Ch-21 The Gaia Protection

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I was pretty shocked after getting to know about Diya being some kinda goddess for obvious reasons. Also, after knowing about how Mevaratnam played the whole game and Asma was just a pawn, I wanted to scream and cry for one last time and get the intestines outta their bodies. The rage boiling through my eyes was visible. Maybe that's why Diya wrapped her arms around me.

"I know it's hard, but believe me, we just know a small part of the entire world, I agree with you now. These half-gods or whatever they are, have been with us all the time. Like humans, they are also divided by views. It is so absurd, but it doesn't matter at all. At this moment, we are together. We will be together and safe." Diya said it all while trying to calm me by rubbing my back slowly. I wrapped my arms too.

We both got a bit awkward for a moment after getting off hands from each other.

"We should find Nitin and others before they do. Also, try to contact Risha again and again. They didn't mention her name, right? Risha may be hiding something by herself too. She always is like this."

"She is still, you know, mature and can take care of herself, no matter where she is. Also, I think you trust her more than any person here does. So, just stay normal and no need to show yourself brave or anything in front of me. I know you dumb." Diya said.

I facepalmed briefly. After checking on everyone, I made some more people forfeit. It had already been an hour since we all came here. We decided to stay together, as we were only 14 anyways.

Quite a loss...

I created some more hoverboards with my recharged power. It took us another hour to recharge energy and create some more surprise weaponry I thought about while going through all the God stuff in my brain.

So, there is some meaning behind what Triyansh said 3 weeks ago.
Still, nothing is clear right now.
The energy I felt emanating from Mevaratnam, it's not a dream.

But then, why am I still the one with the highest power level on screens?!

"Heya chipmunk!" The soft voice echoed through my ears.

The next moment, I was floating in the pitch-black space. Like before, this all looked like a dream, but I could feel the emotions rushing inside my mind.

"Oh dear, you still feel afraid of this darkness, don't you? Grow up, kid! You have got darker places to light up ahead of you in your life." This time too, the voice came from nowhere.

"Do you believe that I still don't know who you really are? Anyways, you will surely get a Nobel for such performance." I had more confidence than the first time because I knew who she was.

"Oh, well? I don't think you could have any information regarding my identity. Wait, I knew who could be so crappy to tell you everything. It's Shrama, isn't it? I have told that son of a gun to not let anything out of that damned committee!" Her voice was shaking up as she had no idea about anything.

"Why are you bringing Shrama here? I got to know about it fro-"

"Alright calm down right there!"

I guess some other person needs to calm down right now.

"Uhh I know you would be so confused. The plan was not to tell you anything regarding celestial guardians, and other entities but looks like Shrama is too excited. He told you right. My real identity is sophisticated. The good thing is, we can still be friends, or not? Listen, I know it's a huge thing to digest but, I didn't have any other option. It was too much for you to understand in just one day."

I was perplexed by such a ravishing apology by Asma, without even saying sorry.

"First of all, calm down and have some nuts, Squirrel. I am not able to understand everything, and actually, I am trying to absorb all information around me. Getting to know that Gods are real, and Shrama trying to find some chosen one to defeat the bad gods, something like that, then the Half-Blood people are also here. It's all too much."

"I understand my cute little Chipmunk. Also, getting to know that I am Gaia, the mother nature or whatever they call me, it should be hard to resist your urge to meet me in real. I can meet, but you have to, kind of die first. I don't think that's possible so, yeah, we will wait!"

"Wait what?! Gaia?! You are kidding, right? Stop this acting, seriously. Gaia, you are the controller of nature itself! I thought you also are one of those Half-Blood people. Why are you helping Mevaratnam if you are on our side? Double agent? Wait, are you on those bad gods side?? What the hell are you?!"

And again, after a minute of silence, her menacing but sweet laugh was earful to me. This time, I also giggled to my sanity.

"Oh my my. I know what's going on now. I am feeling intensively dumb right now. Now they ask, why don't I like Nirvana. The place is not on my radar. Well, the same name confused you, and me too. I am Gaia, the ruler, protector and the ultimate entity of the Earth who commands nature. I won't tell you any further. Don't want to get sued up later."

I became much calmer than before after getting to know who I am talking to, but there were more questions now.

If that Asma never visited my dream or anything, then why did she lie to Mevaratnam?

"I can listen to your thoughts, Chipmunk. This Asma you are talking about, what's her full name?"

"I think it's Asma Sheikh. Now my question. If you can't reach Nirvana, how are you here right now? I mean, my consciousness is here. So, how?"

"Asma... Sheikh? Alright. You are unconsciousness right now. Also, you are not hurt. Your body has been given sedatives to make you sleep. It's strong, so you are not getting up for an hour or something, considering how powerful you are"

I smirked as I realised Diya gave me those sedatives in the water bottle. Also, the pause she gave before saying "Sheikh" was weird, but I decided to leave that topic.

"A friend gave me those to have my power recharged as much as possible. I have to fight off some goons there. I have like, hundreds of questions but I don't think you will answer any. Just tell me why did you decide to visit me?"

"You know the answer. You tried to call me, but I couldn't even visit you. I don't know you did remember me or not, but I guess you did think. Look, calmly learn things. It's you who will decide where the future goes. I know you think I am lying and acting, but have belief, in me."

Suddenly, I could see something far away. It was illuminating with forest green rays dazzling all around. It took a shape and started to become bigger. It seems as if the figure was coming towards me. With every second, the shape was getting bigger, with human-like features now. It took the shape of a woman, covered in bright green light. There were stars like small dots, twinkling all around her body. She came in front of me. She had no face, and wearing a simple long frock, rolling to her feet.

"This is me, Gaia or you can call me what he used to, Asma."

She slowly caressed my cheek with her hand, while my eyes were wonderstruck with her beauty. I could feel the peace in her aura, love in her care.

"You look so much like him. I was right. You are the one who can save the chaos from happening. You will find what you want too. Don't worry. Stay calm, and accept who you are. You will always have the Gaia protection within you. You are our last hope, my last hope. You are, dear, The One."

I opened my eyes in the cave we all were hiding in. I stood up with my butt groaning with pain.

Looks like I became unconscious in style.
Also, I forgot to ask about Nitin to Asma!
And who the hell is 'he' she was talking about?

I looked around to find a note saying, "Sorry not sorry. We all would be just a burden to you and you know that completely. We are out to find Manav, or if we found Mevaratnam first, I will try my best to distract that bastard. Also, I found out that Neelam and other princesses were already sent to the mountain. I traced a small group there and I could only assume who it can be. I hope Neelam kicks some asses including those of Nitin and Manav. I still don't know where Risha is. Let's see that. Now, get your holy ass out of that cave and do what you always do. Cause a ruckus and beat the shit out of people. See you soon, dumbass. Take care and don't you dare leave me."

I put the note in my pocket.

I didn't know anything coming towards me at that time. Asma's voice was clear in my mind this time, and I could feel her touch, her aura with me.

Time for some preparations to cause a ruckus...

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