Chapter 30: Meeting time

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Oh my gosh! Okay, so I went to the pool today, and my ex is a lifeguard there. And I walked in and he just sat there staring at me. And I kept laughing with my friend and her niece and nephews, and he would always stare at me non stop. But I had a good time since all my feelings for him are out the window!!! :) even my friend was like, "oh my gosh. He won't stop staring at you." I would laugh and turn around and sure enough, he was looking at me. I would shrug and turn back around. But it was a fun time ;) but nothing is better when your ex is seeing you having a good time without them. It destroys them on the inside. Am I right ladies??? ;) haha.



Today has been probably one of the worst days of my life. All day I have been extremely quiet and I have locked myself in my room. Axel came up many times asking me if I was okay. I just gave him the same excuse every time someone else came up and talked to me. "I'm having lady problems." It has gotten so bad me not talking, that they even called my brothers and their mates, my parents, and the pack doctor. Yes...Axel kept calling the pack doctor every 10 minutes. He finally decided to just stay in the house all day if Axel needed him again.

The only person I would talk to, was Stephan. Since he is the only one that knows whats going on.

"What time are you meeting him again?" Stephan asked me.

"10 pm sharp." I replied quietly. "Okay. So, you and I are going to walk to the clearing I'm meeting him at, and once I see him I'm gonna be like 'hey, I just want to be alone now. I'll be back in about 10 minutes' or something like that. Then you are gonna say 'okay' and leave." Stephan nods looking sad and worried. "I'm only doing this to save lives Stephan. I don't want to go with him, but I have too. I'm sorry." I sob quietly and he pulls me into a hug. I grab a fistful of his shirt and cry on his chest. He holds me close not wanting to let me go.

I stop after about 5 minutes and look at the clock. "Come on. It's 9:30. We should probably go." I said regretting it already.

"Okay." He replied quietly.

We made our way downstairs to see Axel, Mark, and Caleb passed out on the couch. I give them each a small smile and head out the door. But before I made it outside of course, I was picked up and slammed into a chest. "Where the hell do you think you're going? You locked yourself in our room the entire day without talking to any of us and now you think that you can just up and leave us?" A very pissed off Axel asked me.

"I-I was ju-just going for a w-walk." I stuttered out feeling terrible for lying to everyone. I looked down and heard Axel sigh. He turned me around and gave me a giant hug. A couple tears slipped out of my eyes and landed on his shirt. I clung to him for dear life.

"Are you okay babe?" He asked me. He was concerned but for some reason, he had this look in his eye. I couldn't put my finger on it, but it looked liked.....he knew something.

Crap.. Think of something Skylar! "Ya I'm fine. I just feel terrible because I haven't talk to you guys at all because I don't feel good." That could work...

"Oh. It's okay, you didn't feel good. Don't feel bad." He said while kissing my forehead.

I nodded. "I'm gonna go for a walk to see if it will help with my stomach."

"Okay." He paused. "Stephan." He said sternly. What's that about? Stephan nodded and walked over to me. "I love you Skylar, so much. I'm always here for you, you can tell me anything. Be safe kitten."

Oh crap...does he know? He couldn't know. There's no way he could know, I only told Stephan. And I made him promise to not tell. He wouldn't go against it, would he? No! That's not like him. Maybe I'm just crazy, yep I'm just crazy. Okay, phew.. "I know." I said putting on a fake smile. "And I love you too." I kissed him and I put everything into that kiss. This will be the last time I probably will ever kiss Axel again.

He responded quickly, and we just stood there kissing each other for about 10 minutes. We both pulled away reluctantly and rested our foreheads against each other. I gave him another peck on his lips and whispered in his ear. "I love you so much."

"I love you too Skylar." He pulled me into him for one last kiss and I gave him a sad smile. I walked out the door with Stephan without turning back.

Once we reached the forest I let out the tears that I were desperately holding in. We both changed into wolf form and ran to the clearing. Stephan knew I didn't want to talk, so we ran there in silence.

We finally arrived to the clearing and we both changed back into our human form. I saw Tyler leaning against the tree in the shadows with a smirk on his face. "Uh Stephan. You can go now, I'm fine. I just want to lay down here alone for a couple minutes. Then I will head back to the house." I said to Stephan.

Remembering the plan he nodded. "Are you sure you'll be fine?"

"Ya. Just go." I laughed.

He sighed, but laughed after. "Okay. Call me if you need anything. See ya later Sky!" He called out as he walked back towards the house.

"I will!" I yelled after him. I sat down and just laid there.

After a couple of minutes to make sure Stephan was gone Tyler made his appearance along with about 20 other men. "Ahh. There's my beautiful mate." Tyler said with a smug grin on his ugly face. Oh how I just wanted to smack off that grin.

"Ugh. Lets just leave before anyone finds us asshole." I said with a blank expression. But the truth was, I'm completely dying on the inside. I miss Axel, Mark, Caleb, Stephan, Elyse, my brothers, my parents, everyone! I'm never gonna see them ever again.

"Don't call me names princess!"

"I can call you whatever I want jerk!"

He took a step forward but then froze. Tyler let out the most vicious growl I have ever heard from him. "I thought I told you to come alone Skylar!" Tyler growled out through gritted teeth.

I tilted me head in confusion. "No one came with me. I left-" but I was cut off by another growl and it wasn't from Tyler's side. I paused and slowly turned around. I froze when I saw the person, or should I say mob of people standing behind me. And let me tell you, they don't look very happy...


Cliffhanger!! ;) please don't hate me, I'm truly sorry. My throat is killing me and it's very uncomfortable. :(

Who do you think us the group of people? I already know who they are ;) haha.

Oh my gosh, you guys have gotten me over 23,000 readers! And over 550 votes! Please keep reading and voting! Lets see if you can get it over 25,000 reads and over 600 votes? Can you guys do it? I think you can :)

And pleas keep commenting on it this book! I LOVE reading your comments. Some are really funny, and the others are extremely nice. I've only gotten one bad comment, but it's okay. :)

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