Chapter 4: A rememberable encounter

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As Jordan and I made our separate ways to go to our lockers, I felt eyes on me the entire time. As I opened my locker, none other than Kyle (the school player that will bang anything with a pulse) popped out of nowhere.

"Hey sexy." Kyle says with a wink

"What the hell do you want?!" I snapped at him

"Ooh, feisty, just the way I like 'em." Before I could say anything, he pinned me up against my locker. "So, how about that pretty little ass of yours comes over to my house after school today?" He says. I just stood there and smirked. Me being an alpha's daughter, I easily shoved him off of me, and kicked him where the sun don't shine. Before I could do anything else, he is picked up and thrown across the hall into a set of lockers. I couldn't see anything because a tall, dark, sexy figure stood in front of me in a protective stance. I didn't realize I was spacing out until I heard his deep, low voice.

He turned around and said, "are you alright? Are you hurt? Did he touch you?" While looking at me for any indication that I was touched.

"No, I'm fine." I said while trying to push him off of me. But I couldn't, he had an iron grip around my waist trapping me into his body. I didn't mind, but I sure as hell wasn't going to let him known that. He pinned me up against the locker, and I started to feel my cheeks turn a little red. What the hell is wrong with me? No guy has ever made me feel this way. He seemed to have noticed because he stood there looking down at me and smirked. He put his nose and ran it down my neck making me shiver in delight. He then brought his mouth up to my ear and whispered, "I let you have a fair warning Skylar. You do not run away from us." I knew he was referring to him an his wolf. I could see his eyes start to darken in color, and I also see love and lust swirling around in his beautiful eyes. Dammit Skylar, stop it!! "Anyway, I'm going to let you know. No other guy can talk, look, or even think about you the way that only I can do. You are MINE. Got it?" I nodded yes, I was suddenly turned on about how protective and possessive Axel was being over me right now. He just smirked and said, "now get to class kitten, I will let your teacher know you were talking to me." He winked and then left. I was left standing at my locker dumbfounded about what on earth just happened.

After my class, the bell rang for lunch. Lunch was pretty normal and went by rather quickly today, except for the fact that my brothers have made good friends with Axel so they dragged me and Jordan to sit at the SAME EXACT TABLE as Axel. I could feel his eyes on me the entire time. I started to squirm under his gaze and noticed him smirking. Jordan gave me a confused look, and I have her a 'I'll explain later' look and she just nodded and shrugged it off.

The rest of the day went by rather fast and I also noticed that 'he' has the same classes with me except for second period. Who you might ask...of course it's Axel... As Jordan and I drove home along with my brothers, I noticed an unfamiliar car parked outside our house when we got there. As my brothers, Jordan, and I made our way inside our house, I smelt his scent again. Fresh pine and a wintery touch to it. I looked up and saw him smile at me, it was the type of smile that made me go weak at my knees. My brothers and Jordan all looked at mine and Axel's staring session. Realization hit them and they all mouthed an 'O' now knowing that we were in fact mates. As i finally looked away I made my way to my bedroom. I was walking to my room and was about to close the door when a foot got caught in the door way. Being so close to his body, I felt sparks starting to erupt. I didn't have to look up to see who was hovering over me.

He prompted open the door, picking me up, and closing the door with his foot. He walked towards the middle of my room and put me down, but still kept me inside his iron like grip. "I know you feel the sparks too my little mate. You can't deny them."

"I can try can't I?"

"You won't be able to for long. By the end of the week, you'll be screaming my name to feel my touch again. You're gonna cave in and kiss me while you say you love me." He smirked.

"Umm, ya...I don't think so. I think it will be the other way around."

"Do you now?"

"Ya, pretty much."

"Okay fine, lets make a bet. The first one to cave loses. That means when you kiss me or say I love you, you will be my girlfriend and show everyone that you are MINE, and no one else's."

I was shocked to hear that, but also excited. His possessiveness was such a turn on. But again, I was NOT going to tell him that. I just simply smiled and corrected him. "You mean when YOU cave, you have to....take me AND Jordan on a shopping trip."

"Ugh fine, but there are rules. 1. No having sex or kissing anyone else, 2. No going over the edge with this bet, and 3. You will be mine." He said with a wink and leaving the room to go back downstairs. He suddenly stopped and said without looking at me "good luck kitten, you're gonna need it." And walked out my door.

'Oh this is gonna be fun!' My wolf said.

'Umm ya right, do you know how hard this is gonna be for us?' I said back

'I know, but I got a couple of plans that will have him begging for us to kiss him'

'Sometimes your plans scare me, but I think I'm starting to like this mischievous side of you today'

'Why thankyou' she said laughing

'Are you ready Faith?' I said with determination

'Oh, it's game on!'


Sorry I took so long guys. My power went out so I didn't have wifi and I also had writers block trying to think of what to write while I had no power lol. But anyway, thankyou guys for reading my book. Please vote, comment, and share. Please comment on how you think my book is so far. It's my first book, and I'm kinda nervous but excited to see how this book will turn out :) well, I'll update tomorrow! Stay tuned (:

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