Chapter 2: First Day of school

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I have finally arrived at my school. I step out of my Corvette and see Jordan walking over to me.

"Hey Sky!" Jordan says

"Hey Jordan, ready for our first day as Juniors?" I replied

"You bet!"

We hook our arms and make our way to the double doors. As we are walking, we hear some wolf whistles and noticed some of the girls glaring at us. Jordan and I just ignore it as we make our way to the office to get our schedules.

"Hello, my name is Skylar Jones and this is Jordan Summers. We are here for our schedules."

She looked up from typing on her computer and said "Oh hello dears. Just let me get your schedules for you." After she walked over to the file cabinet, she came back with two schedules. "Here are your schedules, and also two maps of the school."

"Thankyou" Jordan and I said in unison. After we got our schedules, we compared to see what classes we have together. As we were looking, my 3 brothers came over to us.

"Hey little sis! Oh you or your schedule, lets see what classes we have together." Carter says. After comparing, I have first and second period with Jordan, third period with the twins, fourth period with Carter, and lunch with everyone. (Which is good) "Sweet! You have at least one of us in all your classes." Says Spencer. "Oh joy..." I replied. After we were done talking, we all went to our first class of the day.

"Skylar, Spencer is so hot!" Jordan says out of nowhere

"Are you okay Jordan? I think you have gone crazy. That's my brother you are talking about haha."

"I know, but seriously come one...he's really attractive."

"EW gross, no!"

"Whatever, I think he looks really good."

After we were done talking, we got to our class. English. I hate english, I'm terrible at it. Anyway, when we walked in the door, we heard some more wolf whistles just like we did this morning. Jordan and I sat in the back, and once I say down, everyone shut up and just stared at me.

"Jordan? What are they looking at?"

"How should I know Skylar?" She replied. And as just as I was about to open my mouth and answer her, the door flew right open. I could smell this amazing scent. It smelt like winter and fresh pine. I turned to look at the person standing there, and my mouth dropped. He was like a gift from the gods. He had jet black hair, he was tall, muscular, tan, with amazing brown eyes, and handsome. He screamed power, and I knew I was right because when he was looking around the room, no one looked him in the eye. Only an alpha has that kind of effect.

I couldn't look away. Then I noticed he walked right over to me and stopped right in front of me. When we locked eyes, it felt like no one else was in the room. Then all of the sudden, I hear my wolf.

'Mate! He's our mate!' Faith said. (Oh and by the way, my wolf's name is Faith.)

Then I saw him smirk, and all I could think of was 'Oh crap...'

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