Turn of the table

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"I'm too tired!" Neil thumped onto the bed as they entered their room at the Khanna house. Avni shook her head and started unpacking right away. Neil took his phone and was going through the content. Avni finished up her work and sat on the couch, not sure on what to do next. She was all new to the house and to the family. Neil's eyes drifted to the corners of the room when he didn't hear Avni being around, and found her sitting on the couch, her hands on her chin. "What happened to you?" Neil asked getting up from the bed and walking towards the couch. "I..nothing. Just waited for you to finish up." Avni tried to force a smile, but it did not go unnoticed by Neil. "Come with me."

He took her downstairs, where Bebe as busy doing embroidery on a piece of cloth. "Avni! Come here." Bebe gestured her to sit beside her. "For now only I am at home. Shweta and Prakash had gone for some shopping." Avni smiled as Bebe caressed on her head. "I'm so glad that my Neil finally got to be with someone he actually loves. Otherwise I can't even imagine on what state our family would have been, if Jia--" her voice trailed off. Avni didn't know what to say. Neil kneeled down next to Bebe, "Bebe, its all a bad dream now. We all should forget about it, yeah?" he kissed on Bebe's hands and hugged her. "Come here," Bebe gestured Avni to join them, Neil then wrapped his arms around both the ladies.

Days passed by and Avni was well adjusted to the new family now. She took out the responsibilities of the house, as much as she could. But there was the understanding among everyone that she had a seriously established career, and had to be busy in her work at times. Neil woke up to the alarm of his phone. He turned it off and turned around to see that Avni was still sleeping in. Neil kissed on her forehead softly, but still woke up Avni. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up." He mumbled. Avni smiled and moved closer to bury her face in his chest. Neil laughed softly, "Not getting up? We'll get late to work." Avni still didn't move, Neil relaxed his body and cuddled her close. "I think I'll stay at home today.." Neil heard her whisper. "Why?" Avni sighed, "First day of the monthly trouble. I'm too tired to call in today." Neil smiled to himself and slowly ran his hands on Avni's waist. She closed her eyes as it eased her pain. "As much as I want to stay here with you, I can't skip work today. I have an important case to solve out." Avni sighed and moved a bit away. "You'll be fine, right?" Neil asked again, he was slightly tensed. "I will be." Avni have a little smile. Neil tucked her in, and went into the shower. Avni was fast asleep when he left to work.

Neil checked on Avni before going in to the meeting room. Everyone was seated when he entered. They then started discussing over the investigation of the murder that took place fortnight. A young blogger was assassinated by a gang. They shared thoughts and made a plan on how to carry out a through and urgent investigation.
Neil came home late in the night around 11p.m. Avni was asleep on the living room couch, Bebe sitting on the opposite single couch, reading through a book. Neil silently walked in, and Bebe gestured him to slow down. "She just fell asleep.. said the pain is mild now. I'm off to bed then?" Neil let out a sigh and nodded. He gave a little hug to Babe before she walked away. He then lifted up Avni in his arms, careful not to wake her up and took her to their room. Neil felt as Avni was exceptionally light, as if she've lost a lot of weight. He carefully looked into her face. Traces of tiredness was visible on her pale white skin. This whole menstrual thing was new to him, hence Neil couldnt reach to a conclusion.

"Don't ever ask me for my opinion again! You're better off without me now!" Barged Shweta, as she and Prakash entered from the front door. Avni, Neil and Bebe were at the breakfast table. "How am I supposed to know this will happen?" Prakash's voice was equally loud. "Whats going on?" Bebe got up from her seat, followed by Neil. "This.. m..Prakash, gave a huge sum of money to a friend of his!" Both Babe and Neil gasped. "Not again, Dad.." Neil mumbled, clapping a hand to his forehead. "No, I didn't know this would happen! He was a close fr.." "dont you dare say that you didnt know! I warned you enough!" Shweta exclaimed. The whole argument now got more intense. Each taking out their opinion. Avni was taken aback, with all the chaos. She was all ashamed to be there, she felt as if it wasnt her business. She stood at a corner, while the others were all cray, Neil was trying to calm them down. All of a sudden Shweta noticed her and gestured her to come. "Come here. Now I know what has to be done." Everyone's sight darted to Avni, who slowly moved close. "From today onwards, Avni would take care of the accounts and audits of the company!" Shweta stated, and everyone agreed with her statement. Avni however hesitated. "Me?.. oh no no.. I can't.." she started saying. "Yes, you have to do it!" Shweta tried to explain. "Yes Avni. Let your mother-in-law prove her point. That Prakash gives too much money for donation.." Bebe voted up. "Bebe, I can't.. I have some important cases coming up. And we dont have a big team at our firm.." She noticed Neil's expressions hardening, not liking her contradictions obviously. Shweta let go off her hands on Avni's shoulder. "So your own business is more important to you than ours.." Avni shook her head but Shweta continued. "I'm not asking you to do it for free. We'll pay you. Tell me the amount! I just want you to take it over as a lawyer!.. but now I am convinced that you do not consider us that close yet. That you dont wish for the betterment of our family.." Shweta went on and on. Prakash and Bebe tried to stop her but Neil didnt make a move. At last Bebe barged at her loudly, and shweta stormed into her room followed by Prakash and Bebe, trying to make her understand.
Avni didnt realize for how long she had been holding on her breath. She didnt know anything about the business of the Khanna family. And she really didnt wanted to get into it, as there's already been so many conflicts. "Neil.." she tried saying. "So you dont want to join?" His tone itself brought her to a halt. "No Neil.. its just" "its just what? You cant do it for even my sake? Avni, I just want to end these fights between Mom and Dad. If there is someone to observe, then they'll be at ease.."  Neil went on. "I knoww Neil. But I am not the right person.." she was cut in by Neil again. "Yes right. You are not the right person for it. I'll find someone else, thanks. I still cant believe you refused." With that he went upstairs, leaving Avni frozen in her posture. Her mind was racing. Trying to process the events that just took place. Her thoughts were interrupted by a phone call. Avni quickly hurried outside to get a taxi. As Neil didnt even come down to drop her to office.

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