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"Girl at this rate, your eyes are gonna come out of your eyes," my best friend said, But I just can't take my eyes off him, His Amber eyes indulged into the book he's reading, Sometimes I wonder why he doesn't fight back, Because he has some good looking muscles, I'm sure that its Enough to send all of them away, but no the Idiot takes everything, Every fist to his face without a complain, beating after beating and after that prank after prank, to a point where he couldn't take it at. But he still did.

At some point, I did feel pity for him but more so I admire him and his personality, Because he's as helpful and caring as it gets, The only reason why he even gets bullied is because of Calem and his bunch of Morons.

Ash was definitely an intriguing character, I have only talked to him a handful of times, But he's very closed off and I'm sure he doesn't care about anything to do with this school, In fact, the only time he even opens his mouth is to

A. Answer the questions that are asked in class, and

B. Talk to his only friend in the school, Gary Oak.

Gary is a womaniser with his Brown locks trimmed in a modern quiff with blonde highlights, His slightly tanned body and Toned muscles and the fact that he's loaded in terms of money certainly helps and there's no denying it, Gary and I are good friends, Or more so Gary and Lillie another friend of mine are head over heels for each other,

neither of them have the guts to do anything about it, It's annoying really, It's amazing what all they have in common with each other, Both of them change girls and boys like Clothes, Both of them have slept with probably the entire school population.

Lillie Aether was a quiet girl until she lost her Purity Because now Pure is not a word to describe her drive, She's been basically like Garry except with guys AND girls because she doesn't seem to mind,

She's got straightened natural platinum blonde hair that is to die for, A slim body with gorgeous curves and long legs, She's beautiful naturally with Emerald green eyes. Lillie's Brother Gladion Aether along with Alain, Drew and a few other guys are the heartthrob Community,

This is another problem between the two because of the so-called 'Bro Code', it's surprising that even though Ash is best buddies with Gary he isn't popular,

But then again, Ash isn't like them, Ash is the definition of a gorgeous boy in my dictionary, His Deep brown hair which could easily be mistaken as Black cut in a mid fade covering his forehead in its natural messed up state, A few strands of his hair dyed in pure brown which adds to his looks,

His well-defined chest and Hard muscles and those Abs damn those abs that are just waiting to be lic.......' get your mind outta the gutter girl' I thought to myself,

My name is Serena Yvonne, I'm your average high school senior, I have Honey Blonde hair with pink highlights I don't know why I did it, but I did, Come on don't tell me that you wouldn't at the spur of the moment on your eighteenth birthday, Anyways as I was saying, I'm not that short but I'm not that tall either, I'm the daughter of Grace and Adam Yvonne, Both of who are lawyers,

They lead a law firm here in Manhattan, People consider them as the best in their business, But to me, they are the best parents in the whole damn world,

They have supported me always and helped me grow into who I am right now, I know that I'm not gonna become a lawyer like them when I grow up, Because fuck That, I have always been an artsy girl,

I have already gotten placement into the best college to study fashion Designing in Paris, Cliche I know, but it is what it is, right? I am certainly happy about that, but I'm sad because I'm gonna have to go to France. Away from my mom and dad, Away from my friends and away from Ash.

"Hellooooooo~" Dawn breathed out on my neck, causing me to shudder, "Sorry to put a stop to your 'wild' daydreams involving a certain Anderson, But it's time to go back to class, we still have the last slot left so stop drooling over him and get your fine ass up and go to your class," She said, So we got up, I turned my head to look at the pretty boy one last time before going back to my last class, but he had already left,

Sitting inside Art class listening to Miss Juniper, going on and on about Bob Ross isn't a pleasant thing do, And so I dosed off, Yes I slept off in my favourite subject, It's my favourite subject but the teacher, she's ain't anywhere near my favourites,

Honestly, the lady is a bit wacko, But Sleeping in the class gets you punishment, and that my friends is why I am sitting in detention, And me being the only one here is just the cherry on the top, Un-fucking-believable.

It was at least an hour past school time when detention let out, I was walking towards my baby, My Red 2013, Audi A5 cabriolet, I don't know much about cars but I know my baby, My parents got her as my first car when I got my licence,

I had just sat inside the car when a Gorgeous Looking Rolls Royce pulled into the garage, Any Rolls Royce looks Drop dead gorgeous but this one screamed Elegance and Beauty, And it made my Audi Look cheap. Very. Cheap.

The most iconic feature though was hands down the Teal pinstripe that went through the sides contrasting the Onix paint job, Another interesting feature I noticed was the very peculiar Black number plate with Teal writing, Hmmm, where have I seen tha.....oh My God, The Teal plate, That car belongs to Teal Industries, tube fucking light Serena good one.

Teal Industries, the company that has stocks and investments in basically every company, I'm a biiiigg fan of their Fashion Brands, Teal Industries owns soo many companies across the globe, there isn't a single company in the world that could come anywhere close to the trillion-dollar Mark that is the net worth of this company In 2013, But what even is this car doing at this stupid school?

Moments later, A man exited the car, He was wearing a suit, His muscles ripped, he is a buff man wearing aviators, I thought, He opened the rear door, Which opened towards the back, suicide doors, A Typical Royce feature, A few minutes later, The door to the school opened up and a man in his late 50's came out with a black and white suit exited the school, But he was just he because my eyes were now on the man or the pretty boy behind him.....Ash.

He was walking behind him wearing a Maroon Nike hoodie, Different from what he was wearing at school today, He wore black jeans and Jordan's, The man who had Ash's clothes in his hands handed Ash an iPhone 5s in Space grey,

Which by the way was launched just 2 months back, Ash put the call on speaker, I should not be doing this but I'm just too curious, So I opened my window slightly, Listening to the conversation, which Convincingly Enough Ash had kept on the speakerphone,

"What did those kids do to him today ?" the man on the phone asked, Ash was silently listening to the conversation, I guess they were waiting for someone to come from the building, "When he called me he was covered in water for some reason, sitting in the washroom" Before Ash could say anything the Man shouted on to the phone,

"I still don't know why you want to go to this school Ashton!" He yelled furiously, "I want to have a normal life at least till I have to take over from you dad, Just let it be, If not me someone else would go through what I'm going through and frankly I'll just take it on myself than letting it get to others," He said leaving me at awe,

He purposefully accepts what they do to him so that others don't. I don't know about you but that is fucking selfless, I don't think anyone would do that, I just hate that I admire him so much when I'm positive that he doesn't notice me. The man on the call, his dad lets out a sigh...

"Henry take him home soon, Take care, Ash. I'll talk to you later" He said and cut the call, "Henry you go and call that moron, He's probably shagging someone in the washroom, I'll go get some food, I'm feeling hungry" Ash said with a Panty dropping smile, Oooohhh Hot mama, I never knew he could smile like that, Ash never smiles at school, the max Gary can get out of him is a grin, A small grin.

It would be stupid of me to start the car, so I wait till they leave, ash gets in the back and the car rolls down the Tarmac and Henry walks back into school. I take the opportunity to drive out of the car park.

I reached home and parked my car in the driveway, My mom and dad's car was not there since they usually got home late after work, I made my way inside and opened the fridge to take a drink, I went to my room to take a bath after that,

After a bath, I sat to complete my assignments, Which by the way there were many, 'I wonder what Ash is doing' I thought, I just couldn't get him out of my head, I usually couldn't but now it's worse, I wonder why he never made it public that he was a Ketchum, I know he said that he wanted a Normal life till he took over, Wow I wish I could quote other people as I quote him, okay back to the topic that is none of my concern, so I'm just gonna keep this as a secret,

I mean being what is basically the heir of Teal Industries would bring the whole world behind him, Plus the tabloids have been telling that The next heir of Teal Industries is under training from the Senior Ketchum himself,

Richard Ketchum, Current CEO of Teal Industries, One of the worlds most powerful yet humblest men on earth, Financial Records state that 5 % of the entire company profits are given away to charity and To the education of children across the world, Plus the guy is Good looking, No wonder his sons got the charms, I can assure half of the schools' female population have a crush on him, But they think he's weak, To not fight back.

I mean he's too gorgeous for his own good, which is probably why the guys hate him, Seeing him as a potential threat to them getting girls.or some other alpha male bullshit.

My deep inner discussions end when I get a call from my bestie, A.K.A Dawn Berlitz.

How is it, Do let me know by giving the chapter a vote and commenting, If you didn't notice while reading, This part of the storyline is based on 2013, 8 years before the original story, this develops the storyline

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