Kneel before me flifthy mongrel

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Third P.O.V

"Ugh I can't believe that I have to attend a school filled with filthy mongrels such as devils they are the absolute worst out of the supernatural" Y/n tells himself outloud as he walks into the school in his casual outfit because he is not wearing a ridiculous uniform and as soon as he step foot on the front gate of the school everyone there look at Y/n, from the girls he look like a king and the guys they sweat drop at there new competition.

"What the heck a new Kiba?! Why can't we catch a break!" A bald head mongrel yelled outloud and Y/n rolled his eyes at that one mere voice alone.

"On my he is so hot I want him as my boyfriend!" A girl cheered and look at Y/n who just kept walking until he got to the student council office and open the door to face Sona Sitri.

"I'm new here and was told I be given a tour of the build so if you be so kind as to do so" Y/n told Sona in a bored tone and a bored look on his face aswell.

"It nice to see someone can be as direct as me and the fellow student council, my name is Sona and I'm the student council president" Sona put her hand out to Y/n to shake and Y/n shook her hand and felt her devil power but hid his own aswell.

"I'm Y/n nice to meet you" Y/n told her in a bored tone and both took there hands away from eachother and look at eachother bored, Y/n turn his head to see a chess board and look back at Sona "prehaps you would like to play a friendly game of chess" Y/n suggest to Sona who gets a tiny smile on her face.

"I be more then happy to take you up on the challenge, now let's get you to your home room" Sona tells him and both leave the room and Sona leads him to his homeroom.

"Here you go I hope you enjoy the class" Sona tells Y/n who give her a smile and nods his head to her and she leave his site, Y/n then bangs on the door with his fist and he walks into the class room and stands before the class "My name is Y/n and I hate perverts and you all best stay on my good side" Y/n tells his new class mates and the teacher told him to sit behind Issei and he did so, Issei then turn around and put his hand out to shake.

"Hi I'm Iss-" "shut up mongrel before I cut off your tongue and cut off your filthy perverted hand" Y/n cuts issei off with a warning and a death glare before he began to write notes down.

Later that day....

"What a absolute waste of time that place is and it is filled with devils and mongrels" Y/n mumbles to himself as he walks to his place and he stops at a bridge to see a girl walk towards him, she has black hair and is in a different school outfit to that of the others at the school.

"Are you Y-" "you can drop the act I know you are a fallen angel so please show me your true form before I get bored and kill you" Y/n her and she changes her appearance to a more revealing one.

"How can a weak human like yourself know I'm a fallen one?" Raynare ask Y/n who had a smirk on his face and a gold portal opens open and a sword launches out of it and into Raynare leg making her scream in pain and her leg bleed "what the h-" "be quiet you filthy mongrel, before you stands your better and stronger now I will make you a deal I shall pull out the blade that is in your leg out and you can leave here alive or you can die at the hand of the heir to Gilgamesh himself, your choice" Y/n tells Raynare who eyes widen at the fact that this one person is a heir to Gilgamesh who was a 2/3 god and 1/3 human back when he was alive, but she wasn't told he had no heirs to his power.

"Please my king let me live and serve you! Please I don't want to die not until I kill the one that has a sacred gear" Raynare begs Y/n who looks at her when she brings up sacred gear and he has another golden portal open and he pulls out a sword and uses it to make Raynare look at him in his red eyes.

"You have peak my interest tell me who has this sacred gear that you want either for yourself or your master? Answer fast or lose your head" Y/n warns her and Raynare thinks about it and she tells Y/n everything, to killing issei and now going to do a ritual to gain the sacred gear know as twilight healing, this made Y/n get a smirk on his face and he takes his sword away from her throat and pulls out the other from her leg and she cried in pain from it being removed and it was then heal by a gold glow and she saw Y/n with a smirk on his face.

"I'm allowing you to leave my presence and do what you want but afterwards bring the sacred gear to me and tell no one of this encounter and you shall be rewarded for this, now go mongrel I will come to you when the time is right" Y/n then walks away from Raynare who then flew off back to the church and told no one of her encounter with the heir of Gilgamesh.

At Y/n place....

"What a boring redundant day and I have to act as a mongrel for now, but soon this world will belong to myself and if I'm to stand as the king of heroes descendant alone then I shall" Y/n tells himself as he steps out onto his deck of his penthouse and he looks over the city for awhile until someone appears next to him on his deck and he keeps looking at the city "you better have a good reason for being in my home without my permission, Cao Cao" the hier to Gilgamesh turns to see a man with the supposed strongest Longinus.

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