Writer intro

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Hey readers.. Akshat here.. I am an Indian and I loved the novels here like you all..

I am a reader and a writer with loads of ideas, and now I am going to flourish my most loved idea into a novel..

Some things left unsaid in a normal teenager life is also included here in this novel. For me, this is not just a novel, but a full life description of Arjun, our protagonist.

A little sneak peek------

Arjun is a normal teenager boy who just wanted to have fun in his already damned life because of his exhaustive studies. He has just recovered from his anxiety and now, trying to reboot his life. Then, in just one night, his life fully changes. He becomes the inevitable, the strongest. The destined path awaits for him.

But what if he doesn't want any power?

What if he just wants to have fun with his friends and make his parents feel proud?

And what if, the path shown to him, was already infiltrated and decimated?

What if his power becomes his necessity?

What if those friends he cared about, just leave him?

What if those parents were taken away from him?!

This is the story of a 17 year old boy whose destiny tries to control him. But he always stands up, comes nose to nose with destiny and says, "I don't care, you sucker."

This is the story of a goofy boy, who becomes a brave man.

The story of the journey to become the strongest.

The story of.. The One.


I have just started to summarise my skills to make a good piece of science fantasy..

This novel contains pure mythological fables in several important phases. I put them for better understanding of the plot of the characters here, but don't worry, I will try my best to keep them entertaining....

Teen fiction, as the teenager story is going to take place of our Arjun from the first chapter, will be mixed with things every teenager have to face in his or her life...

POV changes will be included...

Friendship, drama with lots of action, this book of mine will have everything..

Betrayal is inevitable.. Muhahahahah:):):)

I haven't decided the length of this fictional novel yet but soon I will give all the info about it..

I used past tense in my book but the different thoughts which occurred in their mind about every situation, resides in present tense for a real-time experience too.

Please give your support to me if you really liked my imagination turned into book..


And forgive me for any mistake you see.. Feel free to point it out to me..

This intro is short, I know but I will definitely make it bigger:-)

But I will need your support to make my story a bigger thing. Give your love and suggestions:-)

I will post every Thursday and Sunday, so read it along..

And a warning, do not try to copy my idea lest Satan will make your life a nightmare🙂

Love u all and please give your support..


And always remember..

Hold fast to dreams,
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird,
That cannot fly -- Langston Hughes

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