Chapter 38: Overprotective people

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Everyone just stared at me. No one moved, no one said anything. I looked at Axel and his eyes were bulging out of his head. I closed my eyes for a brief second before I heard a scream. "My baby is pregnant! I'm gonna have grandchildren. I was waiting for this you know. I'm not getting any younger. I'm so proud of you Skylar!" My mother crushed me in a hug.

"Uh mom." I said looking at her.

Her face tinted a shade of pink. "Oh right. Sorry, I can't believe you are pregnant."

"I'm so proud of you baby girl. Your gonna be a great mother." My dad said with a huge smile while walking and giving me a hug.

"Thanks you guys." I gave them each a hug back.

"We are gonna be uncles!" Spencer yelled.

"I'm really excited." Austin said.

"I know. I can't wait." Carter said with a huge smile. "Is it a boy or girl?" They all stared at me waiting for my answer.

I smiled. "It's a healthy boy." Everyone cheered.

"Oh my gosh. I'm gonna be a dad." Axel said with a huge smile. Oh thankyou God. I thought he didn't like it. "He's gonna be so big and strong. He's gonna be a powerful alpha, he's gonna learn how to play football, soccer, baseball." And he kept going on. I breathed a sigh of relief and gave a nervous smile. "What's wrong babe?"

"You took so long to answer, I-I thought you were gonna be upset." I said quietly.

"Upset?" He laughed. "No. I could never be upset about something like this. I'm glad we are gonna have a baby. This is huge. I'm so excited!" He paused. "Oh my gosh. I sound like a girl..." The girls died laughing at that one. "Oh shut it guys." He pouted sitting back in his chair.

"Oh you're fine." I patted his shoulder.

"So is this why you avoided me all day?" He asked scared.

"Ya. I mean, Amber could already smell it and some of the other pack members. I told everyone it was a new perfume because I wanted it to be a surprise."

"Okay. Just making sure." He laughed.

"Are you gonna have anymore?!" My mom asked getting excited.

"Mother!" I yelled in embarrassment.

"What?! Well can you blame me?" She asked. I guess she did have a point there. "And besides, I want more than one grandchild from you." She pointed at me. "And that goes for all of you." The girls' faces got bright red and the guys wiggled their eyebrows at them making them even more red.

"So we are gonna have a little Axel running around?" Elyse asked. I nodded and she groaned. "Just great..."

"Hey! I'm not that bad." Elyse gave him a 'are you serious look.' "Right?" He asked turning to me.

"Uhh-" I paused looking for an excuse. "Sure mom. I would love to help you with the dishes." I said practically running into the kitchen so I don't get caught.

"What. I'm not that bad people. Jeez." Axel said shaking his head.

"Whatever floats your boat babe." I said giving him a peck on the cheek when I walked back to where they were.

"So if we have little me running around, will we have a little you running around in the future?" He asked sweetly. I blushed at his comment and he chuckled.

"I don't know. It would be nice to have a boy and a girl. But if we don't then it's okay. I just want our children to be perfectly healthy."

"Me too." He said and gave me a quick peck on the lips.

"But I want a niece in the future little sis." Austin said pointing a finger at me. I laughed and nodded.

"Ya that way I can kick any guy's ass if they flirt with her." Carter said with an evil smile.

"Same here. She won't be allowed to date until I say so." Axel said agreeing.

"Guys. She will need space. And that's if I have a girl in the future."

"Don't worry. We will." Axel said with a smile.

"And when you do, I'm gonna spoil her. I'm gonna be her favorite uncle." Spencer said proudly.

"Oh my gosh. How did we become mates?" Jordan asked herself. Spencer growled and she laughed. "You know I'm kidding. I love you." She said pecking his lips.

"You better." He said wrapping his arms around her waist.

The rest of the night was spent talking about the baby boy and what he will do in the future. We are planning on telling the pack in a couple of days. And I have a feeling that Axel, the guys, and the girls will be a little overprotective of me from now on. This will be fun....note the sarcasm.
Sorry it's short. I'm tired haha :)

Oh!!!! You got me over 200,000 readers! That is AMAZING! And my book is featured in the popular section of the werewolf category. Do you guys know how happy I am! Haha :) thankyou all so much. You are the best fans that I could ever ask for. I love you all so so so much :) thankyou for everything.


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