idea. "Ms. Mehta? That's your surname right? Or rather, Mrs. Couldn't be a Khanna?" The mockery in her voice boiled up Avni's blood. Such a shameful women to snatch the business from which a lot of poor was being benefited. "Can't talk professionally, Mrs. Khanna? Or you don't have the ethic of not involving your personal life with your professional?" Avni teased her equally. "Who are you to interfere with my business then?!" Jia stormed. "Oh Ma'am. You call yourself a young and successful business woman? Such a pity that you didn't realize that law and order presides over each and every power existing. And makes sure the guilty is brought for justice." Jia was about to shoot back, but Avni saw police entering, whom she has called on her way. "It will be better if you keep your defenses for the day after tomorrow's hearing. Cuz you'd need a lot of it. I'll see you in the court!" Avni showed her index finger towards Jia to warn her, before leaving. Letting the police to warn her further and ask her to leave the residence. A smile of victory was already playing on her lip, as she knew very well how to deal with Jia!

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